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NI Vision Development Module 8.6.4 update Win32Eng 视觉开发模块VDM8.6.4升级程序 适用LabVIEW8.6.1
机器视觉论坛专供NI VDM8.6.4视觉开发模块升级程序下载。可用于LabVIEW8.6/LabVIEW8.6.1版本。
NI Vision Development Module 8.6 Win32Eng 视觉开发模块VDM8.6 适用LabVIEW8.6
NI Vision Development Module 8.6.1 update Win32Eng 视觉开发模块VDM8.6.1升级程序 适用LabVIEW8.6.1
(154 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)
NI Vision 8.6.4 Development Module Update Readme
January 2009
The NI Vision 8.6.4 Development Module update installs updated files to resolve several issues discovered in the NI Vision Development Module since the release of the NI Vision 8.6.1 Development Module update. For a complete list of the issues addressed in this update, refer to the Updates and Improvements section of this document.
Installation Instructions
Double-click autorun.exe and follow the onscreen instructions to install the NI Vision 8.6.4 Development Module update.
The NI Vision 8.6.4 Development Module update requires that either the NI Vision 8.6.0 Development Module or the NI Vision 8.6.1 Development Module update be installed.
The NI Vision 8.6.1 Development Module update includes fixes for NI Vision Assistant that are not included in the NI Vision 8.6.4 update. If you wish to update NI Vision Assistant, you must install the NI Vision 8.6.1 Development Module update before installing the NI Vision 8.6.4 Development Module update.
Updates and ImprovementsNI Vision 8.6.4 Development Module
The following list describes issues discovered in the NI Vision Development Module since the release of the NI Vision 8.6.1 Development Module update that are fixed in this release. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of the NI Vision Development Module.
- Some VIs that include an Image Display control will not load in LabVIEW 8.6.
- Performing edge detection on a calibrated image causes a crash.
- Previous versions of the NI Vision Development Module cannot load template images produced by the IMAQ Learn Geometric Pattern VI.
- Particle coefficients cannot be called from the .NET interoperability layer.
NI Vision 8.6.1 Development Module
The NI Vision 8.6.1 Development Module update introduces an optimized mode for the IMAQ Edge Tool 3 VI, the IMAQ Rake 3 VI, the IMAQ Spoke 3 VI, the IMAQ Concentric Rake 3 VI, and the IMAQ Find Straight Edges 3 VI. Optimized Mode is a boolean value that, when TRUE, enables a faster edge detection algorithm that does not return an edge map. When FALSE, Optimized Mode enables a standard edge detection algorithm that returns an edge map.
The following list describes issues in previous versions of the NI Vision Development Module that are fixed in this release. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of the NI Vision Development Module.
Request Number | Description | 35387 | The Training the Classifier topic in the NI Classification Training Interface Help does not accurately reflect the NI Classification Training Interface. | 106065 | When using dual monitors, the Open and Cancel buttons in the Select an Image File dialog box may not appear in their correct positions. | 117667 | When using multiple threads to process large images with the IMAQ Correlate VI, multi-core processing is slower than single-core processing. | 117677 | The edge detected along the inner arc of an annulus is incorrect. | 118313 | On LabVIEW Real-Time, merging an arc or multiline overlay with a point out of bounds produces an error. | 119405 | There is a memory leak in the IMAQ Read Image And Vision Info VI. | 119476 | The Vision Assistant Express VI does not properly generate LabVIEW 8.6 code for some steps. | 119514 | Under certain conditions with an inspection running, closing a remote panel connection causes Internet Explorer to crash. | 119723 | The IMAQ Learn Pattern 2 VI may hang. | 120468 | The IMAQ Convert Real World to Pixel VI hangs when repeatedly processing images using a single filename. | 120587 | Batch processing does not work with images acquired with the Acquire Image (IEEE 1394 or GigE), Acquire Image (Smart Camera), or Acquire Image (RT) steps in Vision Assistant. | 120618 | After nonlinear grid calibration of an image, the IMAQ Particle Analysis VI may return a negative size. | 121011 | The Particle Filter step does not function in Vision Assistant. |
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For patents covering the National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Notice at ni.com/patents. |