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[LabVIEW] NI LabVIEW2009 Win32ENG/Fre/Ger/JPN/KOR LV2009 32位英语/法语/德语/日语/韩语版

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    NI LabVIEW2009 Win32ENG/Fre/Ger/JPN/KOR LV2009 32位英语/法语/德语/日语/韩语版

    NI LabVIEW 2009 ENG英语版:
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    LV2009ENG、FRE、GER、JPN、KOR.txt (1.18 KB, 下载次数: 83, 售价: 10 元)

    NI LabVIEW 2009 Fre/Ger/JPN/KOR WIN32位法语/德语/日语/韩语版

    LabVIEW 2009 Readme for Windows
    June 2009
    This file contains important last-minute information about LabVIEW 2009 for Windows, including installation and upgrade issues, compatibility issues, a partial list of bugs fixed for LabVIEW 2009, and changes from LabVIEW 8.6.x. Refer to the LabVIEW Upgrade Notes for more information about upgrade and compatibility issues and a complete list of new features in LabVIEW 2009. Refer to the LabVIEW Release Notes for installation instructions and a complete list of system requirements. After you install LabVIEW, refer to the labview\manuals directory to access these documents. You also can access the LabVIEW Release Notes and LabVIEW Upgrade Notes at ni.com.
    Refer to the National Instruments Web site for the latest information about LabVIEW 2009.
    Refer to the labview\readme directory for readme files about LabVIEW add-ons, such as modules and toolkits.
    Installing LabVIEW 2009
    Installing Another Language Version
    Known Issues
    LabVIEW 2009 (64-bit)
    Additions to the LabVIEW Help
    Bug Fixes
    Installing LabVIEW 2009
    If you have a previous version of LabVIEW installed, you can install LabVIEW 2009 without uninstalling the other version. In this instance, LabVIEW 2009 does not replace the previous version of LabVIEW, which remains installed.
    Refer to the LabVIEW Release Notes for more information about installing LabVIEW on Windows.
    Installing Another Language Version
    If you have installed another language version of LabVIEW 2009, uninstall that version before you install the new language version.
    LabVIEW relies on licensing activation. You must activate a valid LabVIEW license before you can run LabVIEW. To activate the license, use the serial number you received as part of your installation package.
    Refer to the LabVIEW Release Notes for more information about licensing in LabVIEW.
    Known Issues
    You can access the software and documentation known issues list online. Refer to the National Instruments Web site for an up-to-date list of known issues in LabVIEW 2009.
    LabVIEW 2009 (64-bit)
    LabVIEW 2009 introduces a 64-bit version of the LabVIEW Development System. When run on Windows Vista (64-bit version), LabVIEW 2009 (64-bit) provides access to more memory than either a 32-bit operating system or a 32-bit application can provide. LabVIEW 2009 (64-bit) includes nearly all of the development environment features of LabVIEW 2009 (32-bit), including the LabVIEW Application Builder.
    Refer to the National Instruments Web site for information about obtaining a copy of LabVIEW 2009 (64-bit).
    Supported Hardware
    LabVIEW 2009 (64-bit) supports many hardware devices. Drivers are available for DAQ devices, VISA devices, GPIB devices, and image acquisition devices. For GPIB devices, you must use at least NI-488.2 2.6 for Windows. Refer to the specific hardware documentation for more information about compatibility with LabVIEW 2009 (64-bit).
    Supported Modules
    LabVIEW 2009 (64-bit) supports only the NI Vision Development Module. Refer to the Vision Development Module documentation for more information. LabVIEW 2009 (64-bit) does not support any additional add-ons.
    Additions to the LabVIEW Help
    The following list contains any additional changes to LabVIEW that are not included in the LabVIEW Help, the LabVIEW Upgrade Notes, or both.
    • In LabVIEW 8.6.x and earlier, you can define custom error codes in the range of –8999 through –8000 and 5000 through 9999. In LabVIEW 2009, you also can define custom error codes in the range of 500,000 through 599,999.
    • LabVIEW 2009 includes changes to the following VIs:
      • The mse output of the General Polynomial Fit VI and the General Linear Fit VI is renamed residue. The General Linear Fit VI also includes the covariance selector input that indicates whether the VI computes the covariance matrix.
      • The algorithm input of the General Polynomial Fit VI changed from a 32-bit unsigned enumerated data type to a 16-bit unsigned numeric data type.
      • The filter type input of the Bessel Filter PtByPt VI, Butterworth Filter PtByPt VI, Chebyshev Filter PtByPt VI, Elliptic Filter PtByPt VI, and Inverse Chebyshev Filter PtByPt VI changed from a 16-bit unsigned enumerated data type to a 32-bit unsigned enumerated data type.
      • The section and refnum inputs of the Get Key Names VI, the refnum input of the Get Section Names VI, and the refnum input of the Not a Config Data Refnum VI are required inputs.
      • The path input of the Get LV Class Default Value VI is renamed class path.
      • The class data output of the Get LV Class Default Value VI is renamed object.
      • The lv object output of the Get LV Class Path VI is renamed object.
    • LabVIEW 2009 and later includes the following miscellaneous VI behavior changes:
      • The Exponential Fit VI was rewritten with one new input and one changed input in LabVIEW 2009 and later. Replace versions of this VI from previous versions of LabVIEW with an Exponential Fit VI from the Functions palette to use the new functionality.
      • The Gaussian Peak Fit VI was rewritten with two new inputs in LabVIEW 2009 and later. Replace versions of this VI from previous versions of LabVIEW with a Gaussian Peak Fit VI from the Functions palette to use the new functionality.
      • The Open Config Data VI was rewritten with one new input in LabVIEW 2009 and later. Replace versions of this VI from previous versions of LabVIEW with an Open Config Data VI from the Functions palette to use the new functionality.
    • On the Pie Graph and Bar Graph, the Add, Delete, Up, and Down buttons are disabled.
    • In LabVIEW 8.6 and earlier, the user locale determines the font script. In LabVIEW 2009, the system locale determines the font script. To change the system locale, open the Windows Control Panel, double-click Regional and Language Options, click the Advanced tab of the Regional and Language Options dialog box, and select the language from the pull-down menu that correponds to the encoding you want to display in LabVIEW. After you select the language, you must reboot the system.
    Bug Fixes
    The following table contains the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed in LabVIEW 2009. This table is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of LabVIEW. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate the issue has been fixed.
    IDLegacy IDFixed Issue
    348862PA8BEQKAdd "file created?" output to "Open Config Data.vi".
    3506447L25ME9Loss of front panel item order in a tab structure in 8.20 when copying from block diagram.
    35135484GP5TGLabVIEW hangs if breakpoint hit during file load
    354663QHBGARMAnalyze Replace Pattern does not analyze a single space well
    3567242BGO3P2Command Line Example description has incorrect information
    3571142OBQ1SARead Configuration Settings File.vi and Write Configuration Settings File.vi Shipping Examples need to be updated for current version of File Dialog.vi
    3574842T69BQQDifference of performances between LabVIEW 7.1.1 versus 8.2
    3581243JDQO00Inconsistent behavior of "Config Data Modify.vi"
    3585843SEE9SFMATLAB script node does not return errors from script
    3592841KC8O6ODescription.vi creates incorrect syntax for use in Mac OS X Terminal
    3611931H9E8Z3Legend for Digital Waveform Graph is not updated using channel name attribute
    36173347GFKJ1Unflatten From XML does not work with LVVariant tag
    363342VHEF4F2Confusing Help Topic Displayed For a Certain Bad Wire
    36456417CIRVFRead from Measurement File Does Not Return Correct t0 When Reading TDM File in Segments
    366903YIF3700Hidden terminals can be wired
    3690149OA9PMQSimple VI has very ugly wiring for no apparent reason
    3690249OAAU5M"Save for previous" errors
    370224A4FEQFNUsers can't make floaters w/o title bars on Mac OS
    371754577J9N8Errors with class with fixed sized array in private data
    3744844CEN7MQImport Shared Library wizard cannot recognize multiple function declarations in a row
    375553L2ESIF2Inconsistent File Renaming in Write to Measurement File Express VI Config Page
    3926249DBTU00Complex extended waveforms are not supported through TestStand interface
    395794A39D300Add spaces to names with initial caps
    395904A3AAB00Feedback node in timed loop with multiple frames can't be replaced with shift register
    396914AB9K3Q6Vista UI - Spectral Measurements Express VI Config Dialog
    397594AEG2HN6Read From Measurement File: Change Input Title
    397924AC9QA00Conflict dialogs behave differently depending on load order
    398354ALF01Q2Interesting behavior when having multiple modal dialogs at the same time
    398864AJET1BTShift register didn't work as expected
    398894AKDCA00Attempting to add a conflicting VI to a library gives a confusing error message.
    398944AIBG6FC"Select or enter a file path" dialog for shared variable custom data type needs to be localized
    400514AQ9O4P2Cancelling a rename on a VI results in a "Save changes before closing?" dialog.
    400584B1FQ29AAdd Frame Before to Timed Loop/Sequence doesn't make the new frame the right size
    400634AOH3UH7Internal error in linker.cpp, line 3376
    402054B5BMTVIWeb Publishing Tool - Flicker of front panel when launched
    402214BAF1CCSPopup menu "Remove from Project" appears on library items not in a project
    403844BJGL62NVI name and description appear in English in Example Finder when the VI belongs to a lvlib, even if it has been localized.
    406394C5GD2P2LabVIEW seems hung when closing a large project.
    406894C3ELPYURead Channel Groups (TDMS) example has unnecessary front panel items
    408374CJA8AN8For Loop with break outputs fixed sized arrays when autopreallocation is turned on
    409754CT7JJP2Performing Rename on a project item does not prompt for check out of callers.
    409764CT7PGP2User is not prompted to check out files after conflicts are resolved.
    410134CS8E7P2There is no mechanism to find class constants
    410794CQ8A328Spectral Measurements Express VI has some cosmetic issues.
    411324D5AGF7WDefault value of the quit? parameter of the Quit LabVIEW VI
    411834D3GKPXXWrite To Measurement File, TDMS, Doesn't Write Description to the File
    413474DBDQU1WUndo of tile window doesn't untile the diagram
    413894DHCPE00LabVIEW crashes on a new "Digital Waveform Graph"
    414054DE8J75UAuto-populated project folders do not prompt for SCC add when new files appear under them in a project configured for SCC
    415214DJFJ7G3Cannot Drag VIs from Project Files View Onto Block Diagram of Another VI
    415324DK31NIKLVClass - Data Only Operations improvements
    416894DQFF79ACalls can be unbalanced
    417894DRIL6WJTDMS Get Properties returns wrong "found" value
    419014E7B2OY4Function does not perform bounds checking
    419404E34QCE8Read Datalog.vi returns error 4 "End of file encountered" when reading less records than expected
    420764EBFP4C7Project Save As does not delete the old .aliases file
    420774EEBJTN8Feedback node doesn't flash while stepping through code
    420854EAG7979Feedback node lacks label
    421594EG9ALE1Checkmark doesn't show when selecting User Defined Refnum Class on Invoke/Property Node
    422564EMA3H00Data Binding Properties page does not use Windows system colors
    422804EMALL00VI Call Configuration does not use Windows system colors
    425894F4EP1RMMac OS - Default name for "New or Existing" file dialog is not honored
    428054FCK87NTVerify showing a dialog during event handler works - Three-button dialog did not get dismissed
    428444F8EO867Example finder shows multiple USB devices in hardware list
    428524FD2L5LFFront panel grid disappears after running report express VI
    430824FI9LBJ1In Project Window, doing find for the .lvclass file always also finds the private data control
    431694FQ92JQ4Palette Editor dialog cannot display a full path if it's too long
    435964G9GGBCEIcon for Close Reference does not match standards
    436054GD8BAFNUncheck "Include hardware config" checkbox if user cancels hardware config wizard
    436564GBA5IDBWire string to property node fails
    437474GHFQVNTComments are placed in a position which bears no meaning after Clean Up
    440724GJD9GT4ReadFromMeasurementFile.vi returns an error when reading TDMS files with text channels.
    442464H6F2O3UClean Up - Improve weighting
    442964H79125UAdding parent folder of an auto-populating folder does not remove original child folder.
    451074HU6LM00Update property names to match Load VI inputs
    455854IC7A4Q2Add Targets and Devices option is not present if there is only a DiscoveryExpert for an item but not a Create New Wizard
    457734IE8NT2NImport Web Service Authentication - serious cosmetic issues on Vista
    458244ICDCV2NWebServiceImporter.lvlib:Main Panel.lvlib:Authentication.lvlib:Main.vi: Last line does not have enough vertical space.
    459994ILC1T00Diagram Cleanup : Selective Cleanup
    460644IKGK4LXDiagReadExternalLibExports function does not work correctly on Linux
    461204IIDM000Check DLL calls for 64-bit safety
    461394IKH9OXEUnable to "Replace All" Match Regular Expression with any other primitive
    464492JQ91R6ILabVIEW Hierarchy Window does not show the labels of the VIs for print out
    464922OHEJRJ1"Empty Array" doesn't work on some array controls
    465632V36GNNRSet String Length settings from a typedef are not getting updated
    466162W3MKAAPCleanup wire deletes any wires close to 16K pixels long
    466242VKEISTR"Preallocate array and strings" execution property does not show up in the list of VI execution properties
    468943699NSJ1"Source" string for error code clusters generated by Storage VIs are corrupt
    4695937LCFE2QAllow the user to select the number of recently opened VIs for the recently opened VI list.
    476053L99R5P2Opening an invalid file from File>>Recent File does not update recently opened list
    478053NBCTIJ1Problems with UI in adding a new Domain ("Domain Properties" dialog)
    478183NAC1T00"Add to project" choice not correctly preserved between Save As calls
    478923NS7LIE4All labels for controls/indicators created from DataSocket Select URL.vi have non-transparent background
    479073NQARC00Clipboard does not work outside of LV in Linux KDE
    479803OPCCHKYTree control in Select Variable UI collapses without user interaction
    480763PDBNGVIClean up for a lot of open VI references takes much longer in LV 8.0 than 7.0
    481253PK8KF00Add context help to timed structure left and right data nodes
    481773PRFQ000InvokeNodeMeth::Traverse does not exist
    481953Q9DN1ZUDeployment fails for all Variables in a Library if one Variable has a bad binding
    482083Q9G5MF7Browser dialog for binding to network variables has just IP's, not names, for RT targets
    482163Q6FSM7MRecent Files menu doesn't handle multi-byte characters correctly
    482293Q98ARP2There is no way to differentiate a This App reference from a regular control reference.
    485433TOG6U3ACustom Scroll Bar Width Does Not Save
    488983WCBG3GQNon-leaf dotted properties return TRUE from IsStrictTypeDefReadOnlyProperty
    490863XMFS6J1Saving a VI that uses a variable in an untitled library does not require the library to be saved
    491623XT91GJ1Need to prevent "Save As" on a VI when the owning library is locked
    492033Y19FKN4Graph Zoom Tool doesn't work right on intensity charts.
    492613Y8FBFV6Grid alignment breaks CTRL-drag "make space" feature
    492963YBD1U1WshowSystemVIs=True should affect MRU list
    493063YDBQQ9ZNeed to get rid of unnecessary exceptions in variable validation
    493383YHFM2J1DataSocket needs to handle error from UnFlattenTDR
    493823YM3JDFBApplication Builder will not Accept Two Colons in Registry
    493953YM9AGP2Mac OS - Warning triangle overlay for missing file is not shown.
    494743Z5G07UZComplex waveforms are not supported through TestStand interface
    49641402GRQJ1The "New>>Override VI" dialog needs to resize horizontally
    49674406NTJLLabVIEW Example Finder incorrectly states an example can be run on an RT target
    4986741BK1KKZ"Use text labels for scale markers" is not visible on slider or knob control property page
    4995641LCJI00In the Open section of the Getting Started window, there should be a separator between projects and VIs
    49974428AO72NFormat Into-Scan From File.vi Context help describes wrong VI
    49977428CG92NExample Exponential.vi - Output has wrong name on 4 out of 5 cases
    49983423EO4NM"Broken variable" icon has non-transparent background
    5003742H9GUFCexamples\Waveform\FileIO.llb\Acquire waveform(simulated).vi: 'Time' is hidden.
    5011542QCJ9P2Installer build spec Properties>>Registry does not allow selection of REG_SZ after key type is changed to REG_DWORD.
    50130438EL7FCExample VIs IrDA Talk Module Active/Passive: display issue
    50137437A7NG0VI Hierarchy Settings Are Not Saved to LabVIEW.ini Upon Closing LabVIEW
    50141437EP4ZUFix for Win64
    50144437F21ZUMost of our PSP clients and servers are relying on pointers being 32-bits wide
    501474387RDXCScroll bars not working correctly on Additional Installers page
    50177439AN7FCExample VI Temporary XY Chart Buffer.vi: diagram help needs to change from string constant to free label
    50184439D4JFCExample VI Multiple Connections - Client 1/2: diagram help strings not tagged for localization.
    50186439DC7FCExample VI Multiple Connections - Server: diagram help needs to be localized
    5020043CFMMFCExample VI High Level Register Access.vi: block diagram help not localized
    5028243TA9E5Bni::dsc::osdep::path::CreateDir does not work on network path
    50360446HO4U4Ctrl-F functionality incorrect
    5043544JBKEP2Double-clicking on a class in the Class Hierarchy window doesn't do anything.
    5055245ADKQ07Express VIs - "DDN" Improvement Needed
    5062445LI8LV6Extraneous find results from some regular expressions
    50778467712P2Cosmetic problems with Align and Resample Express VI.
    5086346CAE5ZULogos does not load on Vista if the services are not running
    5094046K6Q51WDraw issue with event data nodes
    509994703DU4UApp About box in built application is misnamed
    5102946MEQHMQHitting enter on the Search Help field should be the same as clicking "Go"
    51159477ER31GDetailed Help link missing in context help window for properties/methods
    51211478DFIV9It is possible to use key binding to change the value of controls in a disabled tab control page
    5122147GC0EV6Attempt to open ownee.lvlib that falsely claims membership in owner.lvlib yields duplicate windows
    5123847F7LKBWVI diff tool doesn't recognize difference in LV versions
    5126447MF81N8proptyp2.cpp line 2901 undoing a change to a VI that results in a type changing from fixed point to waveform
    51395482E0BPWLocalVariableDef has inconsistent use of "ans" and empty string on LHS
    5145147TEK7C3Path leak
    5160048HIG5JLVista UI - Shortcut Menu Editor Dialog Box
    5160448O95PPKDragging Class to Front panel on VI drops Path control
    5162948NDNC5LGet File Size: Double-click from palette search takes you to wrong VI
    5163348C8DQGQZip pages go to generic Zip Properties topic
    5172448BGQJFCVista UI - Select Contents to copy dialog
    5172848HHB5JLVISTA UI - MENU Editor Dialog Box
    517724908AQ00Create new R Series project "Select an FPGA target" dialog doesn't move forward when I double-click on a target
    5187649LE8U00Add new RTE upgrade code, update save/load previous for Installer Builder
    5196349FBJLOZTestStand changes ActiveX reference when passed to LV code module
    520774A58STN8Flavor property of ring constant returns an error
    5208249UDNRQ6Default value for ActiveX Server Name Control is lost in LV Chinese
    520894A0EOJN8Properties right click option grayed out for VI in project in a locked library
    521214A0F660CShould Fixed-Point conversions on NaN mirror Integer conversions?
    521314A3DN400In-memory callers will silently patch to new VIs saved with name of missing callees
    521454AAFOU2NApplication name in title bar is still in English
    521574AAFUK2NString still in English
    521674AAG422NDomain Account Manager - not enough space for domain name
    521824AD8SMD8GetElement method returns the wrong kind
    521854A7AG9OZShared Variable Provider - Add context help support
    522034AAF552NDomain Account Manager About window: Needs more space for French text to fit
    522174AAFAC2NDomain properties window: Active list option not easy to understand
    522234ADAOQ00Array memory sometimes not updated
    522364AAFF02NDomain Account Manager - Titles of error dialogs are in English
    522464AB9K028Error 8 should be more user-friendly when rebuilding a LV-built DLL that is currently loaded in memory
    522964AHFTJMQFormat fail on Mac OS and Linux
    523864AQD1828In Installer property dialog, the company URL should be empty as a default
    524424ASFNG9AIssues when opening a project and a library/XControl has moved
    525064B59HQH7Throwing out VIs which still have clones
    525314B8FT5F3Use machine epsilon or make modification of the APIs in Limit Testing Time.vi
    525374BAEC7P2Usability issues with Merge dialog.
    525404B8CL200Wrong behavior when loading project where library was renamed but only some refers were saved
    525444BB872FC"Processor" setting appears twice on timed loop.
    525554BB89OVIUpdate the build process so LABVIEW_PLAT_DIR is not needed for make
    526094BFFD1IOFXP - Adapt to Source menu item popup dialog
    526434BJCC49ANeed to modify the icons for generated VIs slightly
    526654BGFRA00Internal error with "Replace with…"
    526794BQEM52NVIs configuration dialog prevents the opening of Express Example VI
    527014BOCAQN8Fixed-point type doesn't work with DataSocket
    527374BMGG2MXSystemVIs don't appear under dependency node even when ShowSystemVIs=TRUE
    527424BTDK32JMathScript 'filter' error
    528094CCBRNWUChange text on button in LabVIEW Icon Editor
    528414CM8QFFKlvanlys.dll causes errors on RT system
    529324D9FSA9ZCross context links for target relative variables
    529644DHA9IWXMissing LabVIEW classes prevent operations - some VIs in the test do not search for both the missing class files
    529994DPDC2P2LabVIEW crash when adding a class-owned-by-another-library to a project if it is already open in another application instance
    530954E9E34NTCreating Loading and Saving Projects (Classic Mode)
    531344ELC1JJ1Class private data controls appear under "typedefs" to find in the Find dialog
    532194F57LL1WInstanceInfo Poly VI property can't be written for a poly VI with no instances
    532334FD7867KWarning not passed through Transition Measurements.vi correctly
    535164H29CU7FChange "menu" to "palette" on Select Menu From Project Library File dialog
    535704H6G4E3UBranch wires not assigned the same slot
    537224HOEJ71WNetwork variable creation fails
    537714I679ON8can't drag class from Dependencies to My Computer when it's locked
    539824IH8Q8PWCan't drop cosecant primitives
    5431545NB37VIVIServer CliEstablishConnection ignores timeout when writing and reading data
    544194ADHKC00Attempting to open VI with a missing library that is also in conflict launches four confusing dialogs, and ends up cross-linked
    544394AL9MEVIMemory Leak
    544564BCF4LF2Erroneous File Not Found Error When Searching for SubVIs
    5494241CE6I39Storage VIs do not recognize DIAdem date/time channels
    550674AE7ND5ICall Library function node config can break VI
    550914APC8Q7UProject:Projects[] Property is available but not useful in the run-time engine
    550994AQGI900Method Remove Frame on event structure crashes LabVIEW
    551164B8D7JJ1"type" input on Variant To Data should be a required input
    551644C9ATMBDOpening Data Viewer.vi crashes LabVIEW
    551674C9CG7BDLabVIEW Hang
    551764CH2LNGICannot build DLL if using Numeric- FXP.
    555924ID8I43ZChanging the Call Library Node config for loading library from diagram can cause the label shown for the node to get out of sync
    564593UC9HJNMSave All causes VIs with variables to become dirty
    566213XBBMV00Description for Shared Variables
    567553ZGGQ1JKDIAdem Report Express Block does not always recognize a VBScript Report Layout file
    5684040S96D00local variable label is blanked out after undoing a delete
    5688841R9CMWJDIAdem Report Express VI loses DIAdem scripts/layouts in built applications
    573534847SAFNVistaUI - Debug Application or Shared Library Dialog Box
    5741348K9ALPJNumeric Controls Do Not Auto Scroll
    5742248PC4IC3Deploying the Dynamic Dispatch example when it's in another context crashes
    5743748BEEDGQString Constant: Properties isn't the bottom popup item, as is convention
    5745648O41LXBDraw text at point.vi doesn't work properly at text property clockwise/counterclockwise
    57471498E71C3New VI for Override fails on RT
    5753049EC55APSelection rectangle scrolling does not work correctly on the diagram
    576304A8D6I00Shared library wizard: Not all text changed from "Predefined Symbols" to "Preprocessor Definitions"
    576494AAF38VIDouble-clicking a static VI reference of running VI should open the front panel of that VI
    576804AKC6OJ1Ctrl+drag from one VI to another VI needs to shift window focus to the other VI
    576964AH9N7K8Custom Data in Tree Controls - Must Enable Drag/Drop Outside of Control Property to Drag/Drop At All
    577654AQF0B7CUsing Defer Panel Updates with String Control Property Node Updates Value
    577684AP97OAPSystem spin control clips labels even when increment/decrement buttons not shown
    578674B5EL31WString copy artifact dragging VI icon to string control on another VI
    579234BFDE9X0Parameter for Start Drag method of control is not localized
    579554BSDD700Call by reference node allows array of references as input
    579804BTBMMZUnitaglv needs to return a warning
    580574C1AOTKUtagsrv crashes when deleting processes with restricted characters
    583114D3E35F7Some LogosXT threads don't have useful names on VxWorks
    583964DGA8EEECorrupted front panel object (gauge) in LabVIEW 8.5
    584704DP814GQFavor the face name over the character set.
    584744DKCMK00Dropping invalid style object crashes LabVIEW
    585614E4C2TN4String: Word-wrap property set not backed up properly
    590864FR9UN9ZBetter error code when setting Shared Variable property when VI is not in project
    591294G57PEK7Animated Gif only works if the other Gif is visible
    591594G30ABEXBoolean Button Cannot include a data type in Ctl Refnum
    592164GCFATGIThe StaticMemberVIs functions cannot work
    593554GHG47P2Numeric property pages should open to a useful tab
    594104GG4AF8HClean Up - Polymorphic VIs the gap between the two VIs is not taking into account selector caption
    594354GJ9AS00Moving Highlighted Boolean
    605424IHHJJC3Saving Library VIs with password
    611393OUG6BM9Square root of units with odd powers gives the wrong answer
    6234045NHQRR2Wrong dialog behavior for Storage VIs 'Set Properties' and 'Get Properties'
    639344AM9E76IWarning - Component flexdata not being found
    710734FQD3LBKModal windows assimilated (into MAX)
    8805237LF6SN8opening the owner of a subVI can change the name of the subVI
    893583PM8RGC3Incorrect Linkage to Variable after a Save As
    895063QODJAP2"Overwrite" input on Easy Report VI does not work for RSL option.
    895353QPD9EUKVIAn Easy Report.vi missing some Context Help
    895583R3ETMN8trailing space lets you open up the same VI twice in the same context
    906243ZDCII00Icon Editor for Build files in project behaves wrong for write protected files
    91279454DHIF2Non-32x32 SubVI Icons Needs Tweaking
    9184548F8KN00Investigate Internal Error panel
    921654AEAA600Load and retain static CallByRefNode that creates recursive reservation will never unreserve.
    922594AKCLCMQTemporary files for libraries in LLBs not being deleted
    923704AP9JVJ1Remove Breakpoints from Hierarchy does not know to search dynamic dispatch VIs
    928864DJA4TBWVI Analyzer - Default export directory in protected area
    93725-Get Key Names.vi returns comments as key names
    93941-Add Timestamp to shared variable properties dialog data type ring
    94526-Mac CIN
    94664-XControl Instance Data Copy won't invoke Data Change Event in the Facade.vi
    95094-VI Analyzer Results Tree right-click doesn't work
    95098-VI Analyzer tab order problem on Select VIs page
    95338-Save changes dialog using merge LLB feature
    95339-Default context menu for results table in Merge LLB dialog
    95408-Ellipses use in Project DLL warning not consistent with Microsoft
    95626-Timed While loop crash under LabVIEW
    96243-Replacing XY Graph Changes Data Type of References
    96660-Clean Up- Unnecessary wire crossings
    97821-Static call by reference (i.e. call setup) does not update VI connector pane
    97822-VI with static call by reference (i.e. call setup) loads unbroken but then breaks after a CTRL+run arrow
    97871-LabVIEW Project makes VI Server:FrontPanel:Title incorrect
    98243-Event node overlaps wires on clean up
    98790-Ctrl-Right Click Palette Feature Doesn't Work on Mac OS
    98925-Express VIs from File I/O Storage class can't be placed on the diagram
    99055-Opening an XControl or class inside of an llb fails
    99248-Error 1 at Read Datalog with unwired terminal and a cluster containing a path
    99651-LabVIEW crash in MemoryManager.cpp line 406 with MixedSignalGraph strict Value property
    99931-Unexpected and inconsistent results in random noise generator VIs
    100334-LabVIEW crashes when creating multiplot cursor mixed signal graph
    100954-Undo/Redo problems with Conditional Disabled Structure
    101293-Requested update to one-button dialog error string
    101744-VI hierarchy window does not show up in Windows list when minimized
    101986-Windows x64 License
    102275-Domain Account Manager still contains some English in German
    102276-Error message of Domain Account Manager still contains some English strings in German
    102745-Add VI Server API for I/O Variables
    102997-Irregularity in renaming a Shared variable while using Shared variable 'rename' option
    103022-ActiveX Property Browser cannot be launched
    103090-Struct definition not recognized in Import Shared Library wizard
    103290-Several Tools > Options pages may fail to load
    103395-System Manager cosmetic issue in German on Vista
    104071-VIs do not update after using the multiple variable editor to change variable properties
    104651-"Run executable after installation" fails if executable calls another LabVIEW installer
    1051914709CDDVImprove Crash Detection when Match Regular Expression May Cause Stack Overflow
    105467-Gaussian fit fails if the peak is narrow
    105469-Bad Error Message in Equi-Ripple BandPass PtByPt.vi
    105771-Equi-Ripple BandPass PtByPt should give error for wrong inputs
    105825-Do not add numbers on the icons of new VIs
    105943-No error if you try to send on a socket which does not yet have a peer socket handle
    106042-Variable alarms with same names will not be detected when editing "Alarming" page
    106090-Custom Control "Open Control" dialog keeps going back to documents and settings folder
    106099-Show error button not working for broken variable project item
    106134-Improve performance of Logos - multiple connections to the same machine
    106225-New 3D Graph properties and methods are not localized
    106248-Unused .mnu files
    106377-Change variable type may cause 2 alarms set to be the same level
    106452-Webservice.ini file
    106747-A cosmetic issue in Import Shared Library dialog
    106812-Creating property that close palette window
    107632-The string, "Distributed System Manager 8.6" in Windows program menu selection should be localized
    107665-Issues with Const ability comment warning against modifying
    107703-Hybrid based express VI moves when you select the already selected icon style
    108132-Block diagram goes out of view after clean up
    108182-Cannot close Class Browser window after you've closed the VI you opened it from
    108209-The "More Product Information" link is not launching the merged help with the Contents tab
    108592-Shared Variable localization issues in the Variable Dialog
    108656-Variable dialog sometimes chooses the data type of the last variable configured
    108672-Replacing outdated Express VI does not give notice
    109285-LabVIEW Help reference leaks
    109452-Error text shown for I/O variables when loaded in the incorrect context are inconsistent
    109541-Read Binary File returns an EOF error when the data type and count are unwired
    109607-Changing Window Behavior From Modal to Floating Causes Block Diagram to Lose Focus
    109858-Login error dialog needs to be localized completely
    1100233YC9T09ORemove breakpoints from hierarchy does not work on locked VIs (or subVIs)
    110189-Clean Up - Case structures need to be at least minimum length
    110265-Import shared dll - one of the summary strings is not localized
    110308-LabVIEW crash using DataSocket Connect.vi with OPC Item with quality "Value bad"
    110527-Create Accessor dialog sometimes creates erroneous accessor VIs
    110741-"Saving Data" Boolean in Write to Measurement File Express VI always reads true
    110975-VI Hierarchy diagram seems to redraw when minimized and maximized
    111206-Clearing out Convert Units function doesn't immediately break VI as it should
    111207-strfind does a regular expression match instead of a substring match
    111411-"Programatically" spelled incorrectly in an example directory
    111544-DSC license issue
    111613-Library Property "Localized Name" should be limited to a single line of input
    111797-If project contains two VIs of the same name, and one is missing, you can't remove the missing one
    112124-Contents of FXP Word length and Integer word length is not localized
    112154-Loading TDMS file can fail if index file is very large
    112426-Import Script does not work for read-only files
    112491-Category section in Option dialog needs a horizontal scroll bar
    112510-Undo window maximization on Linux only resets paint rect, not actual window
    112704-Changing the "Read Lines" setting on Read From Text File does not cause type props
    112751-Build Errors when VI Names are Identical but Capitalized Differently
    112753-Matrix log may return the wrong error code -20068
    112781-"Generate Temporary File Path.vi" does not return if the input to the "Temporary File Extension" is "..\.."
    112872-Project opens after canceled
    113015-Inconsistent terminal names in Create VI for Data Member Access
    113289-Changes needed for Type context help
    113332-Building an application that has duplicate mnu files that are part of a library result in a broken EXE
    113335-Building a source distribution where two text files go to the same location cause incorrect preview
    113525-"Create Directory" primitive breaks VI and displays unexpected message
    113553-First deployment of VI that references single-process variable fails
    113593-Palette Editor: Right-click menu shows options for synched items even not in sync directory
    1137933YP9C777IsRunningBuiltAppVIs has incorrect signature
    113852-Call Library Reference Node Hangs
    113877-Hexadecimal, octal, and binary data type should be grayed out in Slide property dialog
    113951-Variable dialog does not allow scaling of integer types
    114050-If you remove the diagram from a caller VI and edit a subVI with the caller still open LabVIEW may crash
    114053-Libraries no longer consistently saved at oldest compatible version
    114101-LastIn-FirstOut problem in Data Viewer for TDM files
    114128-Property page for table lets you set row/columns to 0 and large number in Appearance tab
    114274-Cannot set Value property of DAQmxName class property node when inside strictly typed Cluster
    114402-Subdirectory input on Shortcuts page of Installer Builder allows forward slashes
    114973-Detection of custom I/O name popup menu items not correct for 64-bit.
    115350-Deploy to Target Dialog has overlapping text in German
    115395-RT Target Item creates context incorrectly when RT is not installed
    115471-Can't ctrl-drag a file from an auto-populating folder from one target to another target
    115536-Web service - incorrect values for out of range inputs
    115613-Project.cpp line 490
    115773-LabVIEW Class indicator on Front Panel does not align with error cluster if created from template
    115821-Error Number and VI Path Are Switched Around in VI Analyzer Results
    115897-Cannot fix missing parent class by changing to inherit from LabVIEW Object
    116164-Wrong behavior of "Label Offset" in cursor list of graphs when using scale multiplier
    116222-The total system memory reported by the NI System State publisher changes on reboot
    116277-When the shared variable dialog is launched from Sysman, it's not localized
    116389-Changing Protection property of password protected library does not prompt to check out of SCC
    116395-Poor feedback when trying to open a VI that is missing its front panel
    116421-Conflict text for "cycle detected" needs to be localized
    116443-Example Finder should recognize up/down arrows
    116461-Incorrect error on first read of network-published variable with timeout of zero
    116486-Ability to sort discovered devices in the Add Targets and Devices dialog is broken
    116491-Access control of German Variable dialog is not localized
    116537-Web Server with Web Services cannot be restarted on Korean Vista
    116655-[from beta] Right Click Menu for Report Generation
    116690-numerics display format for very small numbers
    117040-Things behave weirdly if user saves an untitled variable library while VI is running
    117285-Disconnected typedefs lose default values
    117383-Invalid references after writing String[] property of enum in a typedef
    117395-LabVIEW crashes when you hit CTRL-I on a probe
    117448-Polymorphic VIs Incorrectly Identify an I64 Input as I16
    117468-Unable to place ".NET Object to Variant" out of the LV Help into the Block Diagram
    117550-Modal Class Browser shows available methods instead of constructors when linked to a .NET constructor
    117557-Cannot Edit I/O Alias Properties after deleting the bound I/O Variable
    117574-"Use the default LabVIEW icon file" checkbox is unchecked when custom icon is missing
    117575-Text on "Build Targets Programmatically.vi" is cut off on Vista
    117661-'File Information' Dialog is abortable in German LabVIEW
    118166-Merge LLBs Dialog is abortable
    118252-Fast Type Prop not properly detecting default case in Case structure
    118303-MathScript Heat Equation VI
    118467-Device tab in the French Example Finder UI has cosmetics issues
    118670-LabVIEW 8.6.0 crash during mass compile
    118706-Dynamic VIs are not sortable in the Create Override VI dialog
    119438-SubVI configuration option "Show FP When Called" does not work for dynamic dispatch subVIs
    119645-LabVIEW may crash when profiler is started: profvi.cpp line 3754
    119667-Find Missing Items should refresh the project after it completes
    119684-Crash when select "Select Method..." or "Select Method > Browse..."
    119962-Doing find for "LabVIEW Object" crashes LabVIEW
    120180-No files are installed when Installer source file is an LLB from source distribution
    120330-Variable config dialog has a translation issue
    120633-Some National Instruments VIs in LLBs contain invalid characters
    120663-Web Publishing Tool may freeze after selecting VI to publish
    120697-LabVIEW error DNLinker.cpp line 262
    120792-Example VI saved with LabVIEW 7.1 crashes LabVIEW 8.6 - Digital Graph
    120864-Append VI List of SubVIs to Report does not include Express VI Configuration Information by default
    120912-Open/Close refcount bad for RefnumTag
    121010-Report type input of New Report.vi has been made Required without mutation code
    121437-Context help window not updated when selecting feedback node
    121449-Run-time error calling TDMS Get Properties with empty group/channel and invalid file reference
    121568-Deploy EtherCAT will fail if local modules are deployed and NI-RIO IO scan is uninstalled
    121740-Default palette express mode should be Category (Icon + Text) format
    121992-FXP wiring issues
    122017-The Complex Conjugate.vi fails when the input is INT32 etc.
    122036-Polynomial Roots VI does not return error for polynomial with trailing NaNs
    122197-Vertical rotated text turns blue on Mac OS
    122264-"Select a VI..." behaves incorrectly
    122394-VI server and invoke node for front panel , the run arrow and error list are not correct
    122607-Need to add a "cross product" function
    122644-Front panel and block diagram images are incorrect for VIs with the same name when inside nested libraries
    122947-Web Services Examples Do Not Instruct Users to Enable Web Services
    122998-Root Finder have different results on Mac (Intel based)
    123169-Need more visibility for how to use context help window
    123223-Operate»Data logging doesn't work for FXP types
    123653-Class is broken because of a missing member VI
    123757-Wrong behavior of tree control with event "edit cell?"
    123792-MathScript: Strange behavior from phasedelay
    123847-VIs called from TestStand should be able to parallelize their diagram
    124068-Incorrect SubVI Path Capitalization
    124111-Project window doesn't display classes after opening library that contains them
    124113-SubPanel Open Block Diagram option does nothing when VI in SubPanel is running
    124118-Can't resize legend area of a mixed signal graph having multiple plot areas
    124214-Save As»Duplicate Contents with Dependencies error with LabVIEW 8.6 project
    124464-Quick Drop Does Not Work on the Front Panel of Template VIs
    124550-Shift-Right Click to Bring Up Tools Palette Only Works in Empty Space in LabVIEW 8.6
    124625-Shared Variable crash on loading customized control with LabVIEW class object
    124807-"deconv" command sometimes gives wrong size output in MathScript node and window
    125429-Palettes - Measurement & Waveform Analysis
    125433-The translation for Alias should be corrected in Alias Manager dialog.
    125477-SScanF does not work correctly
    125491-The Context Help for Feedback Node inside While Loop does not appear.
    125492-Detailed Help for Feedback Node opens the default LabVIEW help page
    125494-Mixed Signal Graph Plot Legend unexpected behavior after Clear Graph
    125579-LabVIEW 8.6 error log file: SharedVariableNode.cpp line 2032
    125584-Easy Text Report VI: Update parameter name
    125643-Config file VIs write over VIs and other non INI files
    125690-SaveInstrument method help - more description needed for Save A Copy parameter
    125751-Diagram cleanup fails on VI
    125756-LabVIEW crashes on client when File ->VI Property on remote panel window is accessed
    126016-Visa Control and Indicator Broken Wire When Upgrade from 8.5.1 to 8.6
    126170-Diagram CleanUp Crash
    126356-Conditional Disable Structure is not being properly revaluated when VI is loaded into AppLibs context
    126478-Error popup when trying to compare revisions of VIs in libraries
    126507-Crash when clean up on a VI with a broken wire without source and destination is inside a diagram disable
    126512-MathScript function 'blkdiag' produce incorrect result when the inputs are not square matrix.
    126685-VI diff tool does not catch VI documentation differences
    126759-CleanupProcPtr does not include the calling convention in its declaration
    126796-"Replace" menu item not available for shared variables
    126831-Prompt User For Input Express VI will not appear in front of Modal Front Panel
    126872-Should Not Mass Compile VIs in an RTEXE
    127027-LabVIEW 8.6 crash in compiler.cpp line 1253 after moving feedback node
    127053-VI-Server LVLibrary.Open returns an erroneous reference when asked for a class already loaded in another context
    127093-Bug in the MathScript function condeig.
    127281-Loop array indexing incorrect behavior
    127332-"Call Internal Cmd" method with "GetTestList" and "RunTests" Fails
    1273533HBCCCLYTestStand Interface should provide an error when VI it's running aborts
    127424-MathScript contourf draws unnecessary line fragments
    127625-LabVIEW 8.6 crashes on exit when Call Setup is set to "Load and Retain" from within a provider VI
    127706-MathScript colormap does not work on 3D plot
    127774-"Save for previous" method crashes LabVIEW if an empty string constant is wired to the Version terminal.
    127779-Mixed Signal Graph x-axis resizes improperly then disappears after running twice
    127865-LabVIEW may crash or hang when running a VI that instantiates an ATL server
    128037-Waveform FIFO crashes LabVIEW if number of Waveform Data Points is 0
    128064-Sound VIs will hang when playing music after clicking "stop" button on Mac and Linux
    128137-Control terminal hide behind a Flat frame if "Move Controls to left of containing diagram" is selected
    128202-Call by ref node doesn't update after changing connector pane of strict VI reference
    128271-MathScript 'find' function doesn't support some syntaxes
    128407-TestStand UI Built in LabVIEW Freezes When Moving Splitter Bars While a Sequence is Executing
    128495-TypeProp bug in LabVIEW 8.6
    128523-"Recently Used Files" menu should ignore the underscore naming convention of LabVIEW
    128542-TDMSFileWrite function did not catch exception thrown by GetFileIdFromRefnum which crashed LabVIEW.
    128574-Buffer reuse wrong
    128652-Undo after setting a recursive class VI to subroutine priority crashes LabVIEW
    128700-Performance bug in LabVIEW Advanced Analysis Library
    128859-2D convolution has memory leakage when set "size" to "size X"
    128891-Changing LabVIEW class icon doesn't prompt user to apply changes to all VIs in class unless there is a direct child
    128965-Mixed Signal Graph X-Axis Resize and Multiple Plot Divider Expands
    128985-New example needed for Chirp Z transform
    129072-Web services is not enabled with evaluation license
    129073-Web services palettes should be available with evaluation license
    129374-Misspelling in summary of Array Handle in Call DLL example
    129514-Feedback Node error message
    130186-Error -1950678965 occurred at Shared Variable
    130213-Need Errors on 64-bit
    130249-LabVIEW strings may not be returned to TestStand safely
    130306-Coercion menu incomplete for numeric control increment
    130314-Writing then Reading String from Binary File Yields Error 115
    130321-Wiring to a sequence local doesn't cause PropTypes
    130388-MathScript Strange plot behavior from function 'title'.
    130398-The MathScript function fir2 should use the frequency sampling method to design filter.
    130399-Strange behavior in MathScript function 'remezord'.
    130401-Use continuous integral as the target function in MathScript function 'firls'.
    130479-Save corrupting VIs
    130586-Project "Find" gives different results depending on unsaved changes
    130628-Format Parameters for Format String and Build Text needs to match
    130778-LabVIEW 8.2 VI in LLB may crash LabVIEW 8.6
    130876-crash in XCtlVICallMsg::ClearMsgs()
    130881-[LabVIEW Class] LabVIEW crashes when stopping mass compile dialog.
    130995-MathScript - draw contour line is slow
    131110-Open Data Storage format is reset to tdms once the config dialog is closed
    131123-MathScript Reshape with empty matrix dimension does not work
    131139-MathScript - Different behavior of 'ellipsoid' between help and execution.
    131169-Silent failure trying to drop a VI if its version is too old to load
    131173-Reading (read-only) TDMS files with no index file via a read-only file share does not work
    131230-Case Structure "GetFrameIndex" Method Crashes LabVIEW if the output is unwired
    131286-[TestStand] Set Path crashes LabVIEW when passed for a VI that is in a library.
    131298-MathScript function 'del2' produces incorrect result at the edge of the rectangle.
    131364-Event structure breaks VI, but no error listed
    131499-Strange behavior of "Bundle by Name" Function when used with Shift Registers
    131671-Linux SUSE 11 - LabVIEW crashes with fontmgr.cpp, line 1332 when loading project that has files that use XControls.
    131858-Re-create Port Property Node to set server port at run-time
    131950-LabVIEW crashes when run VI with empty array fed to auto-index terminal wired to multiple element shift register
    131998-VI with many Cases Crashes Diagram Cleanup Tool
    132161-MathScript imwrite produces incorrect results
    132204-Need Product Locators for Features
    132235-Storage API errors when writing strings to TDMS, possible crash
    132432-3D Graph Changes from Perspective to Orthographic Mode
    132437-The Property "Metrics.Advanced" of VI Class gives out wrong values when a VI contains Express VIs.
    132827-[Storage VIs] Write Data terminal 'append/replace' doesn't work
    132927-IndexMode Property on LoopTunnel Class Returning Incorrect Value
    133034-5 BD Heap error when copying feedback nodes in LV 8.6
    133035-Execution Time of Traverse Method Increases Greatly When Large Project Is Open
    133405-Upgrading older LabVIEW files with unit conversion nodes from 7.0 to 8.6
    133470-Comparing two Event Registration Refnums controls with an Equal? function will crash LabVIEW
    133796-Web Services Sessions do not appear to time out
    133881-VI Hierarchy Not Displaying All Dependencies
    133965-Context help is not updated when using keyboard to navigate project explorer.
    134006-Memory leak with analog waveform datatype
    134129-In Place Element Structure configured for taking in a variant of an array will be broken
    134147-Cluster of Refnum Type Defined Crashes Executable
    134294-Support for XPath queries on XML data needed
    134312-LabVIEW Comparison Misses Change
    134457-Crash when hovering over broken wire segment after moving it
    134562-LabVIEW may crash when clean up is called on extremely large VIs
    134607-Improper Addition and Subtraction when I32 2D arrays are coerced to work with I64 2D Arrays
    134636-Need an active mark on I/O name control VIs.
    134712-Clean Up crash
    134733-Installing certain dlls to "nishared" directory causes warnings while saving
    134840-LabVIEW 8.6 throws Runtime Error after closing VI programmatically - Front Panel Close
    134884-.NET callback call is broken when datatype is a double
    134974-LabVIEW Crashes on right clicking on particular broken wires
    135017-Project that calls .NET dll requires saving the VI before building an application if the project file has moved
    135278-Documentation not clear on canceling a wire
    135318-VI Metrics may give incorrect values for "diag width (pixels)" and "diag height (pixels)"
    135601-Deconvolution does not work with Square waves
    135646-Cancel operation in Read Measurement File VI reports an error which is confusing
    135928-Get File Size, when file not found, populates indicator with size from last file that was found
    135982-Creating SubVI from Feedback Node (with initializer term moved to Loop), errors and crashes
    136536-LabVIEW hangs if you create the ZIP preview without selecting zip directory name
    137093-Enabling 'show constant folding' causes the code to execute differently
    137536-Nonexistent hostname crashes LabVIEW with TCP/IP VIs
    137551-Digital Graph cursors show index 0's Y value if there is no waveform transition data
    137557-LabVIEW 8.6 project using certain .NET assemblies opens with dirty dot
    137726-Front panel window of VI freezes
    137765-LabVIEW crashes if you right-click and replace a fixed constant with the context help window open
    137929-Building an installer which includes an LLB Source Distribution with a data folder fails
    138025-Mean PtByPt.vi does not return correct value for values close to inf
    138098-Old errors not needed
    138429-Saving VI with Same Name in Same Class to a Different Location Crashes LabVIEW 8.6
    138483-Compile error with single cluster of classes as both inputs to comparison primitives
    138583-Fixed-point Data with TDMS Write VI Should Give Error Before Run Time
    138606-Constrained Fitting VIs require different Y length when different input is fed.
    138670-Voronoi does not display edges to infinity
    138837-Font used for LabVIEW Platform DVD autorun has a comma that looks like a period on Vista
    138854-There is no way to find the qualified name of a missing Typedef
    138871-Tree_ShowScrollBar.vi Needs a duplicate Tree reference output
    138958-XControls window size affects load on processor
    139203-Additional Installer list in the installer property has a cosmetic issue
    139239-The Read lvm/tdm Express VIs Error on French OS
    139324-Dynamic dispatch and Call by Ref outputs are erroneously zero
    139477-Changing the FP.State of a maximized modal VI can make it act non-modal
    140555-No limits to scrolling ranges on panes that have a vertical scrolling bar
    140968-Time Loop Hang
    142062-Source Name for Timed Loop not handled correctly
    142147-LVLIB does not show LVOOP classes when added to a new project
    142467-"Attributes" Property node in XML Parser»XML_Node»XML_Node missing in German LabVIEW
    142849-Hidden tab when upgrading causes crash
    143228-Image on Search and Replace Pattern VI Shows Incorrect Pattern Matching
    143238-Hidden Label of SubVI blocks the Double Click action to open SubVI
    143252-UpdateTerms from OnLabelChange does not cause TypeProp
    143288-Add Exclusion Folder to Recursive File List.vi
    143661-Boolean values return from TestStand may not match the values display on the controls
    143952-Trace File I/O Error
    143998-Incorrect Japanese Translation of example VI "Advanced Serial Write and Read.vi"
    144377-Adding hyperlinks to auto populating folders does not save with project
    144542-lv86runtime.msi installs file 'labview_rt.xml' in a wrong directory
    144985-Active Window Loses Focus When a VI is Aborted
    145538-New VI for Data Member Access fails when creating multiple accessors
    145795-Handle binding access type properly
    145926-Peak Detector.vi "width" is not coerced
    146503-Under specific conditions, an auto-indexed array of clusters in a For Loop will crash LabVIEW upon saving
    146613-LabVIEW Web Services needs a good description for Installer Builder
    146614-NI DataSocket needs a good description for Installer Builder
    146616-NI LabVIEW Web Services Runtime needs a good description for Installer Builder
    146617-NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine Web Server needs a good description for Installer Builder
    146619-NI LabVIEW Web Server needs a good description for Installer Builder
    146620-NI Light Weight PSP Control Environment needs a good description for Installer Builder
    146622-NI Trace Engine needs a good description for Installer Builder
    146623-NI Variable Engine needs a good description for Installer Builder
    146681-MathScript: besseli returns an incorrect result when scaled
    146682-MathScript: detrend returns an incorrect result with input break specified
    146924-(Error code -21) During Installer build in LV 8.6.1
    146978-Project provider toolbar button PNG image transparency is handled incorrectly
    147544-Saving .lvclass files for previous version sometimes results in a corrupted file in LabVIEW 8.6 and 8.5
    147591-System Diagram needs a change for LabVIEW 2009
    147841-DLL build specification "Include additional header files" setting is not saved
    148096-Ctrl+X then Ctrl+V the XControl will lose the inner "State"
    148348-Users can disable "IOV publish" in IOV Multiple Variable Editor
    148676-Problems with tag refnums in application builder
    148907-Error code ignored by invoke node of a refnumtag
    149172-Set URL description for code signing for build scripts converted from LV 7.x
    149213-Double click on dynamic dispatch VI sends double click to 'Choose Implementation' window, opens sibling
    1494023Y6BOD6AInstaller Builder appears to have built the installer after Cancel button pressed
    149880-Diagram Disable Undo causes comment.cpp 597
    150243-LabVIEW crashes while deploying libraries: RTProjectManager.cpp, line 85
    150863-First network read of an I/O Variable sometimes returns zero/no known value
    151370-Translation of event structure used at XControl Facade VI
    151372-Inappropriate translation at XControl function
    151813-Session close not being called when expected
    152223-Additional installer of runtime 8.5.1 cannot be selected in 8.6.1 installer build specification
    152703-Incorrect linking for .rc files or Project not resolving conflicts for .rc files
    153209-Logos Hang
    153227-Tank is not on the "Modern >> Numeric Palette"
    153525-Connector pane terminals default to Required not implemented when creating VI for Data Member Access
    154194-VI With Occurrences and Timed Loops Crashes LabVIEW on Load
    154669-MathScript function ode45
    155126-Performance decrease from LabVIEW 8.2.1 to LabVIEW 8.5.1 or 8.6 - Extra Buffer Allocations in the Functional Global
    156498-Check the inputs refnum to XML properties and methods to ensure they are of expected type
    156862-Changes to Default Directory in Paths options aren't sticking
    157007-Variable performance
    157229-String controls used with Format Into String yields error 85 when input into Scan from String
    157867-Document Vista support pages for Application Builder
    158510-DataSocket crash
    159108-Simple Temp Datalogger.vi shipping example errors when run
    159124-Source distributions with Report Generation express VI fails to build on non-Windows platforms
    159232-Wait on Notification from Multiple returns incorrect reference
    160343-Add Shortcut to bring Project Window to Front
    160395-Configure Fixed Point page shouldn't let users set the "Include overflow status" flag
    160427-LabVIEW sometimes increases memory consumption when continuously running VIs which call XML parser APIs
    160751-Variant To Data primitive returns the wrong error code for void variant
    161299-Build of EXE fails at runtime for Typedef refnum tag
    161496-Trigger Detection VI bug
    161873-LLB Manager doesn't handle Vista Junctions well
    162202-Acquire Semaphore VI doesn't pass the "error in"
    162390-Constant-folded structure prevents MATLAB script node from executing
    163182-Cannot reopen a Digital Waveform Graph after Save for Previous
    163678-VI Crashes When Displaying Variants With Null Attributes
    163744-Crash when changing an enum to a sparse ring
    163881-Name control syntax checking errors showing for VI Defined FIFOs if VI broken for other reasons
    164715-VI Execution trace events are not being recorded in built-applications
    166764-Improper path to string conversion in Report Generation

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    For copyright notices, conditions, and disclaimers, including information regarding certain third-party components used in LabVIEW, refer to the Copyright topic of the LabVIEW Help.
    National Instruments, NI, ni.com, LabVIEW, DIAdem, and NI TestStand are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.
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