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[NI软件产品] NI Motion Assistant 2.3 Win32Eng LabVIEW运动助手2.3版 适用LabVIEW8.6

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    发表于 2020-6-19 17:01:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:广东省东莞市 电信


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    NI Motion Assistant 2.3 Win32Eng LV运动助手2.3版 适用LabVIEW8.6


    运动助手软件,NI官方网站提供的1.2版、2.1版、2.2版、2.3.1版均缺失无资源可提供。仅提供2.3以及2.5以后的版本,最新的版本为适用 LabVIEW2016的运动助手1600版本。

    NI Motion Assistant是一个独立的原型建模工具,可用于快速开发运动应用程序。 NI Motion Assistant无需编写代码即可通过图形化的方式实现对运动应用程序的构建、预览和测试。 对于有经验的运动控制用户,NI Motion Assistant提升了应用程序的开发速度,自动创建可用于生成独立应用程序或加入其它应用程序的LabVIEW代码、C代码或代码处方。 NI Motion Assistant软件还提供LabVIEW、C或Visual Basic范例程序,用于演示NI Motion Assistant应用程序编程接口(API)的功能。

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    NI Motion Assistant™ Release Notes
    This document contains installation and programming considerations, system requirements, licensing information, a list of changes in this version of NI Motion Assistant, and a list of NI Motion Assistant known issues.
    General Information
    Installation and Upgrade Information
    Hardware Support
    NI Motion Assistant 2.3 Changes and Enhancements
    NI Motion Assistant 2.3 General Considerations
    NI Motion Assistant 2.3 Known Issues
    Previous NI Motion Assistant Changes and Enhancements
    General Information
    National Instruments Motion Assistant is a stand-alone prototyping tool for quickly developing motion applications. NI Motion Assistant allows you to graphically construct and preview motion applications without writing any code. When you have completed a prototype in NI Motion Assistant, you can generate LabVIEW or C code for further application development using NI-Motion. You also can generate code recipes for coding the application in a text-based language, such as Microsoft Visual Basic.
    NI Motion Assistant includes the following features:
    • Simple and complex moves—NI Motion Assistant offers several move types that represent the most often used moves in motion control:
      • Reference moves include moves to find home, index, forward limit, reverse limit, and center.
      • Straight-line moves create simple point-to-point movement for basic motion applications.
      • Arc moves enable circular, three-dimensional, and helical arc types.
      • Contouring moves allow any trajectory specified by a series of points.
      • CAD moves create a move profile based on an imported CAD file.
    • Graphical prototyping—NI Motion Assistant provides a fully graphical interface that allows you to prototype a motion application by creating a series of moves. The position, velocity, and acceleration of the moves are graphed and editable in two and three dimensions.

      NI Motion Assistant provides the full function set implementations for LabVIEW, LabWindows™/CVI™, C, and Visual Basic. The NI Motion Assistant software also provides example programs for LabVIEW, C, or Visual Basic to demonstrate the NI Motion Assistant application programming interface (API) functionality.
    • Code creation—When you are finished creating a prototype of your motion control application, you can use the NI Motion Assistant code creation feature to export LabVIEW or C code for completing the application with NI-Motion. You also can generate code recipes to follow for coding the application in a text language, such as Microsoft Visual Basic.

      NI Motion Assistant also creates placeholders in the LabVIEW code, C code, and code recipes for non-motion code, such as data or image acquisition, in any location you specify.

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    Installation and Upgrade Information
    Note:  If you already have a registered version of NI Motion Assistant 1.3 or earlier, you can purchase an upgrade to NI Motion Assistant 2.3 using National Instruments part number 850553C-01. Registered NI Motion Assistant 2.x users can upgrade to NI Motion Assistant 2.3 for free.
    You must install the NI-Motion driver software before installing NI Motion Assistant. To install NI Motion Assistant, insert the NI Motion Assistant CD into the CD-ROM drive. The NI Motion Assistant installation screen launches automatically. Select the appropriate option depending on whether you want to install NI Motion Assistant, review the release notes, or exit the installation program.
    Visit ni.com/motion for NI Motion Assistant updates.
    Licensing NI Motion Assistant
    At the end of the NI Motion Assistant installation process, a licensing wizard appears. Follow the onscreen instructions to activate the license for NI Motion Assistant.
    Refer to the Activating Your Software topic in the NI Motion Assistant Help for detailed information about activation.
    Note  You are required to activate the license for NI Motion Assistant even if you previously had a licensed version.
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    Hardware Support
    NI Motion Assistant is compatible with NI-Motion 7.0 and later. To create LabVIEW code from an NI Motion Assistant prototype, you must have LabVIEW 7.1 or later installed. NI Motion Assistant requires that either the actual controller or the virtual representation of one of the following motion controllers be installed in the computer:
    • NI 7350 Series Controllers—All NI Motion Assistant features are available for this family of controllers.
    • NI 7340 Series Controllers—All NI Motion Assistant features are available for this family of controllers, excluding multiple and periodic position compare outputs.
    • NI 7330 Series Controllers—NI Motion Assistant reference, straight-line, and arc move features are available for this family of controllers, excluding multiple and periodic position compare outputs.
    • NI PCI-7390 Controllers—NI Motion Assistant reference, straight-line, and arc move features are available for this controller, excluding multiple and periodic position compare outputs.
    Using NI Motion Assistant without Hardware
    If you do not have one of the listed motion controllers, you can use a virtual motion controller in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) to preview the functionality of NI Motion Assistant. Follow the instructions in the NI Motion Assistant Help to install a virtual motion controller. You must have NI-Motion 7.0 or later installed to use a virtual motion controller.
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    NI Motion Assistant 2.3 Changes and EnhancementsLabVIEW 8.6 Support
    NI Motion Assistant 2.3 is fully supported on LabVIEW 8.6.
    NI SoftMotion Controller Support
    The NI SoftMotion Controller is not supported on NI Motion Assistant 2.3. NI Motion Assistant 2.2 was the last version with support for the NI SoftMotion Controller.
    Updated NI Motion Assistant Error Information
    Previous versions of NI Motion Assistant displayed an error message with an incorrect solution in cases when NI Motion Assistant could not calculate the move profile using the supplied move constraint and target position combinations. NI Motion Assistant now displays the following updated error text:
    "The move cannot be calculated with the provided move constraint and target position values. To correct this situation, decrease the velocity and/or decrease the acceleration and/or increase the size of the move."
    Initial and Final Velocity Values in Position Mode
    It is no longer possible to set the initial velocity using the Set Move Properties VI, the NIMASetMoveParams C function, or using the VelocitySpecificationInput property in Visual Basic, to a negative value for arc, contour, or straight-line moves configured for position mode. In addition, final velocity must be set to zero for arc, contour, and straight-line moves in position mode. Setting any other values for initial or final velocity for arc and contour moves returns NIMA_invalidMoveConstraint error. Setting a non-zero positive value for final velocity for a straight-line move in position mode does not return an error. Instead, the value is coerced to zero. Refer to the following table for a summary of the new behavior.

    Move TypeVelocity ValueResult
    Arc MoveInitial Velocity: Negative
    Final Velocity: Non-zero
    NIMA_invalidMoveConstraint error
    Contour MoveInitial Velocity: Negative
    Final Velocity: Non-zero
    NIMA_invalidMoveConstraint error
    Straight-Line Move (Position Mode)Initial Velocity: Negative
    Final Velocity: Negative
    NIMA_invalidMoveConstraint error
    Final Velocity: Non-zero PositiveNo error, velocity is coerced to zero.
    Straight-Line Move (Velocity Mode)Initial Velocity: Any Value
    Final Velocity: Any Value
    No error

    Code Generated for CAD Moves Using S-Curve Profiles
    NI Motion Assistant loads jerk values in units/s3. When LabVIEW or C code is generated, the jerk value is converted to time in update sample periods. However, at certain velocities, the jerk value for CAD moves was not converted and was instead inserted directly into the generated LabVIEW and C code. This conversion problem is fixed in NI Motion Assistant 2.3.
    Acceleration Plot Behavior
    Previous versions of NI Motion Assistant incorrectly displayed the acceleration at very high speeds. This has been corrected in NI Motion Assistant 2.3.
    Leading Zeroes in Position Profiles
    Position profiles calculated using the NI Motion Assistant API previously appended additional zeroes to the beginning of the profile. These leading zeroes are now removed.
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    NI Motion Assistant 2.3 General ConsiderationsUsing NI Motion Assistant with the LabVIEW Real-Time Module
    You cannot generate LabVIEW code from an NI Motion Assistant script for a real-time target. Refer to the LabVIEW Real-Time Module Considerations section of How do I create code from a motion script? in the NI Motion Assistant Help for detailed instructions about creating code for RT targets.
    CAD Moves
    The following additional considerations apply to CAD moves:
    • CAD moves are processor and memory intensive operations. For this reason, National Instruments recommends a system with at least a 2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor or equivalent and 1 GB of RAM for optimal performance.
    • On slower systems, loading CAD files and recalculating the move profiles after changing move constraints, or adding position compare or digital outputs can take a significant amount of time. During this time, it is possible to make configuration changes to the move. However, these changes may not be applied until the CAD move is redrawn after a change. If you make changes to any of the move parameters, wait until the CAD move profile is completely finished redrawing on the position graph before making additional changes to the move.
    • On all systems, CAD files that contain many move segments or that are very large in size may take a significant amount of time to load into NI Motion Assistant due to the large CAD move profile calculation.
    Contoured Moves
    NI Motion Assistant uses a technique called smart contouring to smoothly move through the positions you specify. Refer to the Contoured Move glossary topic of the NI Motion Assistant Help for smart contouring guidelines you must follow to avoid unexpected behavior.
    Calculating Moves
    The controller starts from the current position of the axes and travels to the end of the first move. To ensure that the actual system and the position profile you specify match, you must always begin an NI Motion Assistant script with a Reference Move. Refer to Reference Move in the Motion Step Help book of the NI Motion Assistant Help for detailed instructions about adding and configuring a Reference Move Step.
    Launching CHM Files in a 64-bit Environment
    Because of the way the 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows Vista executes CHM files, links from the CHM file to launch the MAX application do not work if the CHM file is opened from the Start menu or directly from the \Help\ folder. These links work correctly when the CHM file is opened from inside the NI Motion Assistant or NI LabVIEW environment.
    Updating Referenced Files in NI Motion Assistant Scripts
    If you make changes to a file referenced in an NI Motion Assistant script, such as buffered breakpoint positions, contour points, or CAD files, you must reload the file for these changes to take effect.
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    NI Motion Assistant 2.3 Known IssuesPaths in Contoured Move Example Scripts
    The path to the tab delimited text files on the Contouring Parameters tab in the NI Motion Assistant script examples installed at \Examples\ is an absolute path to <;Program Files>\National Instruments\Motion Assistant\Examples. If you have installed NI Motion Assistant to a custom install location or are using a localized operating system these examples do not work until you manually browse to the correct location of the text file, which is \Motion Assistant\Examples\Contouring\ by default.
    Code Generation
    Unlike other move types, Reference Moves cannot be performed on coordinates, so the vector move constraints must be converted to per-axis values for 2D and 3D moves to function correctly. NI Motion Assistant does not convert the acceleration and deceleration values to component values in the generated code, so these values must be calculated and updated in the generated code after code generation is complete.
    LabVIEW Diagram Generation When LabVIEW is Open
    When you generate LabVIEW code from NI Motion Assistant, the Save VI dialog box from LabVIEW opens so you can save your generated VI. However, if LabVIEW is already open, the dialog box opens behind the active NI Motion Assistant window, making it appear that the code generation is frozen. In this case you must manually switch to LabVIEW to make the Save VI dialog box active and complete the code generation process.
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    Previous Changes and Enhancements
    Refer to KnowledgeBase article 47EKNFFL, NI Motion Assistant Release Notes, at ni.com/kb for access to previous NI Motion Assistant release notes, starting with NI Motion Assistant 1.3.
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    Important Information
    © 2008 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    CVI, National Instruments, National Instruments Alliance Partner, NI, and ni.com are trademarks of National Instruments. The mark LabWindows is used under a license from Microsoft Corporation. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.
    For patents covering the National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or ni.com/patents.


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