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[NI驱动程序] NI-Serial 18.5 Driver Win32/64Eng 美国国家仪器串口产品驱动NISerial1850

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    Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活:NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本http://visionbbs.com/thread-490-1-1.html


    NI-Serial 18.5 Driver Win32/64Eng 美国国家仪器串口产品驱动NISerial1850




    serial18.5.txt (270 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)

    文件大小: 554155862 字节 (528.48 MB)
    修改日期: 2019-06-25 03:10
    MD5: a0766088fc24632997bd93e5e820158f
    SHA1: cbcd666e2ca42c9494a8beaba3bafbe756d5e3e0
    SHA256: bed94c29d74dc1389e5c655afa5c3cc643833cd7504c0a4e36e00305351da544
    CRC32: 9a0a6934

    NI-Serial for Windows, Version 18.5 Readme
    December 2018
    Thank you for using NI-Serial for Windows, Version 18.5.
    This file contains important information about NI-Serial for Windows, including installation instructions, new features, a partial list of bugs fixed for NI-Serial for Windows, and known issues.
    Parts of this document are relevant to only a full installation and do not apply to a runtime-only installation.
    This readme contains the following information:
    • System Requirements
    • Product Security and Critical Updates
    • Release Notes
    • Changes and Fixed Issues
    • Supported Interfaces
    • LabVIEW NXG Support and Considerations
    • Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10
    • Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.1
    • Legal Information

    System Requirements
    Tip  For optimal performance, update your operating system to the latest service pack and apply all security patches.
    • Supported Operating Systems
      • Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)
      • Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
      • Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)
      • Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
      • Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2 or later (64-bit)

    To download previous versions of NI-Serial drivers, refer to ni.com/updates and search for NI-Serial.
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    Product Security and Critical Updates
    Visit ni.com/security to view and subscribe to receive security notifications about NI products. Visit ni.com/critical-updates for information about critical updates from NI.
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    Release NotesNew Firmware for USB and ExpressCard™ Hardware
    NI-Serial 3.5.1 included new firmware for USB and ExpressCard serial interfaces. If you are upgrading from a version older than NI-Serial 3.5.1, disconnect and reconnect your USB and ExpressCard devices to update to the latest firmware after finishing the NI-Serial installation process. In the case of the USB-485/4 hardware, also disconnect and reconnect the power cable.
    Port Enumeration Order on Windows 7 and later
    Serial ports on Windows 7 and later may not enumerate in numerical order. For more information, go to ni.com/kb and search for KnowledgeBase 51RBTPG2.
    Upgrading from Earlier Versions of Windows
    Microsoft often supports upgrading to newer versions of Windows, without a complete system reinstall. This can cause an improper version of NI-Serial to be installed on the system, which does not properly support the upgraded operating system. NI recommends uninstalling NI-Serial prior to upgrading Windows, then downloading and installing the appropriate version of NI-Serial for your new version of Windows.
    If you have already upgraded Windows without first uninstalling NI-Serial, it may be necessary to repair your NI-Serial installation. If the installed version does not support your operating system, you must uninstall it and install a supported version.
    Incorrect Serial Number Displayed in Measurement & Automation Explorer and the Device Manager
    If you swap one PCI-based (PCI, PCI Express, PXI, and PXI Express) serial card for another of the same model, the serial number shown in Measurement & Automation Explorer and the Device Manager may not change. This happens because Windows cannot distinguish the old hardware from the new. To fix this problem, uninstall the interface through Device Manager, then scan for new hardware or restart your computer. This forces Windows to reinstall your hardware and the correct serial number will be displayed.
    CreateFile COM Name Issue
    The CreateFile function from the Microsoft Win32 API fails for port names COM10 and greater. To use these ports, and for the function to succeed, append the string "\\\\.\\" before the port name. For example, to open COM10, use the string "\\\\.\\COM10" for the port name. This is because the port's full name is actually \\.\COM10, and all "\" characters must be doubled per the C language syntax.
    Driver Version Naming Changes
    NI-Serial versions are now aligned with the versions of major NI application software products. This alignment gives you information about the year the driver was released and the most recent software version the driver was designed to work with. Driver versions now start with a two-digit year indicator: NI-Serial 14.0. For example, NI-Serial 14.0 is the version released with LabVIEW 2014. The last version released under the old numbering scheme is NI-Serial 4.1. The first version released under the new numbering scheme is NI-Serial 14.0.
    Automating the Installation of NI Products
    You can automate the installation of most NI products using command-line arguments to suppress some or all of the installer user interface and dialog boxes.
    If the NI product you are installing uses Microsoft .NET 4.0, the .NET installer may run before any NI software installs and may require a reboot before the installation of NI software begins. To avoid a .NET reboot, install .NET 4.0 separately before you install NI software.
    For more information about automating the installation of NI products, refer to the following KnowledgeBase articles:
    • For more information about silent installations of individual NI products, refer to Customize and Automate Installation of a Single Installer.
    • For more information about silent installations of NI products in a suite, such as NI Developer Suite, refer to Customize and Automate Installation of a Suited Installer.
    • To determine what version of NI Installers your product contains, refer to Determine Type and Version of My National Instruments Installer.

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    Changes and Fixed Issues
    • Version 18.5
    • Version 17.5
    • Version 17.0
    • Version 15.0
    • Version 14.0
    • Version 4.1
    • Version 4.0
    • Version 3.9.1
    • Version 3.9
    • Version 3.8.1
    • Version 3.8
    • Version 3.7
    • Version 3.6
    • Version 3.5.1
    • Version 3.5
    • Version 3.4
    • Version 3.3
    • Version 3.2
    • Version 3.1
    • Version 3.0
    • Version 1.8

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 18.5Added LabVIEW NXG 3.0 Support
    NI-Serial 18.5 adds support for LabVIEW NXG 3.0.
    Added Support for PCI Express Serial Hardware
    NI-Serial 18.5 adds support for National Instruments PCI Express serial interfaces. Refer to Supported Interfaces.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 17.5Added LabVIEW NXG 2.0 Support and New Features in MAX and System Designer
    NI-Serial 17.5 adds support for LabVIEW NXG 2.0. It also adds support for the Recover Ports utility, Basic Serial Port Settings view and configuration, and Advanced Serial Port Settings view in System Designer. In addition, it adds Self-Test support in MAX and System Designer.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 17.0Removed Support for Various PCI and PXI Interfaces
    NI-Serial 17.0 removes support for the PCI-232, PCI-232I, PCI-485, PCI-485I, PXI-8420, PXI-8421, PXI-8422, and PXI-8423 interfaces.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 15.0Added Support for CVS-1458
    NI-Serial 15.0 adds support for the serial port on the CVS-1458 controller.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 14.0Runtime Installer
    Starting with version 14.0, NI-Serial is available as a runtime installer. NI-Serial Runtime is a minimal installer which does not include utilities, documentation, or Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). When building an installer using National Instruments application development environments (ADEs) such as LabVIEW, have the option of including this subset of NI-Serial in your distribution.
    ENET-232 and ENET-485
    NI-Serial 14.0 removes support for all NI Serial ENET Interfaces (ENET-232/2, ENET-232/4, ENET-485/2 and ENET-485/4).

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 4.1
    NI-Serial 4.1 adds new hardware support and fixes for LabVIEW Real-Time. Refer to the NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time Readme for more information.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 4.0Improved Support for NI System Configuration API
    NI-Serial 4.0 adds the discovery of USB and ENET hardware through the NI System Configuration API.
    NI System Configuration Expert Name Change
    The NI System Configuration expert for NI-Serial has been renamed from "ni-serial" to "serial". This change allows for system configuration and MAX import/export operations to be accessed in a consistent manner. Existing applications using the old name must be updated.
    Improved Appearance in MAX
    NI-Serial 4.0 improves the way serial hardware is displayed in MAX. PXI and PXIe hardware are now displayed under their respective chassis in the tree, and ENET interfaces are now found under Network Devices. The port items which were previously shown in MAX have been removed, and VISA ASRL resources are now placed directly beneath the serial interface.
    Removal of NI-Serial Communicator
    NI-Serial Communicator has been obsoleted, and is no longer installed. Similar functionality can be found using NI-VISA Interactive Control, which can be opened by selecting a VISA ASRL resource in MAX, and clicking the Open VISA Test Panel button in the toolbar.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.9.1Update shortcuts installed on Windows 8
    When installing on Windows 8, NI-Serial no longer pins shortcuts to the Start screen. Shortcuts which are available from the start menu on earlier versions of Windows may be accessed through the NI Launcher utility, or by searching from the Start screen.
    383662: Configuring ENET serial port to COM256 causes crash
    NI-Serial 3.9.1 resolves an issue where a system crash could occur after renaming an ENET-232 or ENET-485 serial port to COM256. This crash could occur either when opening the port, or immediately upon booting Windows.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.9Adds support for Windows 8
    NI-Serial 3.9 adds support for Windows 8. Known issues exist regarding the accessibility of items which were previously accessible via the Windows Start Menu. This will be addressed in a future release of NI-Serial.
    Support for NI System Configuration API
    NI-Serial 3.9 supports the discovery of PCI-based (PCI, PCIe, PXI, and PXIe) hardware through the NI System Configuration API.
    325477: Possible system crash after removing hardware during hibernation
    NI-Serial 3.9 resolves an issue where a system could crash after removing PCI-based hardware from a hibernated system. Depending on the system configuration, the crash could occur immediately upon resume, or at a later time.
    317971: Cannot use baud rates higher than 131072 from .NET and possibly other applications
    NI-Serial 3.9 resolves an issue which limited the usable baud rate from the .NET Serial Port interface to 131072 baud. This error occurred because NI-Serial improperly reported the maximum baud rate as BAUD_128K (The maximum constant supported by the API) when the port actually supported higher baud rates. This has been changed to report BAUD_USER, indicating that custom baud rates are supported. Other applications querying the maximum baud rate may have been impacted as well.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.8.1305387: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL caused by NI-Serial ENET driver
    NI-Serial 3.8.1 has resolved issues which occasionally resulted in DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL system crashes when using ENET-232 or ENET-485 ports.
    299891: IRQL_GT_ZERO_AT_SYSTEM_SERVICE caused by NI-Serial ENET driver
    NI-Serial 3.8.1 has resolved an issue which could result in a IRQL_GT_ZERO_AT_SYSTEM_SERVICE system crash when closing an ENET-232 or ENET-485 port.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.8Added support for cRIO-908x Controllers
    NI-Serial 3.8 adds support for the RS-485 port of the cRIO-908x controllers running Windows.
    NI-Spy replaced by NI I/O Trace
    NI-Spy has been replaced by NI I/O Trace. All functionality previously found in NI-Spy is now found in NI I/O Trace.
    Changes impacting PCI, PCI Express, PXI, and PXI Express hardware:
    • Performance Optimizations for Small Transfers
      Several enhancements have been made to improve performance and decrease CPU overhead when performing small writes on all interfaces, and small reads on 843x series hardware.
    • ID 288089: Flow control may not disengage
      When using multiple forms of flow control simultaneously on a single port, it was possible for flow control to fail to disengage, preventing data transmission. This has been fixed.
    • ID 287461: Possible loss of data preceding serial error
      Several bytes of valid data could be discarded immediately prior to the reception of a serial error, such as a parity or overrun error. This valid data is now properly received prior to handling the error condition.
    • ID 219314: Incorrect timeout behavior
      The special case where the Timeout Byte Interval and Timeout Multiplier are both -1 was handled incorrectly, resulting in serial calls failing to time out. This was most easily seen when using NI-Serial from .NET applications. This issue has been fixed.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.7
    NI-Serial 3.7 adds new hardware support for LabVIEW Real-Time. Refer to the NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time Readme for more information.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.6Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit) and Windows Server 2008 R2 Support
    NI-Serial 3.6 adds support for Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit) and Windows Server 2008 R2. Note that only the R2 versions are supported. Refer to Supported Interfaces for a list of supported hardware.
    Add support for PXI Express serial hardware
    NI-Serial 3.6 adds support for National Instruments PXI Express serial interfaces. Refer to Supported Interfaces for detailed model information.
    PXIe-8431 hardware adds support for higher baud rates
    For some applications, it may be possible to use a PXIe-8431 interface for communicating at up to 10 MBaud. For more information go to ni.com/kb and search for 58KEI82F.
    ID 201827: Incorrect RS-485 wire mode setting could be used when opening port
    Changing the RS-485 wire mode for PCI, PXI, and PCIe devices in Measurement& Automation Explorer and Device Manager had no effect. This has been fixed.
    Windows 2000
    Support for Windows 2000 is discontinued in this release.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.5.1Windows 7 Support
    NI-Serial 3.5.1 adds support for Windows 7. Refer to Supported Interfaces for a list of supported hardware.
    Add support for PCI Express serial hardware
    NI-Serial 3.5.1 adds support for National Instruments PCI Express serial interfaces. Refer to Supported Interfaces for detailed model information.
    PCMCIA-232 and PCMCIA-485
    Support for PCMCIA-232 and PCMCIA-485 interfaces is discontinued in this release.
    ID 34931: Timeouts when reading from ENET Serial ports
    On some systems, every read attempt from an ENET Serial port would result ina timeout. This has been fixed.
    ID 167613: Incorrect RS-485 wire mode setting could be used when opening aport
    Changing the RS-485 wire mode for PCI, PXI, and PCIe devices in Measurement& Automation Explorer and the Device Manager had no effect on the port until the system was rebooted. This has been fixed.
    ID 163281: Baud rates for PCIe ports cannot be set to a non-standard baud rate
    It was not possible to set a PCIe serial port to a non-standard baud rate in Measurement & Automation Explorer and the Device Manager when using NI-Serial 3.5.0. This has been fixed.
    ID 189256: Renumbered COM ports not available until after reboot
    Renumbered COM ports could not be used until after a reboot on systems with Microsoft User Account Control (UAC) enabled. This has been fixed. Renumbering ports on an ENET interface still requires a reboot.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.5Added support for PCI Express serial hardware
    NI-Serial 3.5 adds support for National Instrument PCI Express serial interfaces. Refer to Supported Interfaces for detailed model information.
    On-Chip Flow Control
    NI-Serial 3.5 adds support for on-chip flow control. Previous driver versions implemented flow control in the driver, which in some circumstances could allow data loss. All PCI, PXI, and PCI Express interfaces now utilize on-chip RTS/CTS and XON/XOFF flow control. 8430-series hardware also supports on-chip DTR/DSR flow control.
    ID 139396: Windows Direct Cable Connection
    Previous versions of NI-Serial could cause a system hang when initiating a Windows Direct Cable Connection. This issue has been resolved for PCI, PXI, and PCI Express interfaces. Issues may still exist when using Windows Direct Cable Connection with other interface types.
    Serial IO CTL AvailabilityNI-Serial no longer supports the following seldom-used Device I/O Control Codes:

    Windows Management Instrumentation
    NI-Serial for Windows no longer provides support for Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.4USB and ExpressCard Hardware
    NI-Serial 3.4 introduces improved functionality and performance for USB-232, USB-485, and NI ExpressCard-842x interfaces. This release also introduces support for all USB and ExpressCard interfaces on 64-bit Windows Vista.
    Measurement & Automation Explorer Fixed IssuesThe following issues for the Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) interface for serial devices have been fixed:
    • ID 56439—Users could not save changes for more than 9 ports using Save All Ports in MAX.
    • ID 56514—Under some circumstances, the serial port advanced tab did not appear in MAX.
    • ID 57115—Recover Unused COM Ports did not take effect until MAX was restarted.

    Windows 64-bit XP and Windows 64-bit Server 2003
    Support for Windows 64-bit XP and Windows 64-bit Server 2003 is discontinued in this release.

    Changes in Version 3.3
    NI-Serial 3.3 adds new hardware support for LabVIEW Real-Time. Refer to the NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time Readme for more information.

    Changes in Version 3.2Add Support for Windows Vista
    NI-Serial 3.2 adds support for Windows Vista. Refer to Supported Interfaces for a list of supported hardware.
    ISA-232 and ISA-485
    Support for the obsolete ISA-232 and ISA-485 interfaces is discontinued in this release.

    Changes in Version 3.1
    NI-Serial 3.1 adds new hardware support for LabVIEW Real-Time. Refer to the NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time Readme for more information.

    Changes in Version 3.0
    NI-Serial 3.0 adds new hardware support for LabVIEW Real-Time. Refer to the NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time Readme for more information.

    Changes in Version 1.8Windows XP x64 and Windows Server 2003 x64
    NI-Serial 1.8 adds support for Microsoft Windows XP x64 and Windows Server 2003 x64 for all PCI, PXI, and PCMCIA interfaces.
    Baud Rates up to 3 Megabaud
    NI-Serial 1.8 adds support for custom baud rates up to 3 Mbaud on PCI/PXI-8431/8433 hardware. The two-wire auto control mode for RS-485 transceiver control has a maximum baud rate of 2 Mbaud.
    Communication Utility
    NI-Serial 1.8 includes a new serial communication utility. You can use the Serial Communicator to test serial hardware configuration and communication. The Serial Communicator is available in Measurement & Automation Explorer.
    Deprecated Serial I/O RequestsThe following Serial I/O requests were deprecated in NI-Serial 1.8:

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    Supported Interfaces
    • PCI
    • PCI Express
    • PXI
    • PXI Express
    • USB
    • ExpressCard
    • Controllers

    PCI Interfaces
    Standard# PortsIsolatedMax Baud (kbaud)

    PCI Express Interfaces
    Standard# PortsIsolatedMax Baud (kbaud)
    NI PCIe-8430/2RS-2322No1000.0
    NI PCIe-8430/8RS-2328No1000.0
    NI PCIe-8430/16RS-23216No1000.0
    NI PCIe-8431/2RS-485/RS-4222No3000.01
    NI PCIe-8431/8RS-485/RS-4228No3000.01
    NI PCIe-8431/16RS-485/RS-42216No3000.01
    NI PCIe-8432/2RS-2322Yes1000.01
    NI PCIe-8433/2RS-485/RS-4222Yes1000.01

    PXI Interfaces
    Standard# PortsIsolatedMax Baud (kbaud)

    PXI Express Interfaces
    Standard# PortsIsolatedMax Baud (kbaud)
    NI PXIe-8430/8RS-2328No1000.0
    NI PXIe-8430/16RS-23216No1000.0
    NI PXIe-8431/8RS-485/RS-4228No3000.01, 2
    NI PXIe-8431/16RS-485/RS-42216No3000.01, 2

    USB Interfaces
    Standard# PortsIsolatedMax Baud (kbaud)

    ExpressCard Interfaces
    Standard# PortsIsolatedMax Baud (kbaud)
    NI ExpressCard-8420/2RS-2322No230.4
    NI ExpressCard-8421/2RS-485/RS-4222No460.8

    # RS-485/422 PortsIsolatedMax Baud (kbaud)
    NI-Serial software is required to use any RS-485/422 ports on the following controllers. Any RS-232 ports are supported by Microsoft's serial driver and do not require NI-Serial to be installed.
    1The two-wire auto control mode for RS-485 transceiver control has a maximum baud rate of 2 Mbaud.
    2For possible use with higher baud rates, refer to ni.com/kb and search for KnowledgeBase 58KEI82F.
    3This port supplies connections only for transmit, receive, and ground.

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    LabVIEW NXG Support and Considerations
    The following sections detail considerations for using LabVIEW NXG 3.0 with NI-Serial.
    LabVIEW NXG Operating Systems and System Requirements
    Software support for LabVIEW NXG differs in the following ways:
    • System requirements—Only 64-bit (x64) processors are supported.
    • Operating system—Only 64-bit operating systems are supported. Refer to the Supported Operating Systems section for more information.
    LabVIEW NXG Hardware Support
    Refer to the Supported Interfaces section for a list of hardware supported in LabVIEW NXG.
    LabVIEW NXG Help
    View context help in LabVIEW by pressing and hovering over an object.
    Search for items using the search bar in the upper right corner of the LabVIEW window. You can also view context help for the search results.
    Additional documentation is available online at ni.com/manuals.
    LabVIEW NXG Examples
    Launch LabVIEW and click the Learning tab.
    LabVIEW lessons are located in the Lessons tab, and LabVIEW Examples are located in the Examples tab. Follow the instructions in the lessons and examples.

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    Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10
    Microsoft Windows 10 is the latest version of the Windows operating system and features significant changes compared to previous versions. Windows 10 introduces several new capabilities and also combines features from both Windows 7 and Windows 8. For more information about NI support for Windows 10, visit ni.com/windows10.
    Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.1
    When you install NI software on Microsoft Windows 8.1, you will notice a few additional tiles in the Apps view, including shortcuts to NI application software products such as NI LabVIEW, Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX), and NI Launcher. For more information about NI support for Windows 8.1, visit ni.com/windows8.

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    Legal Information
    © 1996–2018 National Instruments. All rights reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    NI respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. NI software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Where NI software may be used to reproduce software or other materials belonging to others, you may use NI software only to reproduce materials that you may reproduce in accordance with the terms of any applicable license or other legal restriction.
    End-User License Agreements and Third-Party Legal Notices
    You can find end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the following locations after installation:
    • Notices are located in the \_Legal Information and directories.
    • EULAs are located in the \Shared\MDF\Legal\license directory.
    • Review \_Legal Information.txt for information on including legal information in installers built with NI products.
    U.S. Government Restricted Rights
    If you are an agency, department, or other entity of the United States Government ("Government"), the use, duplication, reproduction, release, modification, disclosure or transfer of the technical data included in this manual is governed by the Restricted Rights provisions under Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.227-14 for civilian agencies and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Section 252.227-7014 and 252.227-7015 for military agencies.
    IVI Foundation Copyright Notice
    Content from the IVI specifications reproduced with permission from the IVI Foundation.
    The IVI Foundation and its member companies make no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The IVI Foundation and its member companies shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
    Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at ni.com/trademarks for information on NI trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    For patents covering the NI products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the NI Patent Notice at ni.com/patents.

    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 18.5 Readme
    December 2018
    Thank you for using NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 18.5.
    This file contains important information about NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, including installation instructions, new features, a partial list of bugs fixed for NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, and known issues.
    This readme contains the following main sections:
    • System Requirements
    • Product Security and Critical Updates
    • Changes and Fixed Issues
    • Supported Interfaces
    • Legal Information

    System Requirements
    • Supported Versions of the LabVIEW Real-Time Module
      • LabVIEW Real-Time 2018
      • LabVIEW Real-Time 2017
      • LabVIEW Real-Time 2016
      • LabVIEW Real-Time 2015
      • LabVIEW Real-Time 2014 SP1
      • LabVIEW Real-Time 2013 SP1
      • LabVIEW Real-Time 2012 SP1

    To download previous versions of NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time drivers, refer to ni.com/updates and search for NI-Serial.
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    Product Security and Critical Updates
    Visit ni.com/security to view and subscribe to receive security notifications about NI products. Visit ni.com/critical-updates for information about critical updates from NI.
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    Changes and Fixed Issues
    • Version 18.5
    • Version 17.5
    • Version 17.0
    • Version 15.0
    • Version 14.0
    • Version 4.1
    • Version 4.0
    • Version 3.9.1
    • Version 3.9
    • Version 3.8.2
    • Version 3.8.1
    • Version 3.8
    • Version 3.7.1
    • Version 3.7
    • Version 3.6
    • Version 3.5.2
    • Version 3.3.4
    • Version 3.3.3
    • Version 3.3.2
    • Version 3.3
    • Version 3.2
    • Version 3.1
    • Version 3.0

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 18.5Added Support for PCI Express Serial Hardware
    NI-Serial 18.5 adds support for National Instruments PCI Express serial interfaces. Refer to Supported Interfaces.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 17.5No Changes
    There are no changes to NI-Serial 17.5 for LabVIEW Real-Time.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 17.0Removed Support for Various PCI and PXI Interfaces
    NI-Serial 17.0 removes support for the PCI-232, PCI-232I, PCI-485, PCI-485I, PXI-8420, PXI-8421, PXI-8422, and PXI-8423 interfaces.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 15.0Added support for NI 9870 and NI 9871 C Series modules on sbRIO-9607 and sbRIO-9627
    NI-Serial 15.0 adds serial module (NI 9870 and NI 9871) support for the sbRIO-9607 and sbRIO-9627 controllers.
    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 14.0Added support for NI 9870 and NI 9871 C Series modules on controllers running 64-bit NI Linux Real-time OS
    NI-Serial 14.0 adds serial module (NI 9870 and NI 9871) support for controllers, such as the NI cRIO-9038, which run 64-bit NI Linux Real-time OS.
    445885: RS-232 ports on NI 9870 modules are incorrectly detected as RS-485 ports
    NI-Serial 14.0 fixes a known issue when running NI Linux Real-time OS, where NI-Serial incorrectly causes NI-VISA to detect RS-232 ports on NI 9870 modules as RS-485 configured for 4-wire mode.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 4.1Added support for NI 9870 and NI 9871 C series modules on the cRIO-9068.
    NI-Serial 4.1 adds serial module (NI 9870 and NI 9871) support for the cRIO-9068 controller.
    356028: NI 9870 and NI 9871 C series modules do not detect errors in all cases.
    NI-Serial 4.1 fixes an issue where some parity and framing errors received by NI 9870 and NI 9871 modules are not detected by the firmware. This can result in the driver not reporting the errors, leading to data corruption.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 4.0Added support for NI CVS-1457RT Compact Vision SystemImproved Support for NI System Configuration API
    NI-Serial 4.0 adds the discovery of NI 9870 and NI 9871 modules through the NI System Configuration API.
    NI System Configuration Expert Name Change
    The NI System Configuration expert for NI-Serial has been renamed from "ni-serial" to "serial." This change allows for system configuration and MAX import/export operations to be accessed in a consistent manner. Existing applications using the old name will need to be updated.
    387524: Incorrect Slot and Chassis Identification
    When using the NI System Configuration API to query information about NI-Serial PCI or PCIe hardware in a Desktop RT system, it would incorrectly specify that the board was in slot 255 of chassis PXI255. This has been resolved, and now reports that the chassis and slot are unavailable.
    Improved Appearance in MAX
    NI-Serial 4.0 improves the way serial hardware is displayed in MAX. PXI and PXIe hardware are now displayed under their respective chassis in the tree. NI 9870 and NI 9871 modules will also now appear in MAX when configured for use with NI-Serial.
    When using a host system with NI-Serial 4.0 installed to view LabVIEW Real-Time controllers running older versions of NI-Serial, the NI-Serial boards will no longer appear in MAX. All ports will still be accessible as VISA ASRL resources.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.9.1Update shortcuts installed on Windows 8
    When installing on Windows 8, NI-Serial no longer pins shortcuts to the Start screen. Shortcuts which are available from the start menu on earlier versions of Windows may be accessed through the NI Launcher utility, or by searching from the Start screen.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.9Added support for updated Smart CamerasSupport for NI System Configuration API
    NI-Serial 3.9 supports the discovery of PCI-based (PCI, PCIe, PXI, and PXIe) hardware through the NI System Configuration API.
    359904: System Instability every 49.7 days
    NI-Serial 3.9 fixes an issue where various errors could be manifested if a serial transfer is in progress when the 32-bit system tick count rolls over, which happens once every 49.7 days. Symptoms included failed serial transfers, FIFO overruns, failure of serial transfers to timeout, and system hangs.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.8.2ID 347232: System could hang during reboot
    A system could hang during reboot if it was transmitting data from a 843x series serial port when the reboot command was sent. This has been fixed.
    ID 337167: Possible crash with cRIO-9075, cRIO-9076, sbRIO-9605, or sbRIO-9606 controllers
    A system crash or instability could occur when detecting serial ports on any of the mentioned controllers. Some examples when this could occur are expanding Devices & Interfaces in Measurement & Automation Explorer, installing VISA Server on the target, or attempting to use a serial port. This has been fixed.
    ID 328853: Serial ports not functioning on cFP-2100 and cFP-2110 controllers
    The serial ports on cFP-2100 and cFP-2110 controllers were not properly detected. This did not impact cFP-2120 controllers. This has been fixed.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.8.1Support for New Controllers
    NI-Serial 3.8.1 adds support for serial ports on RIO Mezzanine Cards.
    SecondaryInterrupts option in niserial.dbs has been replaced
    The SecondaryInterrupts option used in the niserial.dbs file has been replaced, and will no longer function. Refer to the Performance on LabVIEW Real-Time topic in the NI-Serial Help for more information.
    ID 132892: Incorrect behavior when using NI-VISA VI_EVENT_ASRL_RI event
    When using the VI_EVENT_ASRL_RI event with some cRIO, sbRIO, and cFP controllers, the event was incorrectly signaled on both rising and falling edges of the RI line. This behavior has now been fixed, and the event is signaled only on the falling edge.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.8Performance Optimizations for Small Transfers
    Several enhancements have been made to improve performance and decrease CPU overhead when performing small writes on all interfaces, and small reads on NI 843x series hardware.
    Support for New Controllers
    NI-Serial 3.8 adds support for additional cRIO, sbRIO, and Smart Camera controllers.
    Port numbering change for some systems
    NI-Serial now reserves port numbers for two built-in serial ports on all PXI, Industrial Controller, Desktop RT, and cRIO-908x controllers. On these systems, PnP hardware will now be assigned port numbers starting with COM3, when they may have previously been assigned COM2.
    NI-Serial settings no longer persist after uninstall
    The niserial.dbs file is replaced each time NI-Serial is uninstalled or reinstalled. This has the effect that any customized settings will be removed. This matches the behavior of NI-Serial 3.6 and earlier.
    Removed support for FP-20xx and cFP-20xx controllers.
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.8, requires LabVIEW Real-Time 8.6 or later. It is not possible to install on FP-20xx or cFP-20xx controllers. These controllers will continue to work with previous versions of NI-Serial.
    ID 298769: Incorrect Parity Setting
    Mark and space parity were not properly configured on some cRIO, sbRIO, and cFP controllers. This has been fixed.
    ID 288089: Flow control may not disengage
    When using multiple forms of flow control simultaneously on a single port, it was possible for flow control to fail to disengage, preventing data transmission. This has been fixed.
    ID 287461: Possible loss of data preceding serial error
    Several bytes of valid data could be discarded immediately prior to the reception of a serial error, such as a parity or overrun error. This valid data is now properly received prior to handling the error condition.
    ID 286317: Data reception could halt
    When the RX FIFO became completely full on some cRIO, sbRIO, and cFP controllers, the port could stop receiving data. This has been fixed.
    ID 288079: Possible crash when rebooting cRIO while using NI 987x modules
    It was possible for a cRIO controller to crash during reboot when using serial ports on a C Series module. This has been fixed.
    ID 277876: Controller may hang on reboot
    In some rare circumstances, the process of shutting down serial ports for a reboot could cause the controller to hang. This has been fixed.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.7.1Add support for the NI cRIO-9075/6 Controller
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.7.1, adds support for the NI cRIO-9075 and cRIO-9076 Controllers.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.7NI 9870 and NI 9871 Modules
    NI-Serial 3.7 allows users to access the NI 9870 and 9871 modules directly from LabVIEW Real-Time 2010 without using the LabVIEW FPGA interface.
    To enable this support, install NI-Serial 3.7 and NI-VISA for LabVIEW Real-Time on a Compact RIO Target that supports RIO Scan Interface (RSI). When detecting the modules, users will have the option to add the module directly to the chassis in the LabVIEW project.
    If using NI-RIO 3.5.x and lower, you may see warning pop-ups indicating that the NI 987x modules are not supported on RSI. These warnings can be ignored. For more information go to ni.com/kb and search for 5DTFTOL1.
    Port Numbering Behavior
    NI-Serial 3.7 changes the way that ports are numbered when detecting boards. Under some circumstances inserting new boards into a system may cause port numbers to change. For more information go to ni.com/kb and search for 5D2G85G2.
    Serial Settings Persist after Uninstall
    The behavior of settings on uninstall was reverted in NI-Serial 3.8. Please refer to Changes and Fixed Issues in NI-Serial 3.8 for more information.
    Serial settings stored in the niserial.dbs file, including port numbers, will persist after uninstalling NI-Serial 3.7 from a Real-Time target. The modifications to the niserial.dbs file will also persist through reinstalls of the NI-Serial driver. To reset these settings to default, delete the niserial.dbs file from the Real-Time target.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.6Add support for PXI Express serial hardware
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.6, adds support for National Instruments PXI Express serial interfaces. Refer to the chart of Supported Interfaces for detailed model information.
    NI PXIe-8431 hardware adds support for higher baud rates
    For some applications, it may be possible to use a NI PXIe-8431 interface for communicating at up to 10 MBaud. For more information go to ni.com/kb and search for 58KEI82F.
    PXI chassis and slot information
    When upgrading to NI-Serial 3.6 on some configurations, port assignments may change. For best results, please identify all PXI chassis through Measurement & Automation Explorer.
    Issues resolved in NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time Version 3.6ID 193240: A hang could occur when using Asynchronous IO in a Timed Loop on LabVIEW Real-Time.
    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.5.2Add support for PCI Express serial hardware
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.5.2, adds support for National Instruments PCI Express serial interfaces. Refer to the chart of Supported Interfaces for detailed model information.
    Add support for cRIO-9024 and cRIO-9073 controllers
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.5.2, adds support for the cRIO-9024 and cRIO-9073 controllers.
    Add support for NI 9792
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.5.2, adds support for the NI 9792 controller.
    On-chip flow control
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.5.2, adds support for on-chip flow control. Previous driver versions implemented flow control in the driver, which in some circumstances could allow data loss. All PCI, PXI, and PCI Express interfaces now utilize on-chip RTS/CTS flow control. 8430-series hardware also supports on-chip DTR/DSR and XON/XOFF flow control.
    Performance changes for some cRIO, cFP, and sbRIO controllers:
    NI-Serial 3.5.2 includes performance changes that impact cRIO-901x, cRIO-907x, sbRIO-96xx, and cFP-22xx controller families. This change greatly reduces the CPU overhead of reading data from the serial port at high speed. An impact of this change is that increased latency may be seen when reading small numbers of bytes from the serial port. For more information about this change and possible solutions if you have issues with the increased latency, visit ni.com/kb and search for Knowledgebase 55597DG2.
    Issues resolved in NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time Version 3.5.2
    • ID 111717: When viewing threads through the Execution Trace Toolkit, some NI-Serial threads were unnamed.
    • ID 200568: When entering custom settings in the niserial.dbs file, it was possible for them to be deleted from the file upon reboot instead of being applied to the driver.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.3.4Add support for NI 31xx and EVS-146x controllers
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.3.4, adds support for the NI 3100, NI 3110, and EVS-146x controllers.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.3.3Add support for the NI cRIO-9022 Controller
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.3.3, adds support for the NI cRIO-9022 Controller.
    Issues resolved in NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time Version 3.3.3ID 112229: Using Restore Defaults through Measurement & Automation Explorer restored incorrect FIFO settings for some ports on PXI and Desktop RT controllers.
    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.3.2Add support for NI sbRIO Controllers
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.3.2, adds support for NI sbRIO controllers.
    Add support for NI Smart Camera Controllers
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.3.2, adds support for NI 17xx Smart Cameras.
    Issues resolved in NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time Version 3.3.2
    • ID 93992: Use of modem line change events could result in system hang on various controllers.
    • ID 94261: cFP or cRIO controllers could fail to detect modem line changes or properly time out an I/O request.
    • ID 55220: System could hang if a UART error occurred while reading data from the FIFO.
    • ID 73422: Use of modem line change events could result in system hang on some cRIO and cFP controllers.
    • ID 73002: Repeated Open/Close operations could cause system instability on some cRIO, cFP, and Smart Camera controllers.

    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 3.3Add support for LabVIEW Real-Time 8.5 with SMP Extensions
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.3, adds support for multi-core real-time targets.
    Add support for new National Instruments Real-Time Controllers
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.3, adds support for the cRIO-9072, and cRIO-9074 controllers.
    Issues resolved in NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time Version 3.3
    • Incoming data could sometimes fail to be read if the port of a cRIO-9002/9004 was opened with data streaming to the port.
    • Some controllers could have experienced a system hang if a line error were received while the port was in the process of closing.
    • Under some conditions the serial driver could fail to properly time out an I/O Request.

    Changes in Version 3.2Add support for report generation in Measurement & Automation Explorer
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.2, adds support for report generation in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). Report generation allows you to take a snapshot of what hardware is installed and configured on your system.

    Changes in Version 3.1Add support for built-in ports on cRIO, FieldPoint, and Compact Vision controllers
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.1, adds support for cRIO, FieldPoint, and Compact Vision controllers running LabVIEW Real-Time.

    Changes in Version 3.0Add support PCI/PXI-843x hardware
    NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 3.0, adds support for the new PCI/PXI-843x family of hardware.

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    Supported Interfaces
    • PCI
    • PCI Express
    • PXI
    • PXI Express
    • Real-Time Controllers
    • Serial C Series Modules

    PCI Interfaces
    Standard# PortsIsolatedMax Baud (kbaud)

    PCI Express Interfaces
    Standard# PortsIsolatedMax Baud (kbaud)
    NI PCIe-8430/2RS-2322No1000.0
    NI PCIe-8430/8RS-2328No1000.0
    NI PCIe-8430/16RS-23216No1000.0
    NI PCIe-8431/2RS-485/RS-4222No3000.01
    NI PCIe-8431/8RS-485/RS-4228No3000.01
    NI PCIe-8431/16RS-485/RS-42216No3000.01
    NI PCIe-8432/2RS-2322Yes1000.01
    NI PCIe-8433/2RS-485/RS-4222Yes1000.01

    PXI Interfaces
    Standard# PortsIsolatedMax Baud (kbaud)

    PXI Express Interfaces
    Standard# PortsIsolatedMax Baud (kbaud)
    NI PXIe-8430/8RS-2328No1000.0
    NI PXIe-8430/16RS-23216No1000.0
    NI PXIe-8431/8RS-485/RS-4228No3000.01, 2
    NI PXIe-8431/16RS-485/RS-42216No3000.01, 2

    Real-Time Controllers
    Standard# PortsIsolatedMax Baud (kbaud)
    15, 6
    Desktop RTRS-2321/2No115.2
    NI 172x Smart CamerasRS-23215No230.4
    NI 174x Smart CamerasRS-23215No230.4
    NI 176x Smart CamerasRS-23215No230.4
    NI 177x Smart CamerasRS-23215No115.2
    NI 31xxRS-2321No115.2
    NI 9792RS-2321No230.4
    PXI ControllersRS-2321/2No115.2

    Serial C Series Modules7
    Standard# PortsIsolatedMax Baud (kbaud)
    NI 9870RS-2324Yes115.2
    NI 9871RS-4854Yes115.2
    1The two-wire auto control mode for RS-485 transceiver control has a maximum baud rate of 2 Mbaud.
    2For possible use with higher baud rates, refer to ni.com/kb and search for KnowledgeBase 58KEI82F.
    3NI-Serial for LabVIEW Real-Time does not provide native driver support for Serial ENET interfaces. However, you may use your Serial ENET interfaces on LabVIEW Real-Time through the NI-VISA Serial ENET Passport.
    4NI-Serial interfaces cannot currently be used across the MXI interface on cRIO-908x and cDAQ-913x controllers.
    5This port supplies connections only for transmit, receive, and ground.
    6This port supports only the 4-wire transceiver control mode.
    7Serial C Series Modules may be used through NI-Serial and NI-VISA on backplanes configured to use NI-RIO IO Scan. To enable this support, NI-Serial 9870 and 9871 Scan Engine Support must be installed on the controller. For assistance with configuring a controller and backplane to use NI-RIO IO Scan, please refer to the NI-RIO documentation.

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    Legal Information
    © 1996–2018 National Instruments. All rights reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    NI respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. NI software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Where NI software may be used to reproduce software or other materials belonging to others, you may use NI software only to reproduce materials that you may reproduce in accordance with the terms of any applicable license or other legal restriction.
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    You can find end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the following locations after installation:
    • Notices are located in the \_Legal Information and directories.
    • EULAs are located in the \Shared\MDF\Legal\license directory.
    • Review \_Legal Information.txt for information on including legal information in installers built with NI products.
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    If you are an agency, department, or other entity of the United States Government ("Government"), the use, duplication, reproduction, release, modification, disclosure or transfer of the technical data included in this manual is governed by the Restricted Rights provisions under Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.227-14 for civilian agencies and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Section 252.227-7014 and 252.227-7015 for military agencies.
    IVI Foundation Copyright Notice
    Content from the IVI specifications reproduced with permission from the IVI Foundation.
    The IVI Foundation and its member companies make no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The IVI Foundation and its member companies shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
    Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at ni.com/trademarks for information on NI trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    For patents covering the NI products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the NI Patent Notice at ni.com/patents.

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