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[LV工具模块] LabVIEW 2011 Jitter Analysis Toolkit Win32Eng LabVIEW抖动分析工具包2011版下载

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    发表于 2020-11-9 22:51:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:广东省东莞市 联通


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    LabVIEW 2011 Jitter Analysis Toolkit Win32Eng LabVIEW抖动分析工具包2011版下载

    LabVIEW抖动分析工具包是LabVIEW的一款软件附件,提供了一个函数库,可用于在自动化验证和生产测试环境中执行高吞吐量的抖动、眼图和相位噪声测量。该附件支持眼图模板定义和模板极限测试(mask limit),而且如果使用的是多核机器,该附件可以加速线程安全测量。您可以创建和显示眼图和浴盆曲线。LabVIEW抖动分析工具包适用于使用第三方示波器和数字化仪或者PXI IF数字化仪、PXI示波器、C系列数字化仪模块等NI硬件的测试系统。此外,该附件还提供眼图、模板(mask)测试和随机抖动/确定性抖动(RJ/DJ)分离相关的示例程序。

    文件大小: 126175840 字节 (120.33 MB)
    修改日期: 2011-06-29 01:08
    MD5: 4e21e837bc953079ce49039279a4b16c(重复下载一致,可秒传)
    SHA1: 4215d595f3e4d35594812f167fc80ad7b92ec0d9
    SHA256: 3c588eb1018d5a0569df5b55940815484247744942fc5b2e7b7055239861e1c7
    CRC32: df7bd2a4

    JAT2011.txt (602 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)

    LabVIEW 2011 Jitter Analysis Toolkit Readme
    Version 11.0
    June 2011
    This file contains information to introduce you to the LabVIEW 2011 Jitter Analysis Toolkit. This file also contains important information about the toolkit, including system requirements, installation instructions, and known issues.

    System Requirements
    Installation Instructions
    Accessing the Toolkit and Help
    Finding Examples
    Known Issues
    The LabVIEW Jitter Analysis Toolkit provides a library of VIs optimized for performing high-throughput, automated jitter, eye diagram, and phase-noise measurements. The toolkit is hardware-independent and can be used with NI high-speed and high-resolution digitizers as well as third-party oscilloscopes and digitizers.
    System Requirements
    In addition to the system requirements for the LabVIEW Development System, the Jitter Analysis Toolkit has the following requirements:
    • LabVIEW 2011 Full or Professional Development System (32-bit)
    • At least 150 MB of disk space
    Refer to the LabVIEW Release Notes, which are available in your LabVIEW software kit or on the National Instruments Web site, for additional system requirements and supported operating systems for LabVIEW 2011 and related service packs.
    Installation Instructions
    You can install all of your LabVIEW products—including the Jitter Analysis Toolkit—using the LabVIEW Platform DVDs. You can find installation instructions for the toolkit along with activation instructions in the following locations:
    • LabVIEW Release Notes, which are available in your LabVIEW software kit.
    • LabVIEW Platform DVDs Readme, which is available on the top-level of LabVIEW Platform DVD 1.
    To request additional LabVIEW Platform DVDs, refer to the National Instruments Web site.
    Note: If you purchased this product with an NI Software Suite or NI Product Bundle, use the installation media that shipped with your purchase to install this product.
    Accessing the Toolkit and Help
    To access the Jitter Analysis Toolkit VIs, select View»Functions Palette from the block diagram in LabVIEW and navigate to the Addons»Jitter Analysis palette. You also can right-click any blank space on the block diagram to display the Functions palette.
    Refer to the Toolkits»Jitter Analysis VIs book on the Contents tab of the LabVIEW Help for more information about the Jitter Analysis Toolkit.
    Finding Examples
    Refer to the labview\examples\Jitter Analysis directory for LabVIEW examples for the Jitter Analysis Toolkit. You can modify an example VI to fit an application, or you can copy and paste from one or more examples into a VI that you create.
    Known Issues
    You can access the software and documentation known issues list online. Refer to the LabVIEW Toolkits Known Issues Web site for an up-to-date list of any known issues in the Jitter Analysis Toolkit.

    Important Information
    © 2011 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
    For copyright notices, conditions, and disclaimers, including information regarding certain third-party components used in the LabVIEW Jitter Analysis Toolkit, refer to the Copyright topic of the LabVIEW Help.
    LabVIEW, National Instruments, NI, ni.com, the National Instruments corporate logo, and the Eagle logo are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Trademark Information at ni.com/trademarks for other National Instruments trademarks.
    Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    For patents covering the National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Notice at ni.com/patents.



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