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[NI驱动程序] NI-CAN 2.0 Driver Win32Eng NI控制器局域网驱动软件2.0下载

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    NI-CAN 2.0 Driver Win32Eng NI控制器局域网驱动软件2.0下载

    NI-CAN驱动软件适用于多种类型的CAN硬件应用程序,如高速CAN、容错CAN和LIN接口。NI-CAN具有强大的底层框架API和上层通道,可实现快速开发。NI-CAN用于为LabVIEW、LabWindows/CVI和ANSI C/C++提供本地支持。此外,NI-CAN还包括通道测试面板、总线监控器和记录器以及数据库编辑器等工具。LabWindows标志经Microsoft公司授权使用。Windows是Microsoft公司在美国和其他国家的注册商标。

    文件大小: 66505604 字节 (63.42 MB)
    修改日期: 2010-04-25 03:23
    MD5: 823d56d9050ff59e9b562e91e51a84b7
    SHA1: 51d462440714eaa1af2f747b341631d5233dd292
    SHA256: 8f0bc616ccb3e02dffc96f54ee3b8e3a158a74bd1afa473b6c88f26cc23d2799
    CRC32: a8f75a08

    CAN2.0.txt (536 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)

    NI-CAN Software for Windows 2000/NT/XP/Me/98/95 and LabVIEW Real-Time (RT)
    Version 2.0
    © Copyright 1996-2002 National Instruments Corporation, All Rights Reserved

    Thank you for using National Instruments products for CAN.

    Information in this file is organized in the following sections:
    • Documentation
    • Supported Hardware
    • Updates to Manuals
    • Change in Error Codes from NI-CAN 1.4 or Earlier
    • Additional Programming Topics

    Within your NI-CAN CD sleeve, the Installation Guide: CAN Hardware & NI-CAN Software For Windows provides instructions for installing your National Instruments CAN hardware and software.
    The NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual is the primary document for NI CAN products. This manual provides an introduction to CAN, specifications for hardware, information on how to get started with application development, and a complete reference for all NI-CAN functions.
    The NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual is provided in Adobe Acrobat form. You can open the document from your Start menu in:
                Start >> Programs >> National Instruments >> NI-CAN >> Documentation
    Within National Instruments LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI development environments, links to the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual are provided in the online Help for each NI-CAN function.
    Online Help for the NI-CAN features within the Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) can be found in the MAX Help Topics menu. The MAX Help Topics for NI-CAN also provide a link to the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual.
    Supported Hardware
    The NI-CAN Software for Windows 2000/NT/XP/Me/98/95 supports the following National Instruments hardware products:
    • PCI-CAN, PCI-CAN/2
    • PCI-CAN/LS, PCI-CAN/LS2 (Low Speed)
    • PCI-CAN/DS, (Dual Speed: Port-1 High Speed, Port-2 Low Speed)
    • PXI-8461, one-port (High Speed)
    • PXI-8461, two-port (High Speed)
    • PXI-8460, one-port (Low Speed)
    • PXI-8460, two-port (Low Speed)
    • PXI-8462, (Dual Speed: Port-1 High Speed, Port-2 Low Speed)
    The NI-CAN Software for Windows Me/98/95 also supports the following National Instruments hardware products (not supported under Windows 2000/NT/XP):
    • AT-CAN, AT-CAN/2 (ISAPNP cards)
    The NI-CAN Software for LabVIEW RT supports the following National Instruments hardware products:
    • PXI-8461, one-port (High Speed)
    • PXI-8461, two-port (High Speed)
    • PXI-8460, one-port (Low Speed)
    • PXI-8460, two-port (Low Speed)
    • PXI-8462, (Dual Speed: Port-1 High Speed, Port-2 Low Speed)
    The NI-CAN software supports only National Instruments CAN hardware products. To reference software for CAN products from other vendors, refer to the documentation that you received with that product.
    Updates to ManualsLabVIEW Palettes
    The LabVIEW section in Chapter 3 of the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual states:
    The top level of the NI-CAN function palette contains the most commonly used functions of the Channel API. Subpalettes contain the Frame API functions and advanced Channel API functions.
    In order to clearly distinguish the Channel API and Frame API, the top level of the NI-CAN function palette actually contains two subpalettes.
    Optional Filepath Input to LabVIEW Initialize VIs
    For the Channel API, the LabVIEW CAN Initialize and CAN Init Start VIs provide an optional filepath input that is not documented in the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual.
    This input is provided as a convenience so that you can avoid converting a filepath to a string and prepending to the first channel in channel list. To open a list of channels in a specific file, you can simply pass the channels in channel list, and the filepath separately into the filepath input. This is particularly useful when used in conjunction with the CAN Get Names VI.
    For an example, refer to the Get Names with Waveform Input example for LabVIEW.
    LabVIEW Sync Start Multiple Supports Only One NI-DAQ Task
    For the Channel API, the LabVIEW CAN Sync Start Multiple example VI supports only one NI-DAQ task. It is used to synchronize multiple CAN cards, optionally including a single NI-DAQ task
    Get Names Does Not Prepend Filepath to Channel List
    In the reference for the Channel API Get Names function, the manual states that if filepath is specified, it is prepended to the first channel in the returned channel list.
    The Get Names function does not return the filepath in the returned channel list. In LabVIEW, you can specify the filepath directly for CAN Initialize as stated previously in this readme document. In C, you must prepend the FilePath (with double-colon) to the ChannelList input in your own code.
    Change in Error Codes from NI-CAN 1.4 or Earlier
    In order to improve integration of NI-CAN into the overall framework of National Instruments products, version 1.5 and later uses a different format for error codes than previous versions of NI-CAN. The new error format is simpler, and it provides an easy mechanism to obtain a description.
    If you are developing a new application for NI-CAN, this change does not affect you.
    If you have an application that was written for NI-CAN 1.4 or earlier, you can either:
    • Enable a special backward-compatibility mode to execute your application without change.
    • Update your code to use the improved error format (recommended).
    For more information on these tasks, consult the KnowledgeBase in the Support area of the National Instruments web site, ni.com. Within the KnowledgeBase, search for an article with NI-CAN and legacy in the title, such as:
         +"NI-CAN" +legacy
    Additional Programming TopicsInternal Waiting in Channel API Read
    Within the Channel API, if the task was initialized with sample rate greater than zero, the Read function will wait internally for the desired samples to arrive. This internal wait sleeps the Windows thread in which it was called. For LabVIEW applications, this means that you are not required to insert a LabVIEW Wait VI in order to provide execution time for other VIs or Windows applications.
    If a Channel API task is initialized with sample rate of zero, the Read function returns immediately, therefore the LabVIEW Wait VI may be required.
    For Timestamped Input mode in the Channel API, the Timeout property determines whether an internal wait is used. For more information, refer to the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual.

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