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[LV工具模块] LabVIEW SystemLink Toolkit 2020R4 Win32/64Eng LabVIEW系统连接工具包SLT20.6.0下载

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    LabVIEW SystemLink Toolkit 2020R4 Win32/64Eng LabVIEW系统连接工具包SLT20.6.0下载

    LabVIEW SystemLink工具包提供了LabVIEW或LabVIEW NXG与SystemLink Server或SystemLink Cloud帐户进行通信的工具。
    LabVIEW SystemLink工具包是一个软件附件,包含用于LabVIEW的SystemLink API。该附件可通过编程方式访问SystemLink数据服务,这样就可在SystemLink Web应用程序之外集成SystemLink和LabVIEW。您可以使用LabVIEW SystemLink工具包为测试和测量系统创建VI或WebVI。

    2020R4 20.6.0
    文件大小: 356384768 字节 (339.88 MB)
    修改日期: 2020-12-16 02:15
    MD5: bf7494bcb3fac537eab8d0b0dfca52a8(官方正确)
    SHA1: ca6340efaf692b15ced82376a5a820c93792d70c
    SHA256: b2b0b8aec908d0f061ab3701ca6faab3f69211242084f93ba5af27b9fb1cfd28
    CRC32: 93c376d3

    SystemLink LV Support 20.6.txt (676 Bytes, 下载次数: 1, 售价: 10 元)

    NI SystemLink 2020 R4 Readme
    December 2020
    This file contains important information about SystemLink, including system requirements and known issues.
    System Requirements
    Product Security and Critical Updates
    Licensing Information for SystemLink Clients
    Known Issues
    Bug Fixes
    Accessing the Help
    Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10
    Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.1
    SystemLink Drops Support for Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 R2, and All 32-Bit Windows Operating Systems in 2021
    Legal Information
    Use SystemLink to discover and manage systems on a server. Create and deploy packages to all your managed systems. Leverage SystemLink data services to visualize data, trigger alarms, monitor tests, manage assets, and transfer files to a server. SystemLink TDM is a Big Analog Data™ solution for automated preparation and analysis of large amounts of data in various formats and structures from different geographic locations.
    System Requirements
    SystemLink has the following minimum system requirements:
    Server Requirements
    Windows, less than 50 nodes
    Windows, 50+ nodes, SystemLink TDM
    OS (64-bit only)
    Windows Server 2019 R2
    Windows Server 2016
    Windows Server 2012 R2 1
    Windows 7 SP1 or higher
    Windows Server 2019 R2
    Windows Server 2016
    Windows Server 2012 R2 1
    Windows 7 SP1 or higher
    4-core recommended or higher
    8-core recommended or higher
    16 GB minimum
    32+ GB recommended
    32 GB minimum
    64+ GB recommended
    6 GB minimum
    8+ GB recommended
    16+ GB recommended
    1 NI software installs VC2015 runtime and .NET 4.6.2. Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2, which require Microsoft updates to support these items. Refer to Microsoft KB2919442 and KB2919355 for more information about how to install these updates.
    Note  Refer to SystemLink Drops Support for Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 R2, and All 32-Bit Windows Operating Systems in 2021 for information about future OS support.
    Note  SystemLink TDM does not support server versions from the Microsoft Semi-Annual Channel. In addition, SystemLink TDM does not support Windows Server Core mode.
    Target Requirements (Managed Nodes)
    NI Linux Real-Time
    Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit) or higher
    Windows 7 SP1 (32-bit) or higher
    NI Linux Real-Time 2019, 2020
    (Supports LabVIEW RT 2019, 2020, and NXG 5.0 and later)
    Pentium 4 G1 (or equivalent) or later
    All Intel and ARM models supported
    2 GB minimum
    4 GB recommended
    512 MB minimum
    1+ GB recommended
    1 GB minimum
    2+ GB recommended
    512 MB
    Note: VxWorks and Phar Lap OS are not supported.

    Additional Requirements for Servers and Targets

    • .NET Framework 4.6.2
    • Latest version of one of the following browsers:
      • Chrome
      • Firefox
      • Edge (Chromium)
      • Safari

    Note: SystemLink R4 does not support Microsoft Edge Legacy versions (version 44 and below).
    Supported Software
    SystemLink 2020 R4 supports the following LabVIEW versions:
    • LabVIEW 2017 and later
    • LabVIEW RT 2017 and later
    • LabVIEW NXG 5.0 and later
    SystemLink 2020 R4 supports the following TestStand versions:
    • TestStand 2014 or later
    SystemLink TDM supports the following DIAdem versions as clients:
    • DIAdem 2015 and later (2020 recommended)
    SystemLink 2020 R4 supports the following Python versions:
    • NI SystemLink Python 3.7 SDK
    • NI SystemLink Python 3.8 SDK
    Note: SystemLink TDM Analysis Automation does not support NI SystemLink Python 3.8 SDK. To use Python scripts in Analysis Automation, select NI SystemLink Python 3.7 SDK under “Additional items you may wish to install” when installing SystemLink Suite.
    Product Security and Critical Updates
    Visit ni.com/security to view and subscribe to receive security notifications about NI products. Visit ni.com/critical-updates for information about critical updates from NI.
    Licensing Information for SystemLink
    SystemLink uses Volume License Manager to license server modules and add-ons as well as clients. Download NI Volume License Manager from ni.com and refer to the Get Started with VLA and Set Up NI Volume License Manager (VLM) tutorial for more information on licensing.
    If you evaluate SystemLink Server before activating, any clients you connect will initially appear as Not Activated in Systems Manager. Use SystemLink Web Application to activate the client after you activate the server.
    Known IssuesYou can access the software and documentation known issues list online. Refer to the NI website for an up-to-date list of known issues in SystemLink.
    Note: When updating from SystemLink version 20.0 or earlier, existing DataFinder privileges do not migrate. Use the Security application to assign DataFinder privileges.
    Bug Fixes
    You can access a list of bugs fixed in this version online. Refer to the public bugs list for a list of fixed bugs.
    Accessing the Help
    Refer to the NI SystemLink Manual, accessible from ni.com, for more information about SystemLink and the services and APIs it offers.
    Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10
    Microsoft Windows 10 is the latest version of the Windows operating system and features significant changes compared to previous versions. Windows 10 introduces several new capabilities and also combines features from both Windows 7 and Windows 8. For more information about NI support for Windows 10, visit ni.com/windows10.
    Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.1
    When you install NI software on Microsoft Windows 8.1, you will notice a few additional tiles in the Apps view, including shortcuts to NI application software products such as NI LabVIEW, Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX), and NI Launcher. For more information about NI support for Windows 8.1, visit ni.com/windows8.
    SystemLink Drops Support for Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 R2, and All 32-Bit Windows Operating Systems in 2021
    SystemLink will drop support for Windows 7 (32- and 64-bit), Windows 8.1 (32- and 64-bit), Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 R2, and all 32-bit Windows operating systems starting in 2021. Versions of this product that ship after May 1, 2021, may not install or execute correctly on these operating systems. For detailed information about NI operating system support, visit ni.com/r/win32bitsupport.
    For detailed information about NI application software product life cycles, visit ni.com/info and enter one of the following Info Codes:
    Info Code
    Measurement Studiomstudiolifecycle

    Legal Information
    © 2017-2020 National Instruments. All rights reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    NI respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. NI software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Where NI software may be used to reproduce software or other materials belonging to others, you may use NI software only to reproduce materials that you may reproduce in accordance with the terms of any applicable license or other legal restriction.
    End-User License Agreements and Third-Party Legal Notices
    You can find end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the following locations after installation:
    • Notices are located in the \_Legal Information and directories.
    • EULAs are located in the \Shared\MDF\Legal\license directory.
    • Review \_Legal Information.txt for information on including legal information in installers built with NI products.
    U.S. Government Restricted Rights
    If you are an agency, department, or other entity of the United States Government ("Government"), the use, duplication, reproduction, release, modification, disclosure or transfer of the technical data included in this manual is governed by the Restricted Rights provisions under Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.227-14 for civilian agencies and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Section 252.227-7014 and 252.227-7015 for military agencies.
    IVI Foundation Copyright Notice
    Content from the IVI specifications reproduced with permission from the IVI Foundation.
    The IVI Foundation and its member companies make no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The IVI Foundation and its member companies shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
    Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at ni.com/trademarks for information on NI trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    For patents covering the NI products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the NI Patent Notice at ni.com/patents.


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