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[NI驱动程序] NI-HSDIO 1.5.4 Driver Win32/62Eng NI高速数字输入输出仪器驱动程序1.5.4

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    NI-HSDIO 1.5.4 Driver Win32/62Eng NI高速数字输入输出仪器驱动程序1.5.4

    NI-HSDIO为使用NI PXI数字波形仪器或数字波形设备的客户提供支持。
    NI-HSDIO是与数字波形硬件进行通信的NI仪器驱动程序,用于执行高速DIO  (HSDIO)任务。该驱动程序软件包含基于IVI准则的灵活API、完整的硬件支持文档,以及配置和测试实用程序。

    文件大小: 1153596399 字节 (1.07 GB)
    修改日期: 2011-06-23 02:25
    MD5: 44850991afec04fde2ef394aaa4d1836(官方正确)
    SHA1: e31091671d61043ef6f94d01599bd905f9edee87
    SHA256: 7588c2c28098bcf838e5adb4e77ad54fde8101cdab3be4192b07b5ce376d6057
    CRC32: 01f6a387

    HSDIO1.5.4.txt (564 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)

    NI-HSDIO Instrument Driver Readme
    Version 1.5.4

    Thank you for using NI-HSDIO for Windows Vista/XP/2000. This file contains important information regarding NI-HSDIO and is organized into the following sections:
    • New Features
    • Supported Hardware
    • System Requirements
    • Installed File Names and Locations
    • Documentation
    • Uninstalling/Modifying NI-HSDIO
    • Known Issues
    • Bug Fixes

    New Features
    NI-HSDIO 1.5.4 includes the following new features:
    • Support for LabVIEW 8.6
    • Support was removed for LabVIEW 8.0
    NI-HSDIO 1.5.3 includes the following new features:
    • Bug fixes.
    • Support for acquiring up to 2,147,483,647 records.
    NI-HSDIO 1.5.2 adds support for LabVIEW 8.5
    NI-HSDIO 1.5.1 includes the following new features:
    • Bug fixes for the NI-HSDIO SignalExpress steps and niHSDIO Express VIs
    NI-HSDIO 1.5 includes the following new features:
    • Support for streaming waveforms and Direct DMA
    • NI-HSDIO Stimulus/Response express step and integration with NI LabVIEW SignalExpress 2.0
    • Support for generating waveforms using the NI Digital Waveform Editor and NI LabVIEW SignalExpress 2.0
    • Support for Windows Vista. For more information about Microsoft Windows Vista and NI products, refer to ni.com/vista.
    • Support for LabVIEW 8.2.1
    NI-HSDIO 1.4.3 adds support for LabVIEW 8.2.
    NI-HSDIO 1.4 includes the following new features:
    • Support for open collector generation on the NI 654X/655X devices
    • Support for per cycle, per pin tristate for NI 655X devices
    • Addition of real-time hardware comparison of actual response data with expected resposne data. For more information on this feature, visit ni.com/info and enter the info code nsi5410
    • Support for using the waveform data type (WDT) in C application development environments
    • Addition of an "if/else/end if" instruction in the supported scripting language
    • Addition of the niHSDIO_WriteNamedWaveformFromFileHWS function and a Write from HWS File instance of the niHSDIO Write Named Waveform VI
    • Changes to the possible values of input impedance for NI 655X devices; refer to device specifications for details
    • Changes to recommended input voltage thresholds; refer to device specifications for details
    Supported Hardware
    NI-HSDIO supports the following NI digital waveform generator/analyzers:
    • NI PXI/PCI-6541
    • NI PXI/PCI-6542
    • NI PXI/PCI-6551
    • NI PXI/PCI-6552
    • NI PXI/PCI-6561
    • NI PXI/PCI-6562
    Note:  If you are using a PXI product, notice that MXI-4 is supported on Windows Vista/XP/2000, but MXI-3 is supported on only Windows XP/2000.
    Device-specific information about these modules is included in the NI Digital Waveform Generator/Analyzer Help.
    System Requirements
    Minimum System Requirements
    • Processor: Pentium 200 MHz or equivalent
    • RAM: 64 MB
    • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later
    • A screen resolution of 800×600 with 256 colors (required for the NI Script Editor)
    Recommended System
    • Processor: Pentium III/Celeron 600 MHz or equivalent
    • RAM: 256 MB
    • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later
    • One of the following operating systems:
      • Windows Vista
      • Windows XP
      • Windows 2000
    • One of the following application development environments (ADEs):
      • LabVIEW  7.1, 8.2, 8.5, or 8.6
      • LabVIEW Real-Time Module 7.1.1 or later
      • LabWindows™/CVI™ 7.1, 8.0, 8.1, or 8.5
      • LabWindows/CVI Real-Time Module
      • Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) 6.0 or later
    • If you are running your application on an RT target, 64 MB of memory or more is recommended.
    Installed File Names and Locations
    FilesInstallation Location on Windows XP/2000 and
    Windows Vista (32-bit version)
    Installation Location on Windows Vista x64 Edition (64-bit version)
    VIsProgram Files\National Instruments\\instr.lib\niHSDIOProgram Files (x86)\National Instruments\\instr.lib\niHSDIO
    LabVIEW ExamplesProgram Files\National Instruments\\examples\instr\niHSDIOProgram Files (x86)\National Instruments\\examples\instr\niHSDIO
    C ExamplesProgram Files\IVI\Drivers\niHSDIO\Examples\cProgram Files (x86)\IVI\Drivers\niHSDIO\Examples\c
    CVI ExamplesProgram Files\National Instruments\\samples\niHSDIOProgram Files (x86)\National Instruments\\samples\niHSDIO
    Documentation FilesProgram Files\IVI\Drivers\niHSDIO\DocumentationProgram Files (x86)\IVI\Drivers\niHSDIO\Documentation
    Script EditorProgram Files\National Instruments\Script EditorProgram Files (x86)\National Instruments\Script Editor
    Product Documentation
    The product documentation is available at Start» Programs»National Instruments»NI-HSDIO»Documentation. Visit ni.com/manuals for the latest versions of product documentation. The documentation for NI-HSDIO and NI  Digital Waveform Generator/Analyzer modules include the following items:
    • NI Digital Waveform Generator/Analyzer Getting Started Guide—Explains how to install, configure, and test a National Instruments digital waveform generator/analyzer.
    • NI Digital Waveform Generator/Analyzer Help—Contains instructions for opening, configuring, initiating signal generation, and closing the session. Also, contains information about programming and fundamentals.
    • Specifications document for your device—Contains specifications for the capabilities and valid operating conditions of your NI device.
    Note  To view the specifications, you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. You can install the viewer from www.adobe.com/acrobat.
    Uninstalling/Modifying the Instrument Driver
    For Windows 2000/XP, complete the following steps:
    • Launch the Control Panel by selecting Start»Control Panel.
    • Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
    • Select National Instruments Software.
    • Click Change/Remove.
    • Select NI-HSDIO 1.5.4 from the dialog box that appears.
    • Click Remove to uninstall the product; click Modify to change the components that are installed.
    For Windows Vista, complete the following steps:
    • Launch the Control Panel by selecting Start»Control Panel.
    • Double-click Programs and Features.
    • Select National Instruments Software.
    • Click the Uninstall/Change button.
    • Select NI-HSDIO 1.5.4 from the dialog box that appears.
    • Click Remove to uninstall the product; click Modify to change the components that are installed.
    As part of the NI-HSDIO installation, the following list of software was installed. To completely remove NI-HSDIO from your system, you must remove all of these packages also.
    • NI IVI Compliance Package 3.1
    • NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 7.1.1
    • NI Measurement & Automation Explorer 4.3
    • NI-DAQ 8.6
    • NI-VISA 4.2
    Caution  Several of the software packages listed above are shared with other NI software packages. If you attempt to remove a piece of software that something else is dependent on, a message launches to warn you about the software dependencies. You can choose to either uninstall all of the software or to leave the shared software installed. If you choose to uninstall the shared software, some of your other NI software may no longer function correctly.
    Known Issues
    • NI recommends that you disable Windows power management modes, such as sleep, standby, and hibernate when using this product. These modes terminate any operation in progress. Notice that in Windows Vista or on a laptop computer, the default power management settings are likely to enable sleep mode.
    • When you run setup.exe to install the software from the CD, you are prompted to choose whether you want to always trust software from National Instruments. If you do not select this option, your installation may be interrupted by one or more Microsoft Windows security dialog boxes. However, if you run setup from the command line, you will not receive this prompt, and the installer will automatically install NI's Software Publisher Certificate to the your Windows Trusted Publisher Store. If you do not want to make this change to your Windows Trusted Publisher Store, do not choose this installation method.
    • If for some reason you need to downgrade from NI-HSDIO 1.5 to a previous version of NI-HSDIO, the MAX data store may become corrupted. Refer to Knowledgebase 3L9AK06E for information about how to resolve this issue. To access this Knowledgebase entry, visit ni.com/zone, and type 3L9AK06E in the Search KnowledgeBase Documents textbox.
    • When using NI-HSDIO 1.4 with the LabVIEW Real-Time Module, the text of some error descriptions are not returned by NI-HSDIO. Error codes that are returned are returned correctly. Refer to Knowledgebase 3OOFLT0Q for information about how to resolve this issue.
    • NI-HSDIO Express steps in NI Signal Express 1.0–SThe NI-HSDIO Express steps that ship with NI-HSDIO 1.3.1 were designed for use with NI SignalExpress 1.1 or later. The NI-HSDIO Express steps are compatible with NI SignalExpress 1.0 with the exception that software start triggers are not supported.
    • Review the specifications document at Start» Programs»National Instruments»NI-HSDIO»Documentation to ensure that the clock and trigger signals you connect to the instrument meet the amplitude, jitter, and duty cycle requirements of your device.

    Bug Fixes
    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed between NI–HSDIO 1.5.2 and NI–HSDIO 1.5.3. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is table not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI–HSDIO.

    IDFixed Issue
    45UDPVTCFixed an issue with NI 656x acquisition returning invalid data when data width is set to 1 byte.
    3ULBCTEPAdded an error for using the open collector drive type for dynamic generation with NI 654x devices.
    41BALHMIResovled external clock reconfiguration error on NI 654x/655x/656x devices.
    4DCEHHEPOptimized the instances of the niHSDIO Write Named Waveform VI by eliminating a memory copy.

    © 2003–2008 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    National Instruments, NI, ni.com, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.
    For patents covering the National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or ni.com/patents.

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