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[NI软件产品] NI Measurement Studio 8.5.0 Win32Eng NI MStudio8.5.0 适用Visual Studio 2003/2005/2008

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    NI Measurement Studio 8.5.0 Win32Eng NI MStudio8.5.0 适用Visual Studio 2003/2005/2008

    Measurement Studio
    Measurement Studio是Microsoft Visual Studio的扩展软件,提供了用于创建测试和测量应用程序的.NET工具。
    Measurement Studio是一套专为构建工程应用程序而设计的.NET工具。您可以使用与硬件采集数据类型兼容的工程UI控件,以清晰明了地展示数据。Measurement Studio通过高级、直观的面向对象硬件类库简化了硬件通信。您可以使用业界最快、最灵活且最适合将测量数据存盘的文件格式TDMS,将自定义信息添加到采集的数据。您还可以对采集的信号进行实时在线分析,而无需编写自定义解析算法。

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    Measurement Studio 8.1.2 for Visual Studio .NET 2003 Readme
    Measurement Studio 8.1.2 includes separate, parallel sets of class libraries, integration features, and support documentation for developing with Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Studio 2005.
    This readme documents Measurement Studio support for Visual Studio .NET 2003. Refer to the readme on the Measurement Studio Support for Visual Studio 6.0 CD for information about Visual Studio 6.0 support. You can install support for both Visual Studio .NET 2003 and support for Visual Studio 6.0 on the same machine. However, you must install the support to separate directories.

    This section describes new features that have been introduced in Measurement Studio since version 8.1.1.
    Legend Control Scrollbars
    For more information, refer to Using the Measurement Studio Windows Forms Legend .NET Control or Using the Measurement Studio Web Forms Legend .NET Control in the NI Measurement Studio Help.
    WYSIWYG Editing of Labels with Engineering Formatting in Measurement Studio User Interface Controls
    This feature is enabled by default for new Measurement Studio controls you add to your project. You can enable this feature for existing Measurement Studio controls in your project by checking the WYSIWYG Editing check box in the Numeric Format Mode Editor dialog box. You access the Numeric Format Mode Editor dialog box for the numeric edit control and the numeric edit array control by selecting the FormatMode property on the Property Pages for the control. You access the Numeric Format Mode Editor dialog box for the numeric pointer controls and the axes of the graph controls by selecting the EditRangeNumericFormatMode property in the Property Pages for the control.
    Programmatic Parsing of Strings with Engineering Formatting
    Measurement Studio support for Visual Studio 6.0 will now require you to run only one installer instead of an initial installation and an updater installer. Measurement Studio's Visual Studio 6.0 support also includes support for Microsoft Windows Vista.
    Measurement Studio 8.1.2 includes analysis code snippets in the documentation that can be copied and pasted into an application and used immediately. The following classes include new example code snippets:
    • CurveFit
    • ArrayOperations
    • Digital Filters—Bessel, Butterworth, and Chebyshev
    • Statistics
    For more information about what's new in Measurement Studio 8.1.2, refer to the What's New in Measurement Studio section of the NI Measurement Studio Help.

    Installing Measurement Studio 8.1.2
    To use Measurement Studio, your computer must have the following:
    • Microsoft Windows XP/2000
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 (required only for the Measurement Studio .NET class libraries)
    • Standard, Professional, Enterprise Developer, Enterprise Architect, or Academic edition of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
    • Intel Pentium III class processor, 1 GHz or higher
    • Video display—1024 × 768, 256 colors (16-bit color recommended for user interface controls)
    • Minimum of 256 MB of RAM (512 MB or higher recommended)
    • Minimum of 405 MB of free hard disk space
    • Microsoft-compatible mouse
    • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later

    Installation Instructions
    National Instruments recommends that you exit all programs before running the Measurement Studio installer. Applications that run in the background, such as virus scanning utilities, might cause the installer to take longer than average to complete.
    National Instruments recommends that you install the complete Measurement Studio program. If you perform a custom installation and do not install all the Measurement Studio features, you can run the installation program again later to install additional features.
    Note    The option to browse for an installation location is valid only if you have not already installed any Measurement Studio features for the version of Visual Studio or the .NET Framework that you are installing. If you have any Measurement Studio features installed, then Measurement Studio installs to the same root directory to which you installed other Measurement Studio features.
    Installing the Current Version of Measurement Studio over Previous Versions of Measurement Studio
    If you install a newer version of Measurement Studio on a machine that has a prior version of Measurement Studio installed, the newer version installer replaces the prior version functionality, including class libraries. However, the prior version assemblies remain in the global assembly cache (GAC); therefore, applications that reference the prior version continue to use the prior version .NET assemblies.
    Note    This does not apply to NationalInstruments.Common.dll. NationalInstruments.Common.dll uses a publisher policy file to redirect applications to always use the newest version of NationalInstruments.Common.dll installed on the system, for each version of the .NET Framework. NationalInstruments.Common.dll is backward-compatible.
    For assistance in getting started with Measurement Studio 8.1.2, refer to the Measurement Studio Overview and the Getting Started with the Measurement Studio Class Libraries topics in the NI Measurement Studio Help or refer to the Measurement Studio User Manual and the Measurement Studio Release Notes. You can launch the NI Measurement Studio Help in the following ways:
    • From the Windows Start menu, select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»Measurement Studio for Visual Studio .NET 2003»Measurement Studio Documentation. The help launches in a stand-alone help viewer.
    • From Visual Studio, select Help»Contents to view the Visual Studio table of contents. The NI Measurement Studio Help is listed in the table of contents.
    • From Visual Studio, select Measurement Studio»NI Measurement Studio Help. The help launches within the application.
    To get started creating a Measurement Studio project using class library and application templates, open Visual Studio and select File»New» Project to launch the New Project dialog box. In the Project Types pane, expand the Measurement Studio Projects folder and select the Projects folder for the language you want to create the program in. Then, in the Templates pane, select the type of project you want to create.
    For information about deploying applications built with Measurement Studio 8.1.2, refer to Deploying Measurement Studio Applications in the NI Measurement Studio Help.
    Note    Measurement Studio support for Visual Studio .NET 2003 does not support redistributing applications to Windows 95/98/Me/NT 4.0.

    Bug Fixes in Measurement Studio 8.1.2
    For a complete list of incompatibilities in Measurement Studio with previous versions of Measurement Studio and otherwise supported features, including a list of obsoleted members and members that have been changed to sealed override or non-virtual, refer to the Measurement Studio Incompatibilities topic in the NI Measurement Studio Help.
    • 4CN6TVBU: In Measurement Studio 8.1.2 and later, when you add a new annotation programmatically, the control assigns the annotation a unique name, in the format of Annotation-n, where n is a number. In previous versions of Measurement Studio, the control finds the lowest n that yields a name that is not the same as the name of another annotation in the collection. In Measurement Studio 8.1.2 and later, the control finds the lowest n that is greater than or equal to the number of items in the collection.
      For example, consider the scenario where you have a collection that has two annotations, named Annotation-2 and Annotation-3, and you add an annotation. In previous versions of Measurement Studio, the name of the added annotation is Annotation-1. In Measurement Studio 8.1.2 and later, the name of the added annotation is Annotation-4.
    Installer Known Issues
    • 46HI1IQ6: Measurement Studio will no longer install C++ IVI examples with the class libraries. To obtain these examples, contact National Instruments at ni.com/support.
    • 3VQCPM00: If you install Visual Studio .NET 2003 after you install an NI product for use with Visual Studio .NET 2003, you cannot modify the installation path for Visual Studio .NET 2003.
    • C1398338: If an installer failure occurs and you choose to continue, Measurement Studio .NET class libraries will be unlicensed. Fix this issue by reinstalling Measurement Studio 8.1.2 in Modify mode.
      • Double-click Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel.
      • Select National Instruments Software and click Change.
      • Select Measurement Studio 8.1.2 and click Modify. The Measurement Studio 8.1.2 installer launches.
      • In the Features dialog box, select or deselect an item to change it. For example, if you have not previously installed the 3D Graph, select it. Do not install the feature that caused the installer failure.
      • Click Next. Follow the dialog boxes to complete the installer. The license files for the components you are installing are generated to the following location: Program Files\National Instruments\MeasurementStudioVS2005\DotNET\Assemblies.
    • 2TCFIS9Q: If you install new, unlicensed versions of Measurement Studio ActiveX controls on a machine that has previously licensed versions of the Measurement Studio controls, the controls might exhibit one of the following behaviors:
      • The licensed controls become evaluation software for 30 days.
      • The licensed controls do not let you use functionality that was present in the licensed version.
      Use the Measurement Studio ActiveX License Fixer Utility located on your CD in the ActiveX License Fixer Utility folder to fix these problems.
    • 2TCFIS9Q: If you install previously licensed versions of Measurement Studio ActiveX controls on a machine that has new, unlicensed versions of the Measurement Studio controls, the controls might exhibit evaluation software behavior for 30 days. Use the Measurement Studio ActiveX License Fixer Utility located on your CD in the ActiveX License Fixer Utility folder to fix this problem.
    • 3PEDL69Q: Installing Measurement Studio 8.1.2 over previous versions could result in a loss of Analysis class library functionality. This issue occurs only on systems where the underlying Analysis DLL from previous versions has never been deployed. In this case, if you install Measurement Studio 8.1.2 without installing the Analysis feature, then execute an install modification and add the Analysis installer feature, the underlying Analysis DLL from previous versions is not reinstalled. Complete the following steps to add the underlying Analysis DLL from previous versions to your system:
      • Double-click Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel.
      • Select National Instruments Software and click Change.
      • Select Measurement Studio 8.1.2 and click Modify. The installer launches in Modify mode.
      • In the Features dialog box, select to display all features, including hidden features.
      • Select the Legacy Analysis feature under the Measurement Studio .NET Languages Support Analysis section to install the underlying Analysis class library support.
      • Click Next. Follow the dialog boxes to complete the installer.

    Uninstaller Known Issues
    • 2Q0E5456: The Measurement Studio .NET tab appears in the .NET Toolbox after uninstalling Measurement Studio. To remove the Measurement Studio .NET tab, right-click on the tab and select Delete.
    • 2TCFIS9Q: If you have installed Measurement Studio 8.1.2 on a machine that has earlier versions of the Measurement Studio user interface and 3D graph controls and then uninstall Measurement Studio 8.1.2, the controls might exhibit evaluation software behavior for 30 days. Use the Measurement Studio ActiveX License Fixer Utility located on your CD in the ActiveX License Fixer Utility folder to fix this problem.

      Note    Applications that install earlier versions of the Measurement Studio user interface and 3D graph controls include ComponentWorks 2.0, Measurement Studio 1.0 and later, and LabVIEW 6i and later.

    Deploying Measurement Studio Applications
    • 470967Z7: When you deploy a Measurement Studio application for Windows Vista that includes DataSocket or NI-Reports, the end user must select Everyone in the installation instead of Just Me. You can disable the Just Me option in the installer by completing the following steps:
      • Click your Setup Project in the Solution Explorer to view the Setup Project Properties Window.
      • In the Properties Window, set InstallAllUsers to True.
      • Click the User Interface Editor button in the Solution Explorer.
      • Select Install»Start»Installation Folder.
      • Right-click Installation Folder and select Properties Window.
      • In the Properties Window, set InstallAllUsersVisible to False.

    Visual Studio Environment Integration Features Known Issues
    • 44BIHC800: If you install LabWindows/CVI 8.5 and use the LabWindows/CVI Project and Conversion Wizards in Visual Studio .NET 2003 and try to build a project that was created by one of these wizards, you will receive linker errors. With LabWindows/CVI 8.5 and later, the LabWindows/CVI libraries can be installed to various locations. The LabWindows/CVI wizards are not aware of these changes and therefore cannot find the needed libraries. These linker errors will only occur if you are using LabWindows/CVI 8.5 or later and the LabWindows/CVI wizards in Visual Studio .NET 2003. To fix these linker errors, update the following project settings:
      • In the Solution Explorer, right-click on the project and select Properties.
      • Click the C/C++ folder.
      • Click the General property page.
      • Modify the Additional Include Directories property to include the following paths:
        • NISHAREDDIR\CVI\include
        • NIPUBAPPDATADIR\CVI\include
        • NIPUBAPPDATADIR\CVIXX\include where CVIXX is the highest version installed
      • Click the Linker folder.
      • Click the General property page.
      • Modify the Additional Library Directories property to include the following paths:
        • CVIDIR\extlib\msvc
        • NISHAREDDIR\CVI\extlib\msvc
        • NIPUBAPPDATADIR\CVI\extlib\msvc
        • NIPUBAPPDATADIR\CVIXX\extlib\msvc where CVIXX is the highest version installed
        Repeat the above steps for the other project configurations (Debug, Release, and so on).
      For more information, refer to National Instruments KnowledgeBase Article 4BIHC800.
    • 3Q5EC69Q: With Measurement Studio installed and another Visual Studio .NET 2003 add-in installed, if you unload the Measurement Studio add-in, it might automatically reload. To work around this issue, you remove Measurement Studio using the Add-in Manager:
      • Select Tools»Add-in Manager to launch the Add-in Manager dialog box.
      • Uncheck the Startup option for Measurement Studio Add-in.
      • Click OK.
      • Restart Visual Studio .NET 2003.
      After restarting Visual Studio .NET 2003, Measurement Studio should be unloaded. Refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 555149 for more information.
    • 2PHBA1LT: When the Windows Forms Designer and a source code window are both open, and the Windows Forms Designer is active, the Parameter Assistant does not restrict code from being inserted into the source file. Instead, code is inserted into the source file at the last cursor location, which might have been changed by the Windows Forms Designer.
    • 39QJ5256: If you have not installed the August 2004 or later version of the NI Device Drivers CD, the DAQmx Task dialog will not work if you complete the following steps:
      • Open an existing DAQmx task in an application.
      • Set the mouse focus on this task.
      • Use to open the Add New Item Wizard.
      • Select DAQmx Task from the Measurement Studio\Assistants folder.
      The wizard hangs on the Supported Physical Channels dialog. Select Cancel or Back to exit the wizard. To work around this issue, right-click the project name in the Solution Explorer and select Add»Add New Item. Then select DAQmx Task. You can go through the wizard successfully, and the new DAQ task is added to your project.
    • 3NIAKPK5: The Measurement Studio Instrument Driver Wizard produces non-compiling Visual Basic code for P/Invoke methods that have a void return type.

    .NET Class Libraries Known Issues
    • 4CLI5R3Q: Upgrading to Measurement Studio 8.1.2 may cause the Analysis library to produce numerical differences in floating point results and different results for exceptional inputs, such as positive or negative infinity and NaN. These differences may occur because the underlying C Analysis library has been recompiled in Measurement Studio 8.1.2 to take advantage of new processors and operating systems.
    • 3OU62J9Q: You cannot use Measurement Studio class libraries in 64-bit applications. You can, however, use Measurement Studio class libraries in 32-bit applications and run those applications on Vista x64, provided that all drivers you use in the applications support Vista x64.
    • 2TSHI79Q: National Instruments has designed the VisaNS API as a custom, optimized .NET interface to NI-VISA.
    • 2Q9A0503: Under some circumstances, plots with data that extend outside the plot area are clipped incorrectly. As a result, part of the plot is not drawn. Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem with clipping in the .NET Framework.
    • 3AEERJQ6: If you copy and paste Measurement Studio user interface .NET controls from one instance of Visual Studio .NET 2003 to another instance of Visual Studio .NET 2003, an unlicensed exception is thrown and the second instance of Visual Studio .NET 2003 shuts down in thirty seconds. You can copy and paste Measurement Studio UI controls from one project to another within the same instance of Visual Studio .NET 2003 without receiving the unlicensed exception.
    • 39R92Q9Q: If your project references NationalInstruments.UI.WindowsForms, but does not reference the assemblies it depends on, there are circumstances in which the Windows Forms Designer will stop drawing the controls. This occurs when the Windows Forms Designer re-parses its generated code and is unable to resolve references to types that are in the assemblies that NationalInstruments.UI.WindowsForms depends on. To fix this problem, add project references to NationalInstruments.UI and NationalInstruments.Common. Measurement Studio does this for you automatically, so you will see this issue only if you disable Measurement Studio integration features in Visual Studio.

    Visual C++ Class Libraries Known Issues
    • 3OU62J9Q: You cannot use Measurement Studio class libraries in 64-bit applications. You can, however, use Measurement Studio class libraries in 32-bit applications and run those applications on Vista x64, provided that all drivers you use in the applications support Vista x64.
    • 3Q2AK93P: The Analysis library now calls the LoadLibrary function. Under most circumstances, it is unsafe to call LoadLibrary inside DllMain. Therefore, avoid calling any analysis functions inside DllMain.
    • 2VJIONX0: If you have created a Visual C++ Console Application and are linking statically to MFC, you may encounter LNK2005 and LNK1169 errors. This problem happens when MFC static libraries and CRT static libraries link in the wrong order. To correct this problem, ensure that the #include statement is the first include statement in the generated stdafx.h header file. For more information, refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 148652.
    • 2ZEE6I9Q: In Visual C++, the Measurement Studio 8.1.2 implementation of windowless controls is not compatible with the MFC ActiveX control container. Measurement Studio controls do not paint correctly when you set the Windowless property to true. You can work around this issue using a helper class to implement the appropriate dialog, SDI, or MDI function. For more information, refer to National Instruments KnowledgeBase Article 2ZFF2AXL.
    • 3LI9DC56: In Visual C++, if you have Measurement Studio windowless controls and any windowed controls together on an MFC dialog box, tabbing through the dialog box skips all windowless controls.
    • 2YFFDK03: In Visual C++, the property browser does not handle ActiveX controls correctly. National Instruments recommends you use the property pages to modify Measurement Studio controls in the Visual C++ resource editor. To access the property pages, right-click a Measurement Studio Visual C++ control and select Properties.
    • 2HR8MFYQ: Measurement Studio Visual C++ controls do not support being hosted in HTML dialogs. HTML dialogs use the CDHtmlDialog base class.
    • 2IC7BO63: In Visual C++, the wrappers that Visual C++ generates for the Measurement Studio ActiveX controls are incomplete. Visual C++ generates wrappers only for the top-level objects in the controls. This causes some Visual C++ generated wrappers to produce compile errors. Refer to National Instruments KnowledgeBase Article 2IECTLXL for more information and suggested workarounds.
    • 2HLFT4LT: LabVIEW Real-Time DLLs you create with the Measurement Studio LabVIEW Real-Time Interface class library work only with the LabVIEW RT software 6.0 and later.
    • 2ZGK8P9Q: LabVIEW Real-Time 6.1 and later does not support the 7030 LabVIEW Real-Time Series processor board. You can continue to use this board with the Measurement Studio LabVIEW Real-Time Interface class library if you are using a version of LabVIEW Real-Time prior to version 6.1.
    • 2HLFT4LT: If you download a VI to a LabVIEW RT Series processor board that calls into a DLL that uses the Measurement Studio LabVIEW RT class library, you must reference MStudio Shared Memory.vi from your VI. The LvRTDLL example, located at Program Files\National Instruments\\VCNET\Examples\LVRealTime\LvRTDLL , demonstrates how to do this operation.

    Documentation Known Issues
    • 44BCUIHW: Using Measurement Studio Help for Visual Studio 2003 and browsing to some sub-elements while logged in as a limited user in Windows Vista causes an install dialog to appear. This issue is fixed by allowing MSDN to repair itself when prompted.
    • 40SF8MWN: Measurement Studio Visual C++ properties that are defined by get and set methods do not show help in the Object Browser. Refer to the NI Measurement Studio Help to view the help for these properties.
    • 451EGFBK: Windows Vista does not support use of help files with a .hlp file extension, including What's This? help. If you want to view .hlp files, you must download and install the WinHlp.exe program from the Microsoft Download Center.
    • 41RBSKHW: The following help items do not work if MSDN help is not installed:
      • F1 help in the Visual Studio code editor.
      • Help buttons in the Visual Studio code editor.
      • Links to help from the Measurement Studio menu.
    • 3NLCR02V: Links to hardware class library documentation may be broken if you do not have the latest hardware drivers installed. Use the Contents, Index, or Search tabs instead to find the topic.
    • 452D7500: In Visual C++, many Measurement Studio user interface and 3D graph controls have What's This? help available, unless you are running Windows Vista with Visual Studio 6.0. All code samples in the What's This? help are in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 syntax.
    • 2ZDF209Q: In Visual C++, the What's This? help question mark that usually appears at the top right corner of a property page is not displayed until you right click an item in the property pages for a Measurement Studio control and choose to view What's This? help.
    • C549721: Measurement Studio Visual C++ user interface and 3D graph control property pages now include a Help button. However, you cannot use the button to access the NI Measurement Studio Help. To access the NI Measurement Studio Help, click Start»All Programs»National Instruments»»Measurement Studio Documentation , or from Visual Studio, select Help»Contents to view the Visual Studio table of contents, in which the NI Measurement Studio Help is listed.

    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    For patents covering the National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or ni.com/patents.

    Measurement Studio is an integrated suite of tools and class libraries that are designed for developers using .NET, ASP.NET, and MFC to develop measurement and automation applications.
    Measurement Studio 8.5 includes support for Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Microsoft Visual C#, and Microsoft Visual C++ in Visual Studio .NET 2003, Visual Studio 2005, and Visual Studio 2008. Measurement Studio 8.5 also includes support for Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual C++ in Visual Studio 6.0. Measurement Studio support for Visual Studio .NET 2003, Visual Studio 2005,and Visual Studio 2008 is on one CD. Measurement Studio support for Visual Studio 6.0 is on another CD.
    This file contains the following sections:
    • What's New in Measurement Studio 8.5
    • Installing Measurement Studio 8.5
    • Getting Started with Measurement Studio 8.5
    • Deploying Applications Built with Measurement Studio 8.5
    • Bug Fixes in Measurement Studio 8.5
    • Known Issues in Measurement Studio 8.5

    What's New in Measurement Studio 8.5
    This new feature provides a mechanism for updating the Enabled and Interval properties for AutoRefresh from within the Refresh callback, allowing you to turn off AutoRefresh or change the Interval during an asynchronous HTTP request without causing a postback. Previously, the JavaScript timer on the client did not get updated during an asynchronous HTTP request, and only the controls in the AutoRefresh collection were updated.
    Explicitly Creating Network Variables
    For more information on using these classes to explicitly create and configure network variables, refer to Explicitly Creating Network Variables in the NI Measurement Studio Help.
    Browsing Network Variables
    You can use the Browser class for the following tasks:
    • Discovering processes and variables on remote machines
    • Finding any item that exists in the network variable engine
    • Accessing implicitly created network variables
    • Determining the network variable type
    For more information on browsing network variables, refer to Comparing the Network Variable Browser Class and the Configuration Classes in the NI Measurement Studio Help.
    Network Variable Buffer Flushing
    All NetworkVariable readers and writers maintain an internal buffer for each connection. All writer classes maintain an internal buffer to protect against data loss. The buffer automatically flushes every 10 milliseconds or when the buffer becomes full, and you can use the FlushAllConnections method to manually flush the buffer. All network variable reader classes, NetworkVariableBufferedSubscriber, NetworkVariableReader, and NetworkVariableSubscriber must flush the buffer in order to perform a read, since the readers must send a request to receive the value to the network variable engine.
    Memory-optimized analog waveform reads are a special case of analog waveform reads in the NI-DAQmx and NI-SCOPE .NET class libraries where the AnalogWaveform class re-uses the memory utilized by an existing AnalogWaveform instead of allocating memory for a new data array on every invocation. Memory is reallocated if the number of samples requested is greater than or equal to the current size of the AnalogWaveform. This allows for much more efficient memory usage when performing multiple analog waveform reads. Memory-optimized analog waveform read methods were introduced in NI-DAQ 8.7 and NI-SCOPE .NET class libraries 1.1.
    Visualization Support for ComplexWaveform in the WaveformGraph
    Measurement Studio 8.5 includes analysis code snippets in the documentation that can be copied and pasted into an application and used without modification. The following classes include new example code snippets:
    • Anova1Way
    • BesselLowpassFilter
    • ExponentialFit
    The following new features were also introduced in Measurement Studio 8.5:
    • AutoScaleVisibleExact and AutoScaleVisibleLoose Axis Modes—The AxisMode enumeration now includes AutoScaleVisibleExact and AutoScaleVisibleLoose values. You use these values to configure an axis to autoscale according to the range of data currently being displayed on the graph instead of according to the range of all data in the graph. These modes are available on the scatter, waveform, and complex graphs. Also, the autoscale is retained during zoom and pan operations.
    • Mutually Exclusive Functionality for Switch and LED Arrays—With this update, you can now configure an array of Boolean controls, such as a Switch array or an Led array, so that only one can be true at a time. This feature allows you to control or display the status of instruments that require only a single Boolean value to be true at any given time.
    • Enhanced Tick and Label Visibility Customizations in .NET Graph Controls—With this update, you can hide the minimum and maximum ticks and labels for any axis on any .NET graph. Previously, the minimum and maximum values of an axis on the graph were always displayed with a tick and label even when they did not fall on a major division interval.
    • InteractionHistoryCount Property—The new read-only InteractionHistoryCount property returns the number of items currently in the undo stack in the graph. With this new property, you can monitor the number of items remaining in the stack that holds interactive operations and add event handlers to use this information in your application.
    • Network Variable ConnectionFailed Event—If a NetworkVariableDataSource attempts to connect to a network variable and fails, the ConnectionFailed event is raised. Handle this event to determine why connections are failing; use the ReadFailed or WriteFailed events to determine when reads or writes fail.
    • Additional Analysis .NET Class Library Methods—The following method overloads have been added:
      • Measurements.HarmonicAnalyzer(Double[], Int32, Double, Double, Double[], Double[], Double)
      • SignalProcessing.Differentiate(Double[], Double, Double[], Double[], DifferentiationMethod)
      • SignalProcessing.UnwrapPhase(Double[], PhaseUnit)
      • Statistics.RootMeanSquared(ComplexDouble[])

      The following methods have been added:
      • Measurements.CycleRmsAverage
      • Measurements.PulseMeasurements
      • Measurements.StateLevels
      • Measurements.TransitionMeasurements

    Installing Measurement Studio 8.5
    To use Measurement Studio, your computer must have the following:
    • Microsoft Windows Vista/XP/2000
      Note    If you have Windows Vista installed you must also have both Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 and Visual Studio Service Pack 1 Update for Windows Vista installed on your machine for Measurement Studio Visual Studio 2005 support to function properly.
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (required only for the Measurement Studio .NET class libraries)
    • Standard, Professional, Team System, Visual C# Express, Visual Basic .NET Express, or Visual C++ Express Edition of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (the Standard, Professional, or Team System Edition of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 is required to use the Measurement Studio integrated tools)
    • Intel Pentium III class processor, 1 GHz or higher
    • Video display—1024 × 768, 256 colors (16-bit color recommended for user interface controls)
    • Minimum of 256 MB of RAM (512 MB or higher recommended)
    • Minimum of 385 MB of free hard disk space
    • Microsoft-compatible mouse
    • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later
    To deploy an application built with Measurement Studio .NET class libraries, the target computer must have a Windows Vista/XP/2000 operating system and .NET Framework 2.0.
    Complete the following steps to install Measurement Studio. These steps describe a typical installation. Please carefully review all additional licensing and warning dialog boxes.
    The option to browse for an installation location is valid only if you have not already installed any Measurement Studio features for the version of Visual Studio or the .NET Framework that you are installing. If you have any Measurement Studio features installed, then Measurement Studio installs to the same root directory to which you installed other Measurement Studio features.
    The .NET and C++ class libraries for Visual Studio 2005 support for National Instruments hardware drivers are included in the Driver CD installer, available from ni.com.
    Installing the Current Version of Measurement Studio over Previous Versions of Measurement Studio
    If you install a newer version of Measurement Studio on a machine that has a prior version of Measurement Studio installed, the newer version installer replaces the prior version functionality, including class libraries. However, the prior version assemblies remain in the global assembly cache (GAC); therefore, applications that reference the prior version continue to use the prior version .NET assemblies.
    Note    This does not apply to NationalInstruments.Common.dll. NationalInstruments.Common.dll uses a publisher policy file to redirect applications to always use the newest version of NationalInstruments.Common.dll installed on the system, for each version of the .NET Framework. NationalInstruments.Common.dll is backward-compatible.

    Getting Started with Measurement Studio 8.5
    To view the Measurement Studio User Manual and the Measurement Studio Release Notes, select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»Measurement Studio User Manual or Start»All Programs»National Instruments»Measurement Studio Release Notes. To view these documents, you need the free Adobe Reader. Refer to the Adobe Systems Incorporated Web site at www.adobe.com to download Adobe Reader.
    For step-by-step guides in learning how to develop applications with Measurement Studio, refer to the Measurement Studio Walkthroughs section of the NI Measurement Studio Help.

    Deploying Applications Built with Measurement Studio 8.5
    The following items are bugs fixed in Measurement Studio 8.5.
    Bug ID
    Fixed Issue
    .NET Class Libraries
    Fixed an issue where the Visual Studio environment reported registry errors from Measurement Studio integration when only IVI (without the IVI Compliance Package) was installed.
    Fixed an issue where pressing F1 on a property of a generic datatype does not take you to the property page.
    Fixed an issue where the New Item Wizard, shown by clicking Add»User Control or other Add menu items, selects the NI Instrument Driver template by default.
    Fixed an issue where the DaqComponent did not handle task names with spaces correctly.
    Improved performance of changing XYPointAnnotation visibility.
    Fixed an issue where some of the values on the scale were cut off when a tank or a slider was dropped on the form and docked.
    Fixed an issue where automatically formatting a user interface control at design-time using the "Auto Format..." option resets certain property values.
    Fixed an issue where zooming in the DigitalWaveformGraph in samples mode shows fractional values in the axis labels.
    Improved performance of constructing large PrecisionTimeSpan values.
    Fixed an issue where the NumericEdit control does not commit a new value when entering a value and then pressing Enter quickly afterwards.
    Fixed an issue where PropertyEditor displays values in incorrect format.
    Fixed an issue where a .NET application freezes when zooming multiple times with a waveform graph with minor division grid lines visible.
    Fixed an issue where LogosXT is slow compared to Logos when using network variables in Measurement Studio.
    Fixed an issue where waveform timing information is incorrect after being transferred using network variable.
    Fixed an issue where changing the label format of the x-axis two times on a DigitalWaveformGraph through the smart tag does not serialize correctly in the Designer.
    Fixed an issue where changing Regional and Language settings while using an XY scatter graph in ASP.NET causes the application to crash. Similar fixes were applied to Internationalization support in the Measurement Studio .NET class libraries.
    C++ Class Libraries
    Fixed an issue where the CWNumEdit control does not highlight text when tabbing through the form elements for the first time.
    Fixed an issue where a 3D graph on a dimmed panel is visible through the panel in front of it.
    Fixed an issue where using CWGraph3D on a .NET MDI form causes an AccessViolationException.
    Fixed an issue where the C++ task code generation does not handle task names with spaces correctly.
    Fixed an issue where the annotations in a CWGraph control were not clipped outside the bounds of the control when an image of the control was saved to a file.
    Fixed an issue in the CWGraph3D control where manually scaling the axis and using a log scale does not display correctly.
    Fixed an issue in the CWGraph3D control where the grid lines did not print smoothly even when the Smooth Grid Lines property was enabled.
    Fixed an issue where the FillStyle property for CWKnob and CWDial does not update when changed from Fill to Minimum to None.
    Fixed an issue where a CWSlide control displays the z-order of overlapping fills in reverse.
    Note    Refer to the What's New in Measurement Studio topic in the NI Measurement Studio Help for information about bug fixes in previous versions of Measurement Studio.

    Known Issues in Measurement StudioMeasurement Studio 8.5 Incompatibilities with Previous Versions of Measurement Studio
    © 2003–2008 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
    National Instruments, NI, ni.com, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    To comment on National Instruments documentation, refer to the National Instruments Web site.

    Measurement Studio 8.5 for Visual Studio 2008 Readme
    Measurement Studio 8.5 includes separate, parallel sets of class libraries, integration features, and support documentation for developing with Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008. Installing Measurement Studio support for Visual Studio 2008 does not directly impact installations of Measurement Studio Visual Studio 2005 support or projects or programs that use Measurement Studio Visual Studio 2005 support class libraries. This does not apply to underlying drivers or other software components, such as NI-DAQmx, that allow only one version to be installed on the system at a time.
    This readme documents only Measurement Studio support for Visual Studio 2008. Measurement Studio support for other versions of Visual Studio includes separate readme files.

    This section describes new features that have been introduced in Measurement Studio since version 8.1.2.
    Measurement Studio Support for Visual Studio 2008
    For more information, refer to Developing with Measurement Studio Core in the NI Measurement Studio Help.
    ASP.NET AJAX Compatibility
    For more information, refer to Measurement Studio AutoRefresh vs. ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel and Timer in the NI Measurement Studio Help.
    AutoRefresh Callback Improvements
    In addition to explicitly creating network variables with the Variable Manager, now you also can explicitly create network variables with the following classes: ServerProcess, ServerProcessInfo, ServerVariable, and ServerVariableInfo. You can use ServerProcess to perform a process-related operation; ServerProcessInfo and ServerVariableInfo to periodically monitor a network variable process or variable, respectively; and ServerVariable to perform a single variable-related operation.
    The network variable API includes the Browser class and the network variable configuration classes, ServerProcess, ServerProcessInfo, ServerVariable, and ServerVariableInfo. You can use these classes to discover network variables and processes.
    You can use the ServerProcess, ServerProcessInfo, ServerVariable, and ServerVariableInfo classes for the following browse tasks:
    • Accessing stopped processes
    • Accessing and modifying variable configurations
    Measurement Studio 8.5 gives you advanced control over when the network variable API flushes its buffers, allowing you to optimize the performance of the API for your particular application.
    For more information on buffer flushing behavior and how to maximize performance in context of the buffer, refer to Buffer Flushing Behavior of the Network Variable Class Libraries in the NI Measurement Studio Help.
    Memory-Optimized Analog Waveform Read Methods
    You can use PlotComplexWaveform to plot complex waveforms on the Windows Forms and Web Forms waveform graphs. You can use the DisplayMode property to specify whether the complex waveform displays samples or increments of time, and you can use the ScaleMode property to configure whether the data is displayed in raw form or scaled. You can also customize the scaling behavior by deriving from ScaleMode. You can also use the DataToPlot property to configure the waveform graph to plot the real, imaginary, magnitude, or phase data.
    .NET Analysis Library Code Snippets
    For more information, refer to Using the Measurement Studio Analysis .NET Library in the NI Measurement Studio Help.
    Additional New Features
    The following sections list the system requirements for Measurement Studio 8.5 and instructions on how to install Measurement Studio 8.5.
    Note    Review the installer known issues before you install Measurement Studio 8.5.
    Installation Requirements
    Optional Installation—In order for links from Measurement Studio help topics to .NET Framework help topics to work, you must install the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK 3.5.
    Note   If you are going to upgrade an existing Windows 2000 or XP machine to Windows Vista, National Instruments recommends you uninstall all National Instruments software, including both application software and drivers, prior to the upgrade and re-install the software after the upgrade.
    Deployment Requirements
    To use .NET class libraries that interface to National Instruments device drivers, NI-DAQmx, NI-VISA, NI-488.2, and the MAX (Measurement & Automation Explorer) configuration utility, you must install the underlying device drivers in addition to the .NET class libraries. You can run the underlying device driver installers from the NI Device Drivers CD included with Measurement Studio. Alternatively, refer to NI Drivers and Updates on ni.com and enter Device Drivers into the search field to download the latest version of the NI Device Drivers CD.

    Installation Instructions
    National Instruments recommends that you exit all programs before running the Measurement Studio installer. Applications that run in the background, such as virus scanning utilities, might cause the installer to take longer than average to complete.
    Complete the following steps to install Measurement Studio:
    • Log on as an administrator or as a user with administrator privileges.
    • Launch Autorun.exe, either from the installation CD or from the location to which you extracted the downloaded CD image.
    • Click on Visual Studio 2008 to install Measurement Studio support for Visual Studio 2008.
    • Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
    Installing Hardware Drivers for Visual Studio 2008 Support
    To install support for NI-DAQmx:
    • In the NI Measurement Studio 8.5 installer, enable the VS2008 Driver Support».NET Framework 3.5 Languages Support for NI-DAQmx feature.
    • In the NI Device Drivers installer, enable the Data Acquisition»NI-DAQmx feature.
    To install support for NI-488.2:
    • In the NI Measurement Studio 8.5 installer, enable the VS2008 Driver Support».NET Framework 3.5 Languages Support for NI-488.2 feature.
    • In the NI Device Drivers installer, enable the Instrument Control»NI-488.2 feature.
    You can have only one version of Measurement Studio installed on a system for each version of Visual Studio or the .NET Framework installed on the system. For example, you can have Measurement Studio 8.1.2 for Visual Studio 2005 installed on the same system as Measurement Studio 8.5 for Visual Studio 2008, but you cannot have Measurement Studio 8.1.2 for Visual Studio 2005 installed on the same system as Measurement Studio 8.5 for Visual Studio 2005.
    For assistance in getting started with Measurement Studio 8.5, refer to the Measurement Studio Overview and the Getting Started with the Measurement Studio Class Libraries topics in the NI Measurement Studio Help or refer to the Measurement Studio User Manual and the Measurement Studio Release Notes. You can launch the NI Measurement Studio Help in the following ways:
    • From the Windows Start menu, select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»Measurement Studio for Visual Studio 2008»Measurement Studio Documentation. The help launches in a stand-alone help viewer.
    • From Visual Studio, select Help»Contents to view the Visual Studio table of contents. The NI Measurement Studio Help is listed in the table of contents.
    • From Visual Studio, select Measurement Studio»NI Measurement Studio Help. The help launches within the application.
    To get started creating a Measurement Studio project using class library and application templates, open Visual Studio and select File»New» Project to launch the New Project dialog box. In the Project Types pane, select the folder for the language you want to create the program in, and then select Measurement Studio. In the Templates pane, you can then select which type of project you want to create.
    For information about deploying applications built with Measurement Studio 8.5, refer to Deploying Measurement Studio Applications in the NI Measurement Studio Help.
    Note    Measurement Studio support for Visual Studio 2008 does not support redistributing applications to Windows 95/98/Me/NT 4.0.

    Bug Fixes in Measurement Studio 8.5
    For a complete list of incompatibilities in Measurement Studio with previous versions of Measurement Studio and otherwise supported features, including a list of obsoleted members and members that have been changed to sealed override or non-virtual, refer to the Measurement Studio Incompatibilities topic in the NI Measurement Studio Help.
    • The DigitalWaveformGraph control in Windows Forms and Web Forms no longer displays fractional values when zooming into the plot area when the x-axis is displaying sample values. The x-axis only displays discrete sample values with this update.
    • Measurement Studio does not support using the DAQ or VISA Add New Item or New Project wizards on a machine with Data Execution Prevention (DEP) enabled. DEP is enabled by default in Windows Vista. You can disable DEP on the system to work around this issue. Run the following command on the command line and reboot the machine to disable DEP: bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff

      To restore DEP to the default setting, run the following command on the command line: bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx Optin
      For more information, refer to Microsoft MSDN Library documentation for the nx parameter of the BCDEdit /set command.
      Caution    The AlwaysOff option disables DEP on all processes running on the machine. Disabling DEP can make your system more vulnerable to malicious software.
      National Instruments is working to correct this problem. For updates on this problem, refer to National Instruments KnowledgeBase Article 4JCEP86S.
      Note    This issue does not affect your ability to use the DAQmx or VisaNS API class libraries. It only affects your ability to use the Assistants within the Visual Studio 2008 development environment. You can use NI Measurement & Automation Explorer to create and configure DAQmx Tasks and use those tasks with the DAQmx class library.
    • In the Add New Item wizard, the NI DAQ Component wizard, the NI VISA Task wizard, and the NI Instrument Driver wizard are now located in the root folder of the Categories pane instead of in the Measurement Studio folder.
    Installer Known Issues
    • 2TCFIS9Q: If you install new, unlicensed versions of Measurement Studio ActiveX controls on a machine that has previously licensed versions of the Measurement Studio controls, the controls might exhibit one of the following behaviors:
      • The licensed controls become evaluation software for 30 days.
      • The licensed controls do not let you use functionality that was present in the licensed version.
      Use the Measurement Studio ActiveX License Fixer Utility located on your CD in the ActiveX License Fixer Utility folder to fix these problems.
    • 2TCFIS9Q: If you install previously licensed versions of Measurement Studio ActiveX controls on a machine that has new, unlicensed versions of the Measurement Studio controls, the controls might exhibit evaluation software behavior for 30 days. Use the Measurement Studio ActiveX License Fixer Utility located on your CD in the ActiveX License Fixer Utility folder to fix this problem.
    • 3PEDL69Q: Installing Measurement Studio 8.5 over previous versions could result in a loss of Analysis class library functionality. This issue occurs only on systems where the underlying Analysis DLL from previous versions has never been deployed. In this case, if you install Measurement Studio 8.5 without installing the Analysis feature, then execute an install modification and add the Analysis installer feature, the underlying Analysis DLL from previous versions is not reinstalled. Complete the following steps to add the underlying Analysis DLL from previous versions to your system:
      • Double-click Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel.
      • Select National Instruments Software and click Change.
      • Select Measurement Studio 8.5 and click Modify. The installer launches in Modify mode.
      • In the Features dialog box, select to display all features, including hidden features.
      • Select the Legacy Analysis feature under the Measurement Studio .NET Languages Support Analysis section to install the underlying Analysis class library support.
      • Click Next. Follow the dialog boxes to complete the installer.

    Uninstaller Known Issues
    • 2TCFIS9Q: If you have installed Measurement Studio 8.5 on a machine that has earlier versions of the Measurement Studio user interface and 3D graph controls and then uninstall Measurement Studio 8.5, the controls might exhibit evaluation software behavior for 30 days. Use the Measurement Studio ActiveX License Fixer Utility located on your CD in the ActiveX License Fixer Utility folder to fix this problem.

      Note    Applications that install earlier versions of the Measurement Studio user interface and 3D graph controls include ComponentWorks 2.0, Measurement Studio 1.0 and later, and LabVIEW 6i and later.

    Visual Studio Environment Integration Features Known Issues
    • 94482: Measurement Studio does not support using the DAQ or VISA Add New Item or New Project wizards on a machine with Data Execution Prevention (DEP) enabled. DEP is enabled by default in Windows Vista. You can disable DEP on the system to work around this issue. Run the following command on the command line and reboot the machine to disable DEP: bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff.For more information regarding this issue, refer to Measurement Studio 8.5 Incompatibilities with Previous Versions of Measurement Studio. National Instruments is working to correct this problem. For updates on this problem, refer to National Instruments KnowledgeBase Article 4JCEP86S.
    • 94215: Attempting to create an array using an integer or real parameter while in a Write step in the Instrument I/O Assistant causes Visual Studio to shut down.
    • 31110: When calling an instrument driver, the Measurement Studio Instrument Driver Wizard will display a value==String.Empty message if the file has no prefix. This prefix is usually based on a company's IVI and VXI plug&play drivers. To work around this issue, modify the instrument driver file (.fp) to include a prefix.
    • 3W2CC3HW: When you use the DAQ Application Project Wizard within Visual Studio, Visual Studio occasionally gets into a state where it reports the following error: Error HRESULT E_FAIL has returned from a call to a COM component. Restart Visual Studio to fix this issue.
    • 2PHBA1LT: When the Windows Forms Designer and a source code window are both open, and the Windows Forms Designer is active, the Parameter Assistant does not restrict code from being inserted into the source file. Instead, code is inserted into the source file at the last cursor location, which might have been changed by the Windows Forms Designer.

    .NET Class Libraries Known Issues
    • 52799: When the ServerVariable or ServerVariableInfo class explicitly creates a network variable and configures the server-side buffer for the network variable, the value for the buffer size displayed by Variable Manager is incorrect. Use the ServerVariable.GetItemCapacity() method or ServerVariableInfo.ItemCapacity property to retrieve the correct value.
    • 34254: ASP.NET controls that render as images on the client do not update smoothly in Mozilla Firefox when placed inside an UpdatePanel. Therefore, Measurement Studio Web Forms controls do not render smoothly in Firefox when placed inside the UpdatePanel control.
    • 34415: Rendering ASP.NET Web pages using Mozilla Firefox on Windows Vista can be very slow. The following workaround may correct the issue:
      • Open Firefox.
      • Type about:config into the address bar and press Enter.
      • Find network.dns.disableIPv6 in the list that is displayed.
      • Make sure that this option is set to true.
    • 31271: Editing an axis interactively and then calling PlotYAppend from the AutoRefresh callback with a fixed axis erases the previous committed axis value. To work around this issue, put the control inside an UpdatePanel and plot data using the timer tick event.
    • 31138: When using the NumericEdit control, if a call is made to DoEvents inside either the ValueChange event or the AfterValueChangeEvent and the button is pressed rapidly, the control throws an exception. This error can also occur if the event handlers take a while to return. Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem with the NumericUpDown control in the .NET Framework.
    • 31074: If you create a new Web site using the project template in Visual C# or Visual Basic, add a reference to the Web Forms assembly using the Add/Remove .NET Class Libraries wizard or by right-clicking on the project and selecting Add Reference, and then drop a Measurement Studio control, the control does not get dropped. You must let Visual Studio complete initialization after adding a reference and before the control is dropped to see this behavior. If you drop a control immediately after adding a reference, then the problem does not happen. To work around this issue, drop the control and then close and re-open the page in the Design view.
    • 31033: When creating a Web Forms application with a Measurement Studio graph control, such as the WaveformGraph, bound to a data source, such as the NetworkVariableDataSource, using the ASP.NET FormView control, you may experience loss of data because the data is not displayed on the graph. This happens because ASP.NET loads the ViewState containing the data in one instance of the graph control on postback. As a result, when the graph control is bound to the data source, the ASP.NET FormView control creates another instance of the graph control and loses the original ViewState with the data.
    • 41414: Creating a network variable using the ServerVariable.Create or ServerVariableInfo.Create methods results in a memory leak of approximately 50 bytes per variable that is created. Consider using implicitly created network variables if you are creating and deleting numerous variables over a long period of time.
    • 32745: Network variable performance decreases when machines hosting the reader, writer, and variables are mixed between Logos and LogosXT. Logos is the National Instruments proprietary protocol for inter-process communication that is used by NI-Publish Subscribe Protocol (psp:). Performance is especially degraded when the writer and network variable host use LogosXT and the reader that attempts to read the network variable uses Logos. This issue occurs for all reader classes.For optimum performance, National Instruments recommends that all machines accessing network variables, including the machine that hosts the variable, should use LogosXT. If using LogosXT on all machines is not possible, you should disable LogosXT. You disable LogosXT by adding a DWORD value named DisablePSPXT to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\National Instruments\LogosXT and setting its value to 1. If you must use a mix of Logos versions, you can reduce the performance loss by using Variable Manager. Use Variable Manager to configure a sufficiently large server-side buffer for the network variable.
    • 3Y0AE1HW: The network variable class library deadlocks if you are stepping through code in a network variable class library event handler and you are watching any of the following properties in the Debugger Watch Window:
      • ConnectionStatus,
      • NetworkVariableBufferedSubscriber.ItemCapacity,
      • NetworkVariableBufferedSubscriber.ItemCount,
      • NetworkVariableBufferedWriter.ItemCapacity, or
      • NetworkVariableBufferedWriter.ItemCount.
      When the Debugger evaluates properties in the Watch Window, it freezes all other threads except the currently executing thread. When the network variable thread is frozen, the network variable class library deadlocks. To work around this issue, do not add the properties listed above to the Watch Window when stepping through network variable event handler code.
    • 3X4EPFQ6: In Visual C++/CLI projects, when you drop a Measurement Studio control on a form, Visual Studio references the Measurement Studio assemblies from the GAC. If you select Measurement Studio>>Refresh Project License File, the contents of the .licx file are cleared. Without the proper contents in the .licx file, running your project results in unlicensed exceptions. To refresh the .licx file, select Measurement Studio>>View .NET Class Library Wizard. In the Measurement Studio .NET Class Library Wizard dialog box, deselect the Measurement Studio libraries and close the dialog box. Run the Measurement Studio .NET Class Library Wizard again and select the Measurement Studio libraries.
    • 3OU62J9Q: You cannot use Measurement Studio class libraries in 64-bit applications. You can, however, use Measurement Studio class libraries in 32-bit applications and run those applications on 64-bit Vista, provided that all drivers you use in the applications support 64-bit Vista.
    • 2TSHI79Q: National Instruments has designed the VisaNS API as a custom, optimized .NET interface to NI-VISA.
    • 2Q9A0503: Under some circumstances, plots with data that extend outside the plot area are clipped incorrectly. As a result, part of the plot is not drawn. Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem with clipping in the .NET Framework.
    • 3LIEB2X0: For ASP.NET Web Forms controls, the design-time previews for the following controls are not displayed in the Designer if the control is in a table, template, or user control on the page: complex graph, digital waveform graph, gauge, knob, LED, legend, meter, scatter graph, slide, switch, tank, thermometer, and waveform graph.
    • 3O286BWN: If you access an ASP.NET Web page in Mozilla Firefox or Opera using the ASP.NET Web Development Server, you receive a login error. In Firefox, a dialog box displays asking you to login. If you attempt to login, you receive an access forbidden error. In Opera, you receive this error: "The server requested a login authentication method that is not supported." These errors occur because NTLM authentication is selected in the Property pages. You can modify this setting.
      • Right-click on the project and select Property Pages.
      • Select Start Options.
      • Deselect NTLM Authentication in the Server section.
    • 39R92Q9Q: If your project references NationalInstruments.UI.WindowsForms, but does not reference the assemblies it depends on, there are circumstances in which the Windows Forms Designer presents an error page stating that parts cannot be found. This occurs when the Windows Forms Designer re-parses its generated code and is unable to resolve references to types that are in the assemblies that NationalInstruments.UI.WindowsForms depends on. To fix this problem, add project references to NationalInstruments.UI and NationalInstruments.Common. Measurement Studio does this for you automatically, so you see this issue only if you disable Measurement Studio integration features in Visual Studio.

    Documentation Known Issues
    • 93950: For some installations of Measurement Studio support for Visual Studio 2008, the NI Measurement Studio Help does not appear in the Visual Studio Help contents. To work around this issue, launch the Measurement Studio Help by selecting Start»All Programs»National Instruments»»Measurement Studio Documentation from the Windows Start menu. The F1 help, Measurement Studio index entries, and the search function are all unaffected.
    • 32627: Windows Vista does not support use of help files with a .hlp file extension, including What's This? help. If you want to view .hlp files, you must download and install the WinHlp.exe program from the Microsoft Download Center.
    • 41RBSKHW: The following help items do not work if MSDN help is not installed:
      • F1 help in the Visual Studio code editor.
      • Help buttons in the Visual Studio code editor.
      • Links to help from the Measurement Studio menu.
    • 3NLCR02V: Links to hardware class library documentation may be broken if you do not have the latest hardware drivers installed. Use the Contents, Index, or Search tabs instead to find the topic.
    • 31142: In .aspx pages that include Measurement Studio Web Forms controls, pressing F1 help for inherited members of the Measurement Studio ASP.NET Web Forms controls does not launch the correct help. To work around this issue, use the help Search, Index, or Table of Contents for help about Measurement Studio ASP.NET Web Forms controls.

    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    For patents covering the National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or ni.com/patents.

    To comment on National Instruments documentation, refer to the National Instruments Web site.


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