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[NI驱动程序] NI-845x Driver Software 15.0 Win32/64Eng NI-845x驱动软件15.0

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    NI-845x Driver Software 15.0  Win32/64Eng NI-845x驱动软件15.0

    NI-845x Driver Software
    NI-845x是一个驱动程序软件,用于对消费电子产品和集成电路的内部集成电路(I2C)、SCSI并行接口(SPI)或SMBus通信进行配置、编程和故障排除。NI-845x还提供一个通用数字I/O API,适用于各种应用,比如I2C设备的地址配置、LED切换或选通转换以及模拟转换器芯片常见的数据收发线等。

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    845x15.0.txt (526 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 5 元)

    NI-845x 15.0 Readme
    September 2015
    This file contains information about the NI-845x software for Windows. Information in this file is organized in the following sections:
    • Documentation
    • Supported Platforms
    • Installing NI-845x
    • New Features and Changes
    • Known Issues
    • Bug Fixes
    • Additional Programming Topics
    • Errata
    • Automating the Installation of NI Products
    • How to Use NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.x
    • NI-845x Drops Support for Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 in 2016
    • Legal Information

    The NI-845x Software and Hardware Installation Guide included with the NI-845x CD includes instructions for installing National Instruments hardware and software.
    The NI-845x Hardware and Software Manual is the primary document for NI 845x products. This manual includes an introduction to I2C and SPI buses, specifications for hardware, information about how to get started with application development, and a complete reference for all NI-845x functions.
    The NI-845x Hardware and Software Manual is in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). You can download the Acrobat Reader for free at: www.adobe.com.
    Open the manual from Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI-845x.
    Links to the NI-845x Hardware and Software Manual are in the online help for each NI-845x function within the National Instruments LabVIEW and LabWindows™/CVI™; development environments.
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    Supported PlatformsSupported Operating Systems
    You can install and run this version of the NI-845x software on the following operating systems:
    • Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)
    • Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
    • Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
    • Windows Vista Business edition, Service Pack (SP) 1 or greater (32-bit and 64-bit)
    • Windows XP (32-bit) SP3 or later
    • Windows Server 2003 R2, SP2 or greater (32-bit)
    • Windows Server 2008 R2, SP1 or greater (64-bit, not supported on Server Core Role)
    • Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)
    The NI-845x installer does not support Windows 2000/NT/Me/98/95 or the Windows Server non-R2 editions.
    Note:  Support for Windows Server 2003 R2 may require disabling physical address extensions (PAE). To learn how this may affect your use of Windows Server 2003 and what actions you may need to take, visit ni.com/info and enter the info code PAESupport.
    [tr][td]Caution  If you plan to perform an upgrade of your system from a prior version of Microsoft Windows to Microsoft Windows Vista, you are required to uninstall all National Instruments software prior to performing the upgrade. After the upgrade has been completed, you can reinstall your National Instruments software.[/td][/tr]
    [/table]Supported Hardware
    This version of the NI-845x software supports the following National Instruments hardware products:
    • National Instruments USB-8451 I2C/SPI Interface
    • National Instruments USB-8451 (OEM) I2C/SPI Interface
    • National Instruments USB-8452 I2C/SPI Interface
    • National Instruments USB-8452 (OEM) I2C/SPI Interface
    The NI-845x software supports only National Instruments I2C and SPI hardware products. For information about software for I2C and SPI products from other vendors, refer to the documentation you received with those products.
    Supported Development Environments
    This version of the NI-845x software supports the following development environments:
    • LabVIEW 2012 (32-bit and 64-bit)
    • LabVIEW 2013 (32-bit and 64-bit)
    • LabVIEW 2014 (32-bit and 64-bit)
    • LabVIEW 2015 (32-bit and 64-bit)
    • LabWindows/CVI 8.0 and higher (32-bit applications only)
    • Microsoft Visual C/C++ 6.0 (or newer)
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    Installing NI-845x
    Before installing the NI-845x software, log on as Administrator or as a user with Administrator privileges. The NI-845x software setup program must have Administrator privileges because the program modifies the configuration registry of your system. Complete the following steps to install the NI-845x software.
    • Insert the NI-845x installation media into your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive. The installer launches if your optical drive plays data disks automatically. If the installer does not launch automatically, navigate to the media using Windows Explorer and launch the autorun.exe file from your NI-845x installation media.
    • The installation wizard guides you through the necessary steps to install the NI-845x software. You can go back and change values where appropriate by clicking the Back button. You can exit the setup where appropriate by clicking Cancel.
    • When the installation is complete, click Finish.
    NI-845x Updates and Notifications
    National Instruments posts information about critical updates and security notifications on ni.com. For more information on critical updates and security notifications, refer to Available Critical and Security Updates for NI Software.
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    New Features and Changes from Previous Releases
    The following changes were made to version 15.0 of the NI-845x software compared to NI-845x 14.0:
    • New Feature: Added support for LabVIEW 2015 (32-bit and 64-bit).
    • Change: Removed support for LabVIEW 2011.
    The following changes were made to version 14.0 of the NI-845x software compared to NI-845x 2.1.2:
    • New Feature: Added support for LabVIEW 2014 (32-bit and 64-bit).
    • Change: Removed support for LabVIEW 2010.
    The following changes were made to version 2.1.2 of the NI-845x software compared to NI-845x 2.1.1:
    • New Feature: Added support for LabVIEW 2013 (32-bit and 64-bit).
    • Change: Removed support for LabVIEW 2009.
    The following changes were made to version 2.1.1 of the NI-845x software compared to NI-845x 2.1:
    • New Feature: Added NI Launcher support for Microsoft Windows 8.
    The following changes were made to version 2.1 of the NI-845x software compared to NI-845x 2.0.1:
    • New Feature: Added support for LabVIEW 2009 (64-bit), LabVIEW 2010 (64-bit), LabVIEW 2011 (64-bit), LabVIEW 2012 (64-bit), and Microsoft Visual C (64-bit).
    • New Feature: Added support for the NI USB-8452 to be used as an I2C slave device.
    • New Feature: Added support for open-drain DIO for the NI USB-8452.
    • New Feature: SPI N-bit transactions—Added support for SPI basic and scripting APIs to perform transactions between 4..64 bits (NI USB-8452 only).
    • New Feature: Ack Polling—Allows the scripting API to wait for an EEPROM's write cycle to complete before continuing.
    • New Feature: uSec Delay—Improved the delay resolution from mSec to uSec when using the scripting API.
    • New Feature: Added I/O Trace Support for NI-845x function and VI calls.
    • New Feature: Variable Timeout—NI-845x API calls can have a user configurable timeout instead of a fixed 30 s timeout.
    • New Feature: System API Support—NI-845x devices can now be queried through the NI System Configuration API (no need for MAX to get the device info).
    • New Feature: Added support for multiple NI USB-8452 devices to concurrently stream to different devices.
    • New Firmware Upgrade Utility for the NI USB-8451 on Windows XP: A separate utility is now installed with this driver release that is necessary only when changing the NI USB-8451 firmware to the latest firmware installed with the NI-845x 2.1 driver. This utility is necessary only when running on Windows XP. If you have an older firmware device connected to a Windows 8/7/Vista computer the firmware upgrades automatically.
    The following changes were made to version 2.0.1 of the NI-845x software compared to NI-845x 2.0:
    • New Feature: Added support for LabVIEW 2012 (32-bit).
    • Change: Removed support for LabVIEW 8.6.
    • Change: Removed support for Windows XP prior to Service Pack 3.
    The following changes were made to version 2.0 of the NI-845x software compared to NI-845x 1.1.5:
    • New Feature: Added support for the NI USB-8452 (OEM) device.
    • New Feature: SPI Streaming support (NI USB-8452 only).
    • New Feature: Onboard pullups for I2C (NI USB-8452 only).
    • New Feature: Increased clock rates for I2C and SPI (NI USB-8452 only).
    • New Feature: Support for I2C Fast Mode Plus and High Speed Mode (NI USB-8452 only).
    • Change: Improved multithreading support.
    The following changes were made to version 1.1.5 of the NI-845x software compared to NI-845x 1.1.4:
    • New Feature: Added support for LabVIEW 2011 (32-bit).
    • Change: Removed support for LabVIEW 8.5.
    • Change: Removed support for Windows XP prior to Service Pack 2.
    The following changes were made to version 1.1.4 of the NI-845x software compared to NI-845x 1.1.3:
    • New Feature: Added support for LabVIEW 2010 (32-bit).
    • Change: Removed support for LabVIEW 8.2.
    • Change: Dropped support for Windows 2000.
    The following changes were made to version 1.1.3 of the NI-845x software compared to NI-845x 1.1.2:
    • New Feature: Added support for LabVIEW 2009 (32-bit).
    • Change: Removed support for LabVIEW 7.1.
    The following changes were made to version 1.1.2 of the NI-845x software compared to NI-845x 1.1.1:
    • New Feature: Added support for LabVIEW 8.6.
    • Change: Removed support for LabVIEW 8.0.
    • Change: Location of the C language interface and example files changed:

      The language interface and example files for Microsoft Visual C/C++ 6.0 have moved from the Program Files\National Instruments\NI-845x\MS Visual C\ directory to the Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-845x\MS Visual C\ directory on Windows Vista and the Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\National Instruments\NI-845x\Examples\MS Visual C\ directory on Windows XP/2000. This change satisfies Windows Vista requirements when allowing users to save changes or add files to the directory.

      The NIEXTCCOMPILERSUPP environment variable is provided as an alias to the location of C language support files (.h and .lib). You can use this variable when compiling and linking an application.
    The following changes were made to version 1.1.1 of the NI-845x software compared to NI-845x 1.1:
    • New Feature: Added support for LabVIEW 8.5.
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    Known issues
    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues known to be present in NI-845x. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate issues known not to have been addressed for this release. This is not an exhaustive list of known issues in the current version of NI-845x.
    [tr][td]Issue Number[/td][td]Issue[/td][/tr]
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    Bug Fixes
    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed in a given release of the NI-845x software. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed.
    The following items were fixed between version 2.1.1 and version 2.1.2 of the NI-845x software.
    [tr][td]Bug ID[/td][td]Fixed Issue[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]390379[/td][td]ni845xSpiScriptNumBitsPerSample is not exported from ni845x.dll.[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]402639[/td][td]Deadlock when using DIO and SPI Read/Write in parallel loops.[/td][/tr]
    The following items were fixed between version 2.1 and version 2.1.1 of the NI-845x software.
    [tr][td]Bug ID[/td][td]Fixed Issue[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]369991 and 371608[/td][td]Running NI-845x on Windows XP with DAQmx 9.4 or older may cause LabVIEW to crash at startup.[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]374074[/td][td]NI-845x System API Provider may crash if no NI-845x hardware is installed on the system.[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]385948[/td][td]You may get error –301706 (kNi845xErrorInvalidDeviceId) the first time after running an NI-845x application with a USB-8451 or USB-8452 that has older firmware. After receiving this error, your hardware may show up with a different name.[/td][/tr]
    The following items were fixed between version 2.0.1 and version 2.1 of the NI-845x software.
    [tr][td]Bug ID[/td][td]Fixed Issue[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]363149[/td][td]Running an I2C script with an uninitialized clock rate on the NI USB-8452 no longer defaults to a 1 MHz clock. It now defaults to a 100 kHz clock.[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]358686[/td][td]Streaming API: Tightened the timing between drive high/low signals and starting of the waveform to minimize the response to the first DRDY.[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]329125[/td][td]The TI ADS833x EVM example has been rewritten to allow for selecting multiple channels.[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]245664[/td][td]Fixed an issue that could cause the NI USB-8451 to hang when connected to a noisy SDA signal.[/td][/tr]
    The following items were fixed between version 1.1.5 and version 2.0 of the NI-845x software.
    [tr][td]Bug ID[/td][td]Fixed Issue[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]278688[/td][td]Refnum constants/controls cannot be created for configurations, making it harder to create subVIs.[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]207029[/td][td]NI 845x runs at half speed with two devices.[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]898939[/td][td]NI 845x does not reference count LabVIEW open calls.[/td][/tr]
    The following items were fixed between version 1.1.1 and version 1.1.2 of the NI-845x software.
    [tr][td]Bug ID[/td][td]Fixed Issue[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]110899[/td][td]Memory leak in NI-845x Create Config Reference and NI-845x Close Reference.[/td][/tr]
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    Additional Programming TopicsMulti-Process Support
    On Windows 8/7/Vista, access to the NI USB-845x I2C/SPI Interface is limited to a single process. This means you cannot control a single NI USB-845x I2C/SPI interface from multiple executables at the same time.
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    Errata to the NI-845x Hardware and Software Manual
    The following items are comments, clarifications, or updates to the current NI-845x documentation that haven't been added currently:
    • Clarification of DRDY (data ready) SPI signal is discussed in a white paper on ni.com: SPI Stream Configuration using the TI ADS833x Example in the "Configuring CONV, DRDY, and CS" section. You can find this white paper by going to ni.com/infocode and entering: TIADS833X.
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    Automating the Installation of NI Products
    You can automate the installation of most NI products using command-line arguments to suppress some or all of the installer user interface and dialog boxes. However, starting with the August 2012 releases (products using NI Installers version 3.1 or later), you may need to perform additional steps before or during a silent installation of NI software.
    If the NI product you are installing uses Microsoft .NET 4.0, the .NET installer may run before any NI software installs and may require a reboot before the installation of NI software begins. To avoid a .NET reboot, install .NET 4.0 separately before you install NI software.
    For more information about automating the installation of NI products, refer to the following KnowledgeBase articles:
    • For more information about silent installations of individual NI products, refer to KB 4CJDP38M, Automating the Installation of a Single Installer.
    • For more information about silent installations of NI products in a suite, such as NI Developer Suite, refer to KB 4GGGDQH0, How Do I Automate the Installation of a Suited Installer?.
    • To determine what version of NI Installers your product contains, refer to KB 4CJDR18M, How Can I Determine the Type and Version of My NI Installer?.
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    How to Use NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.x
    When you install NI software on Microsoft Windows 8.x, you will notice a few additional tiles in the Apps view, including shortcuts to NI application software products such as NI LabVIEW, Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX), and NI Launcher.
    Using NI Launcher
    NI Launcher helps you find and launch installed NI products. It provides you with a method of finding NI products similar to the Start menu in previous versions of Microsoft Windows. To use NI Launcher, click the NI Launcher tile in the Apps view. NI Launcher launches the desktop and opens a menu containing a list of NI products. Click any NI product to launch it.
    Note  NI MAX does not appear as a desktop shortcut when installed on Microsoft Windows 8.x. You can launch NI MAX either from the Apps view or from within NI Launcher.
    Pinning Frequently Used Applications
    For convenience, you can pin your most-used NI applications, such as MAX, to either the Start screen or the Taskbar on the desktop, as necessary:
    [tr][td]Current Application[/td][td]Icon Location[/td][td]Pin to Action[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]Windows 8.x Desktop[/td][td]Desktop Taskbar[/td][td]Right-click application and select Pin to Taskbar[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]Windows 8.x Desktop[/td][td]Start screen[/td][td]Right-click application and select Pin to Start[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]Windows 8.x Start screen[/td][td]Desktop Taskbar[/td][td]Right-click application and select Pin to taskbar from the menu bar on the bottom of the screen[/td][/tr]
    [/table]Finding All Programs
    If you want to find a particular application or related files, such as documentation files, from the Start screen, you can access all installed files from the Apps view. To get to the Apps view, right-click anywhere on the Start screen and select All apps (Windows 8.0) or click the down arrow on the bottom left of the screen (Windows 8.1).
    For more information about NI support for Windows 8.x, visit ni.com/windows8.
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    NI-845x Drops Support for Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 in 2016
    NI-845x will drop support for Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 as of July 1, 2016. Versions of NI-845x that ship after July 1, 2016 will not install or run on Windows Vista, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003. For detailed information about NI application software product life cycles, visit ni.com/info and enter one of the following Info Codes:
    [tr][td]Product[/td][td]Info Code[/td][/tr]
    [tr][td]Measurement Studio[/td][td]mstudiolifecycle[/td][/tr]
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    Legal Information
    © 2005–2015 National Instruments. All rights reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    NI respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. NI software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Where NI software may be used to reproduce software or other materials belonging to others, you may use NI software only to reproduce materials that you may reproduce in accordance with the terms of any applicable license or other legal restriction.
    End-User License Agreements and Third-Party Legal Notices
    You can find end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the following locations after installation:
    • Notices are located in the \_Legal Information and directories.
    • EULAs are located in the \Shared\MDF\Legal\license directory.
    • Review \_Legal Information.txt for information on including legal information in installers built with NI products.
    U.S. Government Restricted Rights
    If you are an agency, department, or other entity of the United States Government ("Government"), the use, duplication, reproduction, release, modification, disclosure or transfer of the technical data included in this manual is governed by the Restricted Rights provisions under Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.227-14 for civilian agencies and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Section 252.227-7014 and 252.227-7015 for military agencies.
    IVI Foundation Copyright Notice
    Content from the IVI specifications reproduced with permission from the IVI Foundation.
    The IVI Foundation and its member companies make no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The IVI Foundation and its member companies shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
    Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at ni.com/trademarks for information on NI trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    For patents covering the NI products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the NI Patent Notice at ni.com/patents.
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