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[NI软件产品] NI SignalExpress 1.0 Win32德语/日语/法语/英文 数据​记录​软件Signal Express1.0

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    NI SignalExpress 1.0 Win32德语/日语/法语/英文 数据​记录​软件Signal Express1.0

    SignalExpress​是​一​款​交互​式​数据​记录​软件,​让​您​无​需​编​程,​即可​从​数百​种​数据​采集​仪器​和​设备​上​快速​采集、​分析​并​显示​数据。​SignalExpress​用户​可以​控制​400​多台​基于​PC​的​独立​仪器,​以及​来自​250​多个​数据​采集​设备​的​日志​数据。​该​软件​可以​处理​和​分析​信号,​并​将​结果​信号​发送​到​硬件​设备。​SignalExpress​还​提供​自动​LabVIEW​代码​生成​功能,​可​扩展​应用​程序。​用户​可以​轻松​创建​自​定义​报告,​并​将​其​导出​到​LabVIEW、​DIAdem​或​Microsoft Excel​中。

    Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活:NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本http://visionbbs.com/thread-490-1-1.html


    Windows 2000
    Windows XP
    语言:德语, 日语, 法语, 英文
    文件大小: 158684168 字节 (151.33 MB)
    修改日期: 2004-08-16 22:49
    MD5: 2d3b93eb07923a094b33e28627aa02a6
    SHA1: 712bb964ec8f2c9731d27ba50595619cb6d70374
    SHA256: b9145213298e6ccad3ab321993c6f413ea29a3009f72997e68095e437e98961c
    CRC32: d4cba963
    SignalExpress1.0.txt (499 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)

    NI SignalExpress Readme
    August 2004
    This file contains important information about SignalExpress, including known issues, installation, and compatibility issues. Refer to the Getting Started with NI SignalExpress for information about getting started with SignalExpress. You can access this PDF by selecting Help»Getting Started with NI SignalExpress in the Express Workbench environment.
    Known Issues
    • LabVIEW prompts you with a warning dialog box during project conversion if LabVIEW loads vi.lib subVIs from the National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1 directory rather than from the directory where you saved your project. Click the OK button to resume conversion.
    • The Load from ASCII, Load from LVM, and Load from SPICE steps will convert only 20 imported signals into the LabVIEW VI during project conversion. If you want to import more than 20 signals and then convert the project to a LabVIEW VI, use two or more Load from ASCII, Load from LVM, or Load from SPICE steps.
    • You cannot convert an Express Workbench project to a LabVIEW block diagram if that project uses software triggers.
    • Text in any step configuration view does not display correctly if you set your monitor resolution to 1400 x 1050 or higher or if you use large fonts.
    • Due to driver and operating system issues, absolute time stamps have an inaccuracy of 100 ms to 200 ms. National Instruments recommends that you use relative time stamps.
    • You cannot use Start Trigger from the NI-FGEN Standard Function step or the NI-FGEN Arbitrary Waveform step in continuous generation mode if the NI-FGEN steps are in a sweep operation. The reason is that during a sweep operation, the NI-FGEN devices only send a start trigger at the first sweep iteration.
    • If you configure a device to start on a digital trigger and the trigger source is the start trigger of an analog output DAQmx device, the device might receive the start trigger before the generation starts. This can occur the first time you run the project or on the first iteration of a continuous execution. To work around this issue, configure the analog output device to be a slave by configuring the device with a digital trigger, and selecting a trigger signal from another device as the trigger source.
    • If you load a project which has a step which is synchronized to another step and has Wait for previous checked, the project will hang when run. The run can be aborted. Uncheck Wait for previous, save the project, and reload. The project will now run normally.
    Installation Instructions
    Place the SignalExpress CD in your CD-ROM drive and follow the prompts through the rest of the installation.
    Complete the following steps to use SignalExpress with hardware
    • Install the appropriate driver for that hardware. For Multifunction DAQ, use DAQmx. For High-Speed Digitizers, use NI-SCOPE. For Signal Generators, use NI-FGEN. All drivers are available on the Driver CD.
    • Shut down the computer.
    • Install the hardware.
    • Restart the computer to complete the software installation.
    Compatibility Issues
    SignalExpress is compatible with the following products:
    • DAQmx 7.3 or later
    • NI-SCOPE 2.7 or later
    • NI-FGEN 2.2 or later

    To convert an Express Workbench project to a LabVIEW VI, you must have the LabVIEW 7.1 Full Development System or greater installed.
    SignalExpress will install or update the following applications:
    • MAX 3.1.1
    • LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 7.1
    • LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 7.0

    © 2004 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.

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