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楼主 |
发表于 2024-11-27 08:38:58
来自:广东省东莞市 电信
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康耐视Cognex Webscan TRUCHECK SOFTWARE VERSION 3.03.67
Feature additions / improvements
Added support for 2020 revision of ISO/IEC 29158, which includes continuous grading and change to MR grade levels with selection under Grading Standards.
Provided Pass Grade support for decimal values of 0.0 to 4.0 to support ISO/IEC 29158 continuous grading.
Changed format of overall grade reporting to show number grade first, and lesser grade in parenthesis, to numerical grades.
Enabled Pass Grade application standard to include GS1 Data Format check as part of Acceptance Criteria.
Removed Update from help menu because this is no longer supported.
Enabled user to edit the paths for report saving, in addition to using the browse function.
Added support for GS1 AI fields defined in 2022 and 2023 Gen Spec.
Added support for new camera version for certain models of TruCheck Omni.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug with parsing of AI data fields that include optional minutes and seconds.
Solved a problem with displaying the report tab on some Windows systems.
文件类型: .zip
文件大小: 118.1MB
版本: 3.03.67
发布日期: 2023/3/7
文件名: TruCheck_v3.03.67_b3611_Updater.zip
文件大小: 123885204 字节 (118.15 MB)
修改日期: 2023-03-08 06:58
MD5: d0ce48e6bf244ee209c32305c4338072
SHA1: 77ff30b1cdad4c1851867f912dec2b3b883ef892
SHA256: ea84acd3876f341343727ba748d70b268ac5743805e0d9acbc7826eda9ff257f
CRC32: 22c360ff
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1BCYai4oJ5vefihzBCxyIbA 提取码:
--来自百度网盘超级会员v7的分享 |