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这里的算子索引是针对.NET环境的,其他环境的基本类似。索引是从Halcon 17.12版本开始统计,算子名称中未包含数字版本说明的,表示17.12版本中已经包含了该算子。算子名称中有数字说明的,则表示该算子是从数字表示版本才增加的新算子。目前已经更新到Halcon 24.11版本。而17.12之前版本中是否包含当前的算子,则未做验证。但是从更新历史来看,大部分的算子都是包含的,更新版本后,也只是增加少量几个十几二十几个新算子。
《LabVIEW HALCON图像处理入门教程(24.09)》含深度学习,LabVIEW使用NI VISION+Halcon混合编程机器视觉与图像处理入门学习资料
Index of all Operators所有算子索引 C1
CalibrateCameras标定相机Determine all camera parameters by a simultaneous minimization process. 通过同时最小化过程确定所有相机参数。 CalibrateHandEye标定手眼Perform a hand-eye calibration. 执行手眼标定。 CalibrateSheetOfLight标定激光三角测量Calibrate a sheet-of-light setup with a 3D calibration object. 使用三维标定对象标定激光三角测量设置。 CaltabPoints标定表点Read the mark center points from the calibration plate description file. 从标定板描述文件中读取标记中心点。 CamMatToCamPar相机矩阵至相机参数Compute the internal camera parameters from a camera matrix. 根据相机矩阵计算内部相机参数。 CamParPoseToHomMat3d相机参数姿态至齐次矩阵三维Convert internal camera parameters and a 3D pose into a 3×4 projection matrix. 将内部相机参数和三维姿态转换至3×4投影矩阵。 CamParToCamMat相机参数至相机矩阵Compute a camera matrix from internal camera parameters. 根据内部相机参数计算相机矩阵。 CameraCalibration相机标定Determine all camera parameters by a simultaneous minimization process. 通过同时最小化过程确定所有相机参数。 CfaToRgb颜色滤波阵列至红绿蓝Convert a single-channel color filter array image into an RGB image. 将单通道颜色滤波阵列CFA(Color Filter Array)图像转换为RGB图像。 ChangeDomain更改域Change definition domain of an image. 更改图像的定义域。 ChangeFormat更改格式Change image size. 更改图像大小。这里的函数名称是更改格式,实际上的作用是更改大小,为什么不直接将函数名称叫为更改大小?因为图像格式更多的可以理解成png/jpg等图像类型,或者是byte/int2/uint2等位深类型。当然,byte/int2/uint2等在Halcon中则描述为Type。 ChangeRadialDistortionCamPar更改径向畸变相机参数Determine new camera parameters in accordance to the specified radial distortion. 根据指定的径向畸变确定新的相机参数。 ChangeRadialDistortionContoursXld更改径向畸变轮廓扩展线描述Change the radial distortion of contours. 更改轮廓的径向畸变。 ChangeRadialDistortionImage更改径向畸变图像Change the radial distortion of an image. 更改图像的径向畸变。 ChangeRadialDistortionPoints更改径向畸变点Change the radial distortion of pixel coordinates. 更改像素坐标的径向畸变。 ChannelsToImage通道至图像Convert one-channel images into a multi-channel image 将单通道图像转换为多通道图像 CharThreshold字符阈值Perform a threshold segmentation for extracting characters. 执行阈值分割以提取字符。 CheckDifference检查差Compare two images pixel by pixel. 逐像素比较两幅图像。 Circularity圆形度Shape factor for the circularity (similarity to a circle) of a region. 区域圆形度(与圆的相似性)的形状因子。 CircularityXld圆形度扩展线描述Shape factor for the circularity (similarity to a circle) of contours or polygons. 轮廓或多边形的圆形度(与圆的相似性)的形状因子。 Class2dimSup类二维分割使用像素Segment an image using two-dimensional pixel classification. 使用二维像素分类对图像进行分割。2dim是二维,Sup可能是Segment using pixel的首字母? Class2dimUnsup类二维分割不使用像素Segment two images by clustering. 通过聚类对两幅图像进行分割。Halcon的有些函数名称取的真的是比较无语,精简又不是精简,取单字母又不是首字母。这里的Unsup应该是un Segment using pixel,不使用像素分割,那就是使用聚类分割? ClassNdimBox类N维盒子Classify pixels using hyper-cuboids. 使用超长方体对像素进行分类。 ClassNdimNorm类N维标准Classify pixels using hyper-spheres or hyper-cubes. 使用超球体或超立方体对像素进行分类。 ClassifyClassGmm分类类高斯混合模型Calculate the class of a feature vector by a Gaussian Mixture Model. 通过高斯混合模型计算特征向量的类。 ClassifyClassKnn分类类K-最近邻Search for the next neighbors for a given feature vector. 搜索给定特征向量的下一个邻居。 ClassifyClassMlp分类类多层感知机Calculate the class of a feature vector by a multilayer perceptron. 通过多层感知机计算特征向量的类。 ClassifyClassSvm分类类支持向量机Classify a feature vector by a support vector machine. 通过支持向量机对特征向量进行分类。 ClassifyImageClassGmm分类图像类高斯混合模型Classify an image with a Gaussian Mixture Model. 使用高斯混合模型对图像进行分类。 ClassifyImageClassKnn分类图像类K-最近邻Classify an image with a k-Nearest-Neighbor classifier. 使用k-最近邻分类器对图像进行分类。 ClassifyImageClassLut分类图像类查找表Classify a byte image using a look-up table. 使用查找表对字节图像进行分类。 ClassifyImageClassMlp分类图像类多层感知机Classify an image with a multilayer perceptron. 用多层感知机对图像进行分类。 ClassifyImageClassSvm分类图像类支持向量机Classify an image with a support vector machine. 使用支持向量机对图像进行分类。 ClearAllBarCodeModels清除所有条形码模型This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all bar code models and free the allocated memory. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:删除所有条形码模型并释放分配的内存。 ClearAllBarriers清除所有屏障This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Destroy all barrier synchronization objects. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:销毁所有屏障同步对象。 ClearAllCalibData清除所有标定数据Free the memory of all calibration data models. 释放所有标定数据模型的内存。 ClearAllCameraSetupModels清除所有相机设置模型Free the memory of all camera setup models. 释放所有相机设置模型的内存。 ClearAllClassGmm清除所有类高斯混合模型This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all Gaussian Mixture Models. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:清除所有高斯混合模型。 ClearAllClassKnn清除所有类K-最近邻This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all k-NN classifiers. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:清除所有k-最近邻分类器。 ClearAllClassLut清除所有类查找表This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all look-up table classifiers. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:清除所有查找表分类器。 ClearAllClassMlp清除所有类多层感知机This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all multilayer perceptrons. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:清除所有多层感知机。 ClearAllClassSvm清除所有类支持向量机This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all support vector machines. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:清除所有支持向量机。 ClearAllClassTrainData清除所有类训练数据This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all training data for classifiers. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:清除分类器的所有训练数据。 ClearAllColorTransLuts清除所有颜色变换查找表This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all look-up-tables of the color space transformation. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:删除颜色空间变换的所有查找表。 ClearAllComponentModels清除所有组件模型This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all component models. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:释放所有组件模型的内存。 ClearAllConditions清除所有条件This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Destroy all condition synchronization objects. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:销毁所有条件同步对象。 ClearAllDataCode2dModels清除所有数据码二维模型This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all 2D data code models and free the allocated memory. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:删除所有二维数据码模型并释放分配的内存。 ClearAllDeformableModels清除所有可变形模型This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all deformable models. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:释放所有可变形模型的内存。 ClearAllDescriptorModels清除所有描述符模型This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all descriptor models in RAM. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:释放随机存取存储器中所有描述符模型的内存。 ClearAllEvents清除所有事件This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all event synchronization objects. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:清除所有事件同步对象。 ClearAllLexica清除所有词典This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all lexica. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:清除所有词典。 ClearAllMatrices清除所有矩阵This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all matrices from memory. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:从内存中清除所有矩阵。 ClearAllMetrologyModels清除所有计量模型This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all metrology models and free the allocated memory. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:删除所有计量模型并释放分配的内存。 ClearAllMutexes清除所有互斥This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all mutex synchronization objects. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:清除所有互斥同步对象。 ClearAllNccModels清除所有归一化互相关模型This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all NCC models. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:释放所有归一化互相关NCC(Normalized cross-correlation)模型的内存。 ClearAllObjectModel3d清除所有对象模型三维This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all 3D object models. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:释放所有三维对象模型的内存。 ClearAllOcrClassKnn清除所有光学字符识别类K-最近邻This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all OCR classifiers. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:清除所有光学字符识别OCR(Optical Character Recognition)分类器。 ClearAllOcrClassMlp清除所有光学字符识别类多层感知机This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all OCR classifiers. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:清除所有光学字符识别分类器。 ClearAllOcrClassSvm清除所有光学字符识别类支持向量机This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all SVM based OCR classifiers. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:清除所有基于支持向量机的光学字符识别分类器。 ClearAllSampleIdentifiers清除所有样本标识符This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all sample identifiers. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:释放所有样本标识符的内存。 ClearAllScatteredDataInterpolators清除所有散乱数据插值器This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all scattered data interpolators. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:清除所有散乱数据插值器。 ClearAllSerializedItems清除所有序列化项This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all current existing serialized items. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:删除所有当前存在的序列化项。 ClearAllShapeModel3d清除所有形状模型三维This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all 3D shape models. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:释放所有三维形状模型的内存。 ClearAllShapeModels清除所有形状模型This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all shape models. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:释放所有形状模型的内存。 ClearAllSheetOfLightModels清除所有激光三角测量模型This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all sheet-of-light models and free the allocated memory. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:删除所有灯光模型并释放分配的内存。 ClearAllStereoModels清除所有立体模型This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all stereo models. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:释放所有立体模型的内存。 ClearAllSurfaceMatchingResults清除所有表面匹配结果This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all surface matching results. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:释放所有表面匹配结果的内存。 ClearAllSurfaceModels清除所有表面模型This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all surface models. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:释放所有表面模型的内存。 ClearAllTemplates清除所有模板This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Deallocation of the memory of all templates. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:取消所有模板的内存分配。 ClearAllTextModels清除所有文本模型This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all text models. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:清除所有文本模型。 ClearAllTextResults清除所有文本结果This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all text results. 该算子无法操作。它具有以下功能:清除所有文本结果。