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[MVTEC] MVTEC MERLIC 3.0.13标准智能图像处理软件下载 非破解版 多国语言完整版

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    发表于 2020-11-5 16:33:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:广东省东莞市 电信


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    MVTEC MERLIC 3.0.13标准智能图像处理软件下载 非破解版 多国语言完整版

    MVTEC公司出品Halcon同门小师弟MERLIC 3.0.13下载,本版本为非破解版,可以45天试用期。


    MERLIC为一款标准的智能软件,不需要太多编程知识,只需要拖动需要的功能模块,组成一定的工作流程,配置一下参数,完成配方配置,即可应用于机器视觉领域。同时MERLIC优化并行处理功能,可匹配多相机的工位应用。再加上其基于Halcon的底层,图像检测功能是非常优秀的。不过相对较贵的价格,2万+的人民币,一般个人可能承受不起。如有需要,可联系我方论坛购买大恒Pallas智星智能相机的批量许可证版本的MERLIC,该版本是大恒批发的MERLIC,绑定了大恒的PALLAS智星智能相机,即只能使用PALLAS智能相机(现阶段有两款带MERLIC软件的型号可选择,一个是全局的130万相机的PALLAS 6513M-M0(MERLIC全功能版),另一款为行曝光630万像素的PALLAS 6563M-M0(MERLIC全功能版),其它的相机如大恒水星MER、火星MARS、Basler、AVT等品牌的相机,都不支持。两款智能相机带MERLIC软件,2万以内可以拿下,详情可联系我方。如需要支持其它非PALLAS的工业相机的MERLIC,可购买独立版本的,价格2万以上。
    文件名: merlic-3.0.13-windows.exe
    文件大小: 750622768 字节 (715.85 MB)
    修改日期: 2020-11-05 12:43
    MD5: 63408823f622eff4236854be7826c1b6
    SHA1: 8334934ae692d13cb988e1700eea753c7ef1a81e
    SHA256: 577381c0465fb2c2c28a2f1b6d58f9b278ef2fbcd913dee606a669bbe0277be5
    CRC32: 95edcb6f

    MERLIC 3.0.13版本下载:

    提取码: 73ds

    Release Notes for MERLIC 3.0.13
    Here you can find the release notes for MVTec MERLIC 3.0.13, as released in October 2020. MERLIC 3.0.13 is a maintenance release that provides fixes for critical bugs.

    Known Issues
    Fixed Problems
    Several vulnerabilities in CodeMeter Runtime, the license management of MERLIC, have been disclosed on the website of WIBU Systems on September 8, 2020. Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could potentially lead to remote code execution or prevent normal operation of MERLIC. This problem has been fixed. This MERLIC version uses the updated CodeMeter Runtime version 7.10a which secures the remote access.
    Known Issues
    The following issues are already known and in development process. They will be fixed for upcoming releases.

    The individual colors that can be defined for an ROI are not consistent in all MERLIC components. If the color for an ROI is defined within the MERLIC Backend, it is not correctly adopted in the MERLIC Designer or MERLIC Frontend and vice versa.
    The tool 'Write to File' writes the specified file to different locations depending on how MERLIC has been started. If MERLIC has been started via double-clicking on a MERLIC Vision App, the file is written relative to the location of the corresponding MERLIC Vision App. If MERLIC has been started via the Desktop shortcut or the Windows Start Menu, the file is written to the location of the MERLIC installation directory. We recommend to use an absolute file path to ensure that the file is written to the correct directory.
    If a parameter contains an array of values, it cannot be edited correctly by clicking on its connector. The corresponding slider does not work and values that were entered into the input field are not adopted. Furthermore, using angle brackets converts the value to a single value. This problem mostly occurs in the tools of the category 'ROI Creation' if more than one ROI is created. We recommend to use the interactive modification within the image instead of modifying the parameters at the connectors.
    The tool 'Determine Data History' is not executed correctly if the parameter 'Buffer Size' is connected to a previous tool.
    Parameters of the tool 'Communicate via Digital I/O' cannot be used in the MERLIC Frontend because the parameters are not correctly connected to the Designer widgets.


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