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[MVTEC] MVTEC Deep Learning Tool 0.6.2 EARLY ADOPTER x64 windows 深度学习工具dlt-0.6.2早鸟版

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    发表于 2022-2-22 15:23:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:广东省东莞市 电信


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    MVTEC Deep Learning Tool 0.6.2 EARLY ADOPTER x64 windows 深度学习工具dlt-0.6.2早鸟版

    文件名: dlt-0.6.2-ea.zip
    文件大小: 1955578241 字节 (1.82 GB)
    修改日期: 2022-02-18 16:34
    MD5: c357dce02cd51d6367e30fe5824e27c3
    SHA1: fcd2521ebdecadcbbd8b5fbb78a8da8427f76691
    SHA256: c06e77fef64c9aea2321891fce7914de65ee596fc9692727b8b6a796508b69ad
    CRC32: 0bc618f8




    This document provides the release notes for MVTec Deep Learning Tool 0.6.2 Early Adopter, as released on 2021-11-25.
    The license of version 0.6.2 EA is valid until 2022-12-31.
    • The Deep Learning Tool now offers labeling for instance segmentation. This comprises the following:
      • The new project type “Instance Segmentation” offers to create and edit labels based on polygons or mask regions for instance segmentation scenarios with axis-aligned bounding boxes.
      • It is possible to import a dataset from a HALCON dictionary containing data labeled for instance segmentation.
      • It is possible to export a project labeled for instance segmentation as a HALCON dictionary.
    • There is a new Smart Label Tool for interactive labeling of pixel-precise masks for semantic or instance segmentation projects. To create a mask, the user first draws a bounding box around the object that should be segmented and then clicks the object inside. The method then presents a preview of the resulting segmentation. This mask can either be confirmed or adapted by clicking again.
    • The buttons for navigating between images on the Image page have been moved from the main area to the left panel. This provides more space for the images.
    • In segmentation projects, it is now possible to draw and edit pixel-based regions (masks) using a pen. During the creation or editing of such a mask region, parts of the region can be removed with an eraser.
    • It is now possible to delete projects via the Project page, which moves the project file as well as the project folder with all training data (if available) to the system's recycling bin.
      For the current project, the control panel on the left contains a new dot menu with an entry for deleting the project. In addition, the project thumbnails in the main area now have a context menu. The context menu offers entries for the deletion of the project, for opening or closing the project, and an entry for opening File Explorer at the project's file path.
    • The evaluation report has been extended with information about the augmentation parameters, the random seed, the class weights, and whether deterministic algorithms are used.
    • The documentation was improved in regard to the workflow between DLT and HALCON and now explains the current state of DLT's support of the respective scenarios more clearly.
    • It is now possible to modify the points of a polygon in drawing mode as well.
    • The Review page is now also available for segmentation projects.
    • The folder containing the log files can now be accessed via a link in the Help menu.
    • The help pages are now easier to navigate by dynamically displaying the current position in the table of contents.
    • In segmentation projects, irrelevant residual regions, holes, or components (e.g., overlapped regions or holes outside of polygons) can now be removed using the new cleanup tool.
    • In segmentation projects, the mode for drawing polygons now offers an option to add additional polygon components to the selected label.
    • In segmentation projects, components of a mask region can now be separated into independent regions using the new split tool. Vice versa, the new merge tool allows users to combine several regions into one.
    • In segmentation projects, it is now possible to change the Z-order of labels, i.e., to define if a label is above or below another one, by using corresponding tool buttons or by dragging the labels in the label list.
    • The Image page now offers a context menu to quickly access some widely used image and label actions: Delete, copy, cut, or paste labels, or navigate to the image in Windows Explorer. The label actions are also offered via a context menu in the label table on the right. This includes selecting a label region even if the region is not part of the current selection.
    • Previously, scrollbars were not displayed until the user hovered the corresponding area, sometimes making it unclear whether additional content was available. Now, all needed scrollbars are permanently visible.
    • For segmentation projects, it is now possible to rearrange the labels in the label list via drag and drop.
    • In some numerical text fields, it was possible to enter commas. This could lead to invalid numbers, e.g., when entering "0,01" for the learning rate. This problem has been fixed. Now, commas are rejected as input in all numerical text fields.
    • Although polygons composed of only a single point are not allowed, it was possible to create such a polygon by clicking twice at the same position. This problem has been fixed.
    • On some systems, the training crashed when the number of CPU threads was changed during a training. This problem has been fixed. Now, you have to stop the training before you can change the number of CPU threads.
    • The project description area showed the label classes in random order. This problem has been fixed. Now, the order is the same as on other pages.
    • The documentation now explains several augmentation settings in more detail.
    • When editing polygons it was not possible to add new points to exactly vertical line segments. This problem has been fixed.
    • Exporting a dataset with empty labels failed with an error message. This problem has been fixed.
    • In semantic segmentation projects the wrong class was highlighted when the label class selector combo box near the selected label region was opened. This problem has been fixed.
    • When deleting the second to last point of a polygon, the polygon became empty. This problem has been fixed. Now, deleting the second to last point is not possible.
    • In a semantic segmentation project, if a mask region was copied and pasted into the same image followed by zooming into the image, the Deep Learning tool could freeze. This problem has been fixed.
    • If there is no class yet while creating the first label, the DLT now creates a class with a default name.
    • In segmentation projects, the file name of the image in the HALCON dictionary did not match the actual file name on disk for image formats other than PNG. This problem has been fixed. Now, the file names are consistent.
    • Opening an image path in File Explorer via the context menu on the Gallery page did not work if the path contained spaces. This problem has been fixed.
    • If an image was zoomed during the editing of a region, e.g., by turning the mouse wheel, the edited region could get corrupted. This problem has been fixed.
    • The documentation did not mention which HALCON version is used by the DLT and that exported models can only be processed with the corresponding HALCON version or later. This problem has been fixed.
    • If during the rotation of a label region of type oriented rectangle the image part was moved by pressing the Ctrl key and moving the image, the edited region could get corrupted. This problem has been fixed.
    • A semantic segmentation project could enter an inconsistent state if a point was grabbed and dragged from a polygon region with a hole and then the ESC key was pressed to cancel the current change. After that, the polygon region was no longer usable and the program could crash after reloading the project. This problem has been fixed.
    • Although the DLT does not support image files of format IMA, they could be added to a project. This problem has been fixed. Now, IMA files are not available in the filter options of the file dialogs anymore.
    • The training could not handle TIFF images containing multiple images. This problem has been fixed. Furthermore, the log messages now contain the image path when a training or inference step fails.
    • In semantic segmentation projects, it could happen that a polygon point was highlighted because it was hovered and then remained highlighted although the mouse was moved somewhere else. This problem has been fixed.
    • In some cases it was possible to draw holes even if there was no region of the class available to which the hole could belong. This problem has been fixed.
    • Sometimes the label class selector was shown even though the label was outside of view. This problem has been fixed. Now, only the classes of labels currently visible can be changed.
    • The mask of a polygon was not always correctly visualized and calculated. This problem has been fixed.
    • The log file now contains information about the OpenGL driver and the screen on which the DLT is displayed first.


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