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[MVTEC] MVTEC MERLIC 5.6.1 Linux aarch64-linux运行版MERLIC 5.6.1 Runtime for aarch64-linux

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     楼主| 发表于 2024-11-25 10:15:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:广东省东莞市 电信


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    MVTEC MERLIC 5.6.1 Linux aarch64-linux运行版MERLIC 5.6.1 Runtime for aarch64-linux

    文件名: merlic-5.6.1-aarch64-linux_merlic_rte-dl.tar.gz
    文件大小: 969505805 字节 (924.59 MB)
    修改日期: 2024-11-11 23:13
    MD5: 0d37a12d65eacb94950fdc5ee7630b18
    SHA1: ca0771e02dce7f4d9e07063b691f58ee0c4bee9e
    SHA256: e86d3f8827d252d715431531ba2de35f8b0a7d9488c6c1b562e25c2c93665a6a
    CRC32: 21fdb9a4



    MERLIC 5.6 的最新功能
    在新版本中,我们延续了 MERLIC 的既定路线——简单的流程集成与强大的机器视觉方法相结合。这就是为什么 MERLIC 5.6 再次包含一个界面,进一步简化 MERLIC 的流程集成。此外,还将有令人兴奋的新功能。

    在连接性方面,5.6 版本将引入针对 Siemens SIMATIC S7 PLC 的插件。此外,现有的 REST API 插件也得到了扩展,新增了直接访问图像结果的功能。新的机器视觉方法包括对 2D 数据代码的质量控制选项和利用光度立体技术进行的表面重建,后者也用于质量控制。客户还可以期待基于 AI 的深度学习应用程序的增强功能。

    西门子 S7 通讯插件
    新版 MERLIC 现已包含一个用于与西门子 SIMATIC S7 PLC 通信的插件。这一插件使 MERLIC 能够直接访问西门子被广泛应用的 PLC,进一步提升其连接性。对于客户而言,这款插件不仅提升了使用的便捷性,还能够更快速、直接地集成到生产环境中。

    图像采集的参数化功能使用户可以轻松切换不同的预设相机参数设置。这不仅提升了操作的便捷性,还节省了时间,同时为新的应用场景提供了更多可能性。借助这一功能,MERLIC 中的机器视觉应用(即 MVApps)能够在特定的相机设置下顺利运行。

    使用 REST 插件进行图像传输
    REST 插件自 MERLIC 5.4 版本推出以来便可用。该接口为使用 REST API 网络服务打开了广阔的可能性。在新版本的 MERLIC 中,用户现在还可以通过该接口访问图像。这在将 MERLIC 生成的图像直接集成到 HTML 网站中时尤其有用,使用户能够更方便地控制和监控生产过程。这意味着,客户可以将 REST API 的图像直接嵌入到他们的应用程序中。此外,扩展的图像内存允许通过插件异步检索 MERLIC 中的图像,从而提升了操作的灵活性和效率。

    针对 AI2 加速器优化的深度学习模型可直接在相应的 MERLIC 工具中使用。典型的工作流程是在深度学习工具中训练模型。导出后,模型可针对目标硬件进行优化,然后直接在 MERLIC 中使用。在 MERLIC 中,无需进一步调整模型,因此在加载程序时可节省大量时间。

    2D 二维码的印刷质量
    在生产行业中,2D 二维码的质量控制至关重要。MERLIC 5.6 中的新方法不仅可以读码,还能够评估其印刷质量。代码的印刷质量依据 AIM DPM-1-2006 和 ISO/IEC 15415 标准进行评估。该新方法加快了商品标签印刷质量的检测过程,对许多公司来说具有重要意义。

    此功能提升了 MERLIC 中复杂工具流程的清晰度,使用户能够更明确地搜索特定工具。

    光度立体技术(Photometric Stereo)是一种用于重建物体 3D 表面结构的机器视觉技术,该技术通常用于检测表面缺陷,因为它能够非常精确地捕捉到物体表面微小的凹凸和细节。光度立体表面重建”功能将首先加入MERLIC的概念工具中。此功能所需的特定照明,也可通过MERLIC内的GenICam相机接口轻松控制。

    提供 MERLIC在线说明文档
    从 5.6 版本开始,MERLIC 说明文档可在 MVTec 网站 www.merlic.help 上获取。这使用户能够直接通过相应网页上的链接共享文档参考资料。


    在 MERLIC 5.6 版本中,一些之前以测试形式提供的方法已被转移到新的工具中。这些工具包括:“使用深度学习计数”、“ 像素级精确图像分割”和“ 颜色识别”。
    “ 颜色识别”功能允许用户在不同条件下可靠地识别颜色,并且可以通过调整参数进一步优化结果。该方法在质量保证中起到重要作用,例如在检测任务或选择正确组件的应用中。

    Release Notes for MERLIC 5.6.1
    This document provides the release notes for MVTec MERLIC 5.6.1, as released in November 2024. You can also refer to the topic What's New in MERLIC 5.6 in the MERLIC manual for further information on new features and enhancements.

    Supported Operating Systems
    Process Integration
    MERLIC Creator
    MERLIC Frontend
    Known Issues
    Supported Operating Systems
    MERLIC is available for Windows and Linux systems. On Windows, all components of MERLIC can be used. For Linux systems, currently only the runtime environment of MERLIC, MERLIC RTE, is available.

    MERLIC 5.6.1 is available for Windows 10 (64-bit, version 1903) or newer.

    MERLIC RTE is available on PC-based and Arm-based Linux 5.0 systems.

    Developing the MVApp is still done on a Windows system with the MERLIC Creator. The application can then be used with MERLIC RTE on the Linux system. Cameras can be set up remotely with the help of MERLIC RTE Setup.

    System Requirements
    A detailed description of the system requirements for installing and using MERLIC on Windows and Linux systems is provided in the MERLIC manual on the page System Requirements.

    Process Integration
    Fixed Problems
    When adjusting parameter values via spinboxes in the MERLIC RTE Setup, some unexpected behavior occurred. While entering a value, the text was updated unexpectedly which caused the text cursor to jump to a different position. This made it difficult to enter the desired value via the keyboard. In addition, values were sometimes wrongly marked as out of range. These problems have been fixed.

    MERLIC Creator
    Fixed Problems
    When using MERLIC without an "Extension Tools" add-on, the preference dialog in the MERLIC Creator showed an unnecessary empty area where the tab for the custom tool settings is usually located, that is, between the "Colors" and "Process Integration" tabs. This problem has been fixed.

    MERLIC Frontend
    Fixed Problems
    When using the MERLIC Frontend on Windows 11 with dark theme, the menus in the MERLIC Frontend were displayed in a dark layout and the wrong size instead of the usual layout of MERLIC. This problem has been fixed. The styling of the MERLIC Frontend menu has been changed to fit the menu style of the MERLIC Creator.

    Fixed Problems
    When adding the tool "Count In Back Light" or "Locate Objects with Similar Gray Values" to a MERLIC Vision App, an error message was written to the log file. This problem has been fixed. The tools will now be added without generating any error message in the log file.

    Sometimes, some security software blocked the startup of MERLIC. This problem has been fixed. Additional protection files are deployed within the MERLIC installation and the used CodeMeter license protection suite has been updated to version 8.20.
    Fixed Problems
    Some of the license information of the used third-party software was not displayed correctly in the "About" dialog of the MERLIC Creator due to incorrect encoding. This problem has been fixed.

    Known Issues
    The following issue is already known and in development process. It will be fixed for upcoming releases.

    In frequent cases, when using TensorRT™ accelerated processing units in MERLIC tools with deep learning technology, MERLIC crashes if the required memory for the deep learning model exceeds the available memory on the GPU.
    When an instance of MERLIC Creator or MERLIC RTE of version 5.0 is remotely configured using a MERLIC RTE Setup 5.1 or newer, removing an image source from a configuration will cause the Creator or RTE application to crash. We recommend to upgrade Creator/RTE to the current version or, in lieu of that, to use RTE Setup 5.0 to configure Creator/RTE 5.0.
    When an instance of MERLIC Creator or MERLIC RTE of version 5.2 (or newer) is remotely configured using a MERLIC RTE Setup 5.1, it is not possible to rename image sources or configurations, despite the fact that this feature has been added in MERLIC 5.1. We recommend upgrading the MERLIC RTE Setup to version 5.2.

    Legal Notes:
    Modicon® is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric USA, Inc.

    Intel, the Intel logo, OpenVINO, the OpenVINO logo, and Movidius are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.

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